All notable changes to this project's dependencies will be documented in this file.
- New
- @angular/compiler@~9.0.0 [MIT]
- @angular/compiler-cli@~9.0.0 [MIT]
- @koa/router@^8.0.7 [MIT]
- Upgraded
- @angular-devkit/build-angular@0.900.2 [MIT] - Was ^0.801.1
- @angular/animations@~9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ~8.2.3
- @angular/cdk@~9.1.3 [MIT] - Was ~8.0.1
- @angular/cli@9.0.2 [MIT] - Was 8.1.1
- @angular/common@~9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ~8.2.3
- @angular/core@~9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ~8.2.3
- @angular/forms@~9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ~8.2.3
- @angular/language-service@^9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ^8.2.3
- @angular/platform-browser@~9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ~8.2.3
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@~9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ~8.2.3
- @angular/router@~9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ~8.2.3
- @finos/perspective@^0.4.2 [Apache-2.0] - Was ^0.4.1
- @finos/perspective-viewer@^0.4.3 [Apache-2.0] - Was ^0.4.1
- @finos/perspective-viewer-d3fc@^0.4.3 [Apache-2.0] - Was ^0.4.1
- @finos/perspective-webpack-plugin@^0.3.8 [Apache-2.0] - Was ^0.4.1
- @ngrx/effects@8.6.0 [MIT] - Was 8.0.1
- @ngrx/store@8.6.0 [MIT] - Was 8.0.1
- @ngrx/store-devtools@8.6.0 [MIT] - Was 8.0.1
- @ngx-translate/core@^12.1.1 [MIT] - Was 11.0.1
- @nrwl/angular@9.0.1 [MIT] - Was ^8.4.12
- @nrwl/cypress@9.0.1 [MIT] - Was 8.4.12
- @nrwl/jest@9.0.1 [MIT] - Was 8.4.12
- @nrwl/node@9.0.1 [MIT] - Was 8.4.12
- @nrwl/workspace@9.0.1 [MIT] - Was 8.4.12
- @schematics/angular@9.0.2 [MIT] - Was ^8.2.2
- @types/node@~10.12.20 [MIT] - Was 10.12.10
- cypress@^3.8.2 [MIT] - Was 3.4.0
- jest-preset-angular@8.0.0 [MIT] - Was 7.1.1
- koa@2.11.0 [MIT] - Was 2.7.0
- koa-body@4.1.1 [MIT] - Was 4.1.0
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar@^9.0.0 [MIT] - Was ^8.0.0
- prettier@1.19.1 [MIT] - Was 1.16.4
- primeng@8.1.1 [MIT] - Was ^7.0.0
- rxjs@^6.5.4 [Apache-2.0] - Was ^6.5.2
- [MIT] - Was 2.2.0
- [MIT] - Was 2.2.0
- ts-node@~8.6.2 [MIT] - Was ~8.3.0
- typescript@3.7.5 [Apache-2.0] - Was ~3.5.3
- zone.js@~0.10.2 [MIT] - Was ~0.9.1
- Removed
- @angular/compiler
- @angular/compiler-cli
- koa-router
- New
- @angular-builders/custom-webpack@^8.2.0 [Apache-2.0]
- @finos/perspective@^0.4.1 [Apache-2.0]
- @finos/perspective-viewer@^0.4.1 [Apache-2.0]
- @finos/perspective-d3fc@^0.4.1 [Apache-2.0]
- @finos/perspective-viewer-hypergrid@^0.4.1 [Apache-2.0]
- @finos/perspective-webpack-plugin@^0.3.8 [Apache-2.0]
- @nrwl/angular@8.4.12 [MIT]
- @nrwl/cypress@8.4.12 [MIT]
- @nrwl/jest@8.4.12 [MIT]
- @nrwl/node@8.4.12 [MIT]
- @nrwl/workspace@8.4.12 [MIT]
- @schematics/angular@8.2.2 [MIT]
- @types/ [MIT]
- @types/ws@6.0.3 [MIT]
- ws@^7.1.2 [MIT]
- Upgraded
- @angular-devkit/build-angular@~0.801.1 [MIT] (Was ~0.13.0)
- @angular/animations@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/cdk@~8.0.1 [MIT] (Was ~7.3.5)
