A Bower registry in Node, Express & SQLite3 that tries to be an easy way of hosting private Bower registrys. The target audience are users that develop proprietary javascript but still want to use Bower as package manager.
Install SQLite3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 git-core curl -y
Install node dependencies
sudo npm install -g bower grunt-cli
npm install
Install bower dependencies
bower install
If you have a proxy you need to add it to these to files on line 2:
nano +2 Gruntfile.js
nano +2 templates/.bowerrc
Run tests and sync with official Bower repository
Configure server location
grunt config:<ip-address>:port
Configure SSH on your server
Read more here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html
Run server
node bowers-nest.js
Copy templates/.bowerrc to to your project and have fun! Now these commands will use your private Bower registry
bower search
bower install <package-name>
bower remove <package-name>
Register package with name = unicorn. Run this command and follow on screen instructions
grunt register:unicorn
To register package without automatically setting up git repository, run this command
curl http://<ip-adress>:<port>/packages/ -v -F 'name=package1' -F 'url=http://repo1.git'
Unregister package with name = unicorn
grunt unregister:unicorn
Run tests
grunt test
Sync with official Bower registry packages
grunt sync
Install, configure and start the server
Add your package
grunt register:
Follow onscreen instructions to add the new git remote and push your code into it
Add templates/.bowerrc in your new development project
Install your new package along with all dependencies
bower install
List packages, add package1 and package2, list package1, search for 1, remove one and list all
curl http://<ip-adress>:<port>/packages/
curl http://<ip-adress>:<port>/packages/ -v -F 'name=package1' -F 'url=http://repo1.git'
curl http://<ip-adress>:<port>/packages/ -v -F 'name=package2' -F 'url=http://repo2.git'
curl http://<ip-adress>:<port>/packages/package1
curl http://<ip-adress>:<port>/packages/search/1
curl -v -X DELETE <ip-adress>:<port>/packages/package1
curl http://<ip-adress>:<port>/packages/