The following tags are forbidden in TI-A:
- SubfileType
- Thresholding
- CellWidth
- CellLength
- FillOrder
- MinSampleValue
- MaxSampleValue
- FreeOffsets
- FreeByteCounts
- T4Options
- T6Options
- TransferFunction
- Predictor
- WhitePoint
- PrimaryChromaticities
- ColorMap
- HalftoneHints
- TileWidth
- TileLength
- TileOffsets
- TileByteCounts
- SubIFDs
- InkSet
- InkNames
- NumberOfInks
- DotRange
- TargetPrinter
- ExtraSamples
- SMinSampleValue
- SMaxSampleValue
- TransferRange
- JPEGTables
- JPEGProc
- JPEGInterchangeFormat
- JPEGInterchangeFormatLngth
- JPEGRestartInterval
- JPEGLosslessPredictors
- JPEGPointTransforms
- JPEGQTables
- JPEGDCTables
- JPEGACTables
- YCbCrCoefficients
- YCbCrSubSampling
- YCbCrPositioning
- ReferenceBlackWhite
- CFARepeatPatternDim
- CFAPattern
- Interlace
- CompressedBitsPerPixel
- FocalPlaneXResolution
- FocalPlaneYResolution
- ImageSourceData
Add any of these tags to a TIFF file and check against the TI-A recommendations.