- @angular/cli@8.1.1 [MIT] (Was 7.3.6)
- @angular/common@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/compiler@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/compiler-cli@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/core@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/forms@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/language-service@^8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ^7.0.0)
- @angular/platform-browser@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @angular/router@~8.2.3 [MIT] (Was ~7.2.10)
- @ngrx/effects@8.0.1 [MIT] (Was 7.3.0)
- @ngrx/store@8.0.1 [MIT] (Was 7.3.0)
- @ngrx/store-devtools@8.0.1 [MIT] (Was 7.3.0)
- @types/jest@24.0.15 [MIT] (Was 24.0.9)
- @types/koa@^2.0.49 [MIT] (Was ^2.0.46)
- chevrotain^6.0.0 [Apache2.0] (Was 4.1.0)
- codelyzer@^5.0.1 [MIT] (Was ~4.5.0)
- cypress@~3.4.0 [MIT] (Was 3.3.1)
- fs-extra@8.1.0 [MIT] (Was 7.0.1)
- jasmine-core@^3.4.0 [MIT] (Was ~2.99.1)
- jasmine-marbles@0.6.0 [MIT] (Was 0.4.0)
- jest@24.8.0 [MIT] (Was 24.1.0)
- jest-preset-angular@7.1.1 [MIT] (Was 7.0.0)
- koa@2.7.0 [MIT] (Was 2.6.2)
- koa-body@4.1.0 [MIT] (Was 4.0.4)
- @koa/cors@3.0.0 [MIT] (Was 2)
- karma@^4.1.0 [MIT] (Was ~3.1.1)
- karma-cli@^2.0.0 [MIT] (Was ~1.0.1)
- karma-jasmine@^2.0.1 [MIT] (Was ~1.1.2)
- karma-jasmine-html-reporter@^1.4.2 [MIT] (Was ^0.2.2)
- monaco-editor@^0.17.1 [MIT] (Was ^0.17.1)
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar@^8.0.0 [MIT] (Was ^7.0.0)
- prettier@^1.16.4 [MIT] (Was 1.15.3)
- rxjs@^6.5.2 [Apache-2.0] (Was ^6.3.3)
- ts-node@~8.3.0 [MIT] (Was ~7.0.1)
- ts-node-dev@^1.0.0-pre.40 [MIT] (Was ^1.0.0-pre.31)
- typescript@~3.5.3 [Apache-2.0] (Was ~3.2.4)
- web-animations-js@^2.3.2 [Apache-2.0] (Was ^2.3.1)
- zone.js@~0.9.1 [MIT] (Was ^0.8.29)
- Removed
- @nrwl/nx
- source-map-support
- @nrwl/builders
- @nrwl/schematics
- @types/jquery
- core-js
- jquery
- ng2-bs3-modal
- ngrx-store-freeze
- protractor
- webdriver-manager
- New
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@~ [MIT]
- @nrwl/builders@~7.7.2 [MIT]
- @nrwl/nx@^7.7.2 [MIT]
- @nrwl/schematics@^7.7.2 [MIT]
- @types/jest@24.0.9 [MIT]
- @types/koa-router@^7.0.32 [MIT]
- @types/ [MIT]
- inversify@^5.0.1 [MIT]
- jasmine-marbles@0.4.0 [MIT]
- jest@24.1.0 [MIT]
- jest-preset-angular@7.0.0 [MIT]
- ngrx-store-freeze@0.2.4 [MIT]
- nodemon@^1.18.4 [MIT]
- prettier@~1.15.3 [MIT]
- read-pkg@^4.0.1 [MIT]
- reflect-metadata@^0.1.12 [Apache-2.0]
- ts-node-dev@^1.0.0-pre.31 [MIT]
- tsconfig-paths@^3.7.0 [MIT]
- tslib@^1.9.0 [Apache-2.0]
- write-pkg@^3.2.0 [MIT]
- Upgraded
- @angular-devkit/build-angular@~0.13.0 [MIT] - Was ~0.6.8
- @angular/animations@~7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @angular/cdk@~7.3.5 [MIT] - Was 6.3.2
- @angular/cli@7.3.6 [MIT] - Was ^6.0.8
