A viewer and editor compatible with the EditorJS schema.
This library is still under development, so critical bugs are expected and should not be used right now for a production environment.
Also, right now this plugin is compatible with Flutter 1 and 2. We are working in Flutter v3 compatibility and will come soon.
Add these lines in your pubspec.yaml file on the dependencies level:
editorjs_flutter: any
After that just execute flutter pub get
in Terminal as always.
For Viewer, you must ensure you have as input an EditorJS JSON as shown in EditorJS documentation at https://editorjs.io/.
Also, you need to create a JSON file with the following schema for CSS styles:
"cssTags": [
"tag" : "code",
"backgroundColor" : "#33ff0000",
"color" : "#ffff0000",
"padding" : 5.0
"tag" : "mark",
"backgroundColor" : "#ffffff00",
"padding" : 5.0
"defaultFont" : "Roboto"
After that, you may use the viewer as follows:
EditorJSView editorJSView; // Set your EditorJSView instance.
// Substitute as the way of getting your JSON
String data = await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadString("example_asset/example.json");
String styles = await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadString("example_asset/editorjsstyles.json");
setState(() { // Recommended for async environments.
editorJSView = EditorJSView(editorJSData: data);
Finally, assign it to your widget as you wish. The Viewer has the same features as a common column.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Your app title"),
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(children: [
(editorJSView != null) ? editorJSView : Text("Please wait...")
Editor is available right now as an alpha preview and is still under development. You may use it as follows:
EditorJSEditor editorJSEditor;
void initState() {
setState(() {
editorJSEditor = EditorJSEditor();
Finally, assign it to your widget as you wish. The Editor has the same features as a common column.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Create Note"),
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(children: [
(editorJSEditor != null) ? editorJSEditor : Text("Please wait")
I want to say thank you to all collaborators on this development. Kudos for you :D
@Dhi13man - Flutter 2 compatibility and Null Safety.
Please send me a message to Twitter (@RZEROSTERN) or an email to marco.ramirez@rzerocorp.com for getting in touch.
Also if you have an issue or want to propose a fix, please leave it in the Issues tab on Github. I'll fix it ASAP.
Made in Mexico with love by RZEROSTERN