Atom Package to sync AEM project working copy with crx repository.
- Install Atom.
- Install package
apm install vlt-atom
- Add JAVA_HOME in your environment variables (if not present).
- AEM server host: AEM server host or ip address.
- AEM server port: AEM Server port or blank if running on 80.
- Username: AEM admin username.
- Password: AEM admin password to login.
- Vlt Base: Vault directory path in file system. (Use the vault provided with your AEM package, under opt directory.)
- Sync Service: This can be used to enable service that will auto push your changes to crx.
- Add an AEM project in Atom, right click on any directory under your project (jcr_root) and use Pull From Crx option. This will sync your working copy with AEM instance.
- Once everything is synced, options (Pull From Crx / Push To Crx) can be used to push or pull any file or directory from project panel.
- Add Under VLT option can be used to add any new file or directory under vlt control.
- Status option can be used to check difference between remote crx and local working copy.
- Update settings.xml file to add files or directories that needs to be ignored by vlt. This file can be created in META_INF/vault or under userhome/.vault directory. Below is an example for setting xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vault version="1.0">
<ignore name=".svn"/>
<ignore name=".git"/>
<ignore name=".DS_Store"/>
<ignore name=".dir"/>
- Make sure to include jcr_root directory while adding an AEM project. This directory should be present in project panel before you start working.