- @angular/compiler@~7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @angular/compiler-cli@~7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @angular/common@7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @angular/core@~7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @angular/forms@~7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @angular/platform-browser@~7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @angular/router@~7.2.10 [MIT] - Was 6.0.7
- @ngrx/effects@7.3.0 [MIT] - Was ^6.0.1
- @ngrx/store@7.3.0 [MIT] - Was ^6.0.1
- @ngrx/store-devtools@7.3.0 [MIT] - Was ^6.0.1
- @ngx-translate/core@11.0.1 [MIT] - Was ^10.0.2
- @types/jasmine@~2.8.8 [MIT] - Was ~2.8.3
- @types/node@10.12.10 [MIT] - Was 8.9.3
- chevrotain@^4.1.0 [Apache2.0] - Was ^3.0.0
- codelyzer@~4.5.0 [MIT] - Was ^4.0.1
- concurrently@^4.1.0 [MIT] - Was ^3.5.1
- cross-spawn@^6.0.5 [MIT] - Was ^5.1.0
- dotenv@^6.2.0 [BSD-2-Clause] - Was ^6.0.0
- fs-extra@7.0.1 [MIT] - Was 4.0.2
- jasmine-core@~2.99.1 [MIT] - Was ~2.8.0
- karma@~3.1.1 [MIT] - Was ~2.0.0
- karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter@~2.0.1 [MIT] - Was ^1.2.1
- karma-jasmine@~1.1.2 [MIT] - Was ~1.1.0
- koa@2.6.2 [MIT] - Was 2.5.3
- monaco-editor@^0.15.6 [MIT] - Was ^0.13.1
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar@^7.0.0 [MIT] - Was ^6.2.0
- perfect-scrollbar@^1.4.0 [MIT] - Was ^1.3.0
- primeng@^7.0.0 [MIT] - Was ^6.0.0
- rxjs@^6.3.3 [Apache-2.0] - Was ^6.2.1
- [MIT] - Was 2.0.4
- [MIT] - Was 2.0.4
- ts-node@~7.0.1 [MIT] - Was ~4.1.0
- tslint@~5.11.0 [Apache-2.0] - Was ~5.9.1
- typescript@~3.2.4 [Apache-2.0] - Was ^3.0.3
- winston@^3.2.1 [MIT] - Was 2.4.0
- zone.js@^0.8.29 [MIT] - Was ^0.8.26
- Removed
- @babel/cli
- @babel/core
- @babel/node
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-typescript
- chai
- chai-http
- co-request
- hosted-git-info
- mocha
- npm
- require-dir
- No changes
- New
- @koa/cors@2 [MIT]
- date-fns@2.0.0 [MIT]
- dotenv@^6.0.0 [BSD-2-Clause]
- find-up@^3.0.0 [MIT]
- got@^9.2.2 [MIT]
- koa-send@^5.0.0 [MIT]
- npm-run-all@^4.1.5 [MIT]
- ** Upgraded **
- koa@2.5.3 [MIT] (Was 1.4.1)
- koa-body@4.0.4 [MIT] (Was 1.6.0)
- koa-compress@^3.0.0 [MIT] (Was ^1.0.9)
- koa-router@^7.4.0 [MIT] (Was ^5.4.0)
- koa-static@^5.0.0 [MIT] (Was ^2.0.0)
- Removed
- atob
- koa-bodyparser
- koa-cors
- koa-json
- moment
- postal
- ** New **
- @babel/cli@^7.0.0 [MIT]
- @babel/core@^7.0.0 [MIT]
- @babel/node@^7.0.0 [MIT]
- @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread@^7.0.0 [MIT]
- @babel/preset-env@^7.0.0 [MIT]
- @babel/preset-typescript@^7.1.0 [MIT]
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@^7.1.0 [MIT]
- @types/chai@^4.1.2 [MIT]
- @types/koa@^2.0.46 [MIT]
- @types/koa-router@^7.0.32 [MIT]
- @types/mocha@^5.0.0 [MIT]
- @types/node@8.9.3 [MIT]
- cpy@^7.0.1 [MIT]
- del-cli@^1.1.0 [MIT]
- esm@^3.0.84 [MIT]
- npm-run-all@^4.1.3 [MIT]
- nodemon@^1.18.4 [MIT]
- ** Removed **
- @types/postal
- babel-cli
- babel-core
- babel-plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread
- babel-preset-env
- gulp
- gulp-babel
- gulp-changed
- gulp-concat
- gulp-filter
- gulp-help
- gulp-nodemon
- gulp-plumber
- gulp-rename
- gulp-sourcemaps
