Common Kubernetes Commands
This document provides a list of common Kubernetes commands along with brief descriptions.
Kubernetes provides a command line tool for communicating with a Kubernetes cluster's control plane, using the Kubernetes API.
This page contains a list of commonly used kubectl commands and flags.
kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.
Find more information in Command line tool (kubectl).
kubectl cluster-info
Display cluster information.
kubectl get nodes
List all nodes in the cluster.
kubectl describe node
Show detailed information about a specific node.
kubectl cordon
Mark node as unschedulable.
kubectl uncordon
Mark node as schedulable.
kubectl drain
Drain a node in preparation for maintenance.
kubectl taint
Taint a node to prevent it from accepting any pods that do not tolerate the taint.
kubectl get pods
List all pods in the namespace.
kubectl get pods -A
List all pods across all namespaces.
kubectl describe pod
Show detailed information about a specific pod.
kubectl logs
Print the logs for a container in a pod.
kubectl exec
Execute a command in a container.
kubectl port-forward
Forward one or more local ports to a pod.
kubectl delete pod
Delete a pod.
kubectl get svc
List all services in the namespace.
kubectl describe svc
Show detailed information about a specific service.
kubectl expose
Expose a resource as a new Kubernetes service.
kubectl get deployments
List all deployments in the namespace.
kubectl describe deployment
Show detailed information about a specific deployment.
kubectl create deployment
Create a deployment.
kubectl scale
Scale a deployment.
kubectl set image
Update the image of a deployment.
kubectl rollout status
Show the status of the rollout.
kubectl rollout history
Show the rollout history.
kubectl rollout undo
Roll back to a previous deployment revision.
kubectl get namespaces
List all namespaces.
kubectl create namespace
Create a new namespace.
kubectl delete namespace
Delete a namespace.
ConfigMap and Secret Management
kubectl get configmaps
List all ConfigMaps in the namespace.
kubectl describe configmap
Show detailed information about a specific ConfigMap.
kubectl create configmap
Create a ConfigMap.
kubectl delete configmap
Delete a ConfigMap.
kubectl get secrets
List all secrets in the namespace.
kubectl describe secret
Show detailed information about a specific secret.
kubectl create secret
Create a secret.
kubectl delete secret
Delete a secret.
Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim Management
kubectl get pv
List all persistent volumes.
kubectl get pvc
List all persistent volume claims in the namespace.
kubectl describe pv
Show detailed information about a specific persistent volume.
kubectl describe pvc
Show detailed information about a specific persistent volume claim.
kubectl delete pv
Delete a persistent volume.
kubectl delete pvc
Delete a persistent volume claim.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Management
kubectl get roles
List all roles in the namespace.
kubectl get rolebindings
List all role bindings in the namespace.
kubectl get clusterroles
List all cluster roles.
kubectl get clusterrolebindings
List all cluster role bindings.
kubectl describe role
Show detailed information about a specific role.
kubectl describe rolebinding
Show detailed information about a specific role binding.
kubectl describe clusterrole
Show detailed information about a specific cluster role.
kubectl describe clusterrolebinding
Show detailed information about a specific cluster role binding.
kubectl apply
Apply a configuration to a resource by filename or stdin.
kubectl create
Create a resource from a file or from stdin.
kubectl delete
Delete resources by filenames, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector.
kubectl edit
Edit a resource on the server.
kubectl get events
List events in the namespace.
kubectl label
Add or update labels on resources.
kubectl annotate
Add or update annotations on resources.
kubectl config view
Display merged kubeconfig settings.
kubectl config use-context
Set the current context in your kubeconfig.
kubectl version
Print the client and server version information.