- gulp-uglify
- run-sequence
- vinyl-fs
- ** New **
- @ngrx/effects@^6.0.1 - MIT
- ** Upgraded **
- @angular/animations@6.0.7 - MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @angular/cdk@6.3.2 - MIT (Was 5.2.4)
- @angular/common@6.0.7 - MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @angular/core@6.0.7 - MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @angular/forms@6.0.7 - MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @angular/platform-browser@6.0.7 - MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@6.0.7 - - MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @angular/router@6.0.7 - MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @ngrx/store@^6.0.1 - MIT (Was ^5.2.0)
- @ngrx/store-devtools@^6.0.1 - MIT (Was ^5.2.0)
- @ngx-translate/core@^10.0.2 - MIT (Was ^9.1.1)
- monaco-editor@^0.13.1 - MIT (Was ^0.10.0)
- ng2-bs3-modal@^0.15.0 - ISC (Was ^0.13.0)
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar@^6.2.0 - MIT (Was ^5.3.5)
- primeng@^6.0.0 - MIT (Was ^5.2.3)
- rxjs@^6.2.1 - Apache-2.0 (Was ^5.5.2)
- zone.js@^0.8.26 - MIT (Was ^0.8.20)
- ** Removed **
- @angular/http
- d3
- ** New **
- ** Upgraded **
- @angular/cli@^6.0.8 MIT (Was ^1.7.3)
- @angular/compiler@6.0.7 MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- @angular/compiler-cli@6.0.7 MIT (Was ^5.0.0)
- typescript@2.7.2 Apache-2.0 (Was ~2.5.3)
- ** Removed **
- @types/d3
- Added:
- @angular/cdk@5.2.4 (MIT)
- @ngrx/store@^5.2.0 (MIT)
- Upgraded:
- chevrotain@3.0.0 (Apache2.0) - Was 1.0.1
[No changes]
- @angular/animations@5.2.9 (MIT)
- @ngx-translate/core@9.1.1 (MIT)
- @angular/common@5.2.9 (MIT) - Was 2.4.0
- @angular/core@5.2.9 (MIT) - Was 2.4.0
- @angular/forms@5.2.9 (MIT) - Was 2.4.0
- @angular/http@5.2.9 (MIT) - Was 2.4.0
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@5.2.9 (MIT) - Was 2.4.0
- @angular/platform-browser@5.2.9 (MIT) - Was 2.4.0
- @angular/router@5.2.9 (MIT) - Was 2.4.0
- jquery@2.2.4 (MIT) - Was 2.2.2
- lodash@4.17.5 (MIT) - Was 4.6.1
- ng2-bs3-modal@0.13.0 (ISC) - Was 0.10.4
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar@5.3.5 (MIT) - Was 5.3.5
- primeng@5.2.3 (MIT) - Was 2.0.6
- rxjs@5.5.7 (Apache-2.0) - Was 5.2.0
- zone.js@0.8.20 (MIT) - Was 0.7.4
- ng2-translate
- reflect-metadata
- system.js
- Added:
- @angular/animations@5.2.9 (MIT)
- @ngx-translate/core@9.1.1 (MIT)
- Upgraded:
- @angular/cli@1.7.3 (MIT)
- @angular/compiler-cli@5.2.9 (MIT)
- @types/jasmine@2.8.6 (MIT)
- @types/lodash@4.14.104 (MIT)
- codelyzer@4.2.1 (MIT)
- jasmine-core@2.8.0 (MIT)
- jasmine-spec-reporter@4.2.1 (Apache-2.0)
- karma@2.0.0 (MIT)
- karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter@1.4.2 (MIT)
- karma-spec-reporter@0.0.32 (MIT)
- protractor@5.1.2 (MIT)
- ts-node@4.1.0 (MIT)
- tslint@5.9.1 (Apache-2.0)
- typescript@2.5.3 (Apache-2.0)
- Removed:
- enhanced-resolve
- Added:
- Upgraded:
- koa@1.4.1 (MIT) - Was 1.2.0
- fs-extra@4.0.2 (MIT) - Was 0.30.0
- npm@5.5.1 (Artistic2.0) - Was 3.8.5
- performance-now@2.1.0 (MIT) - Was 0.2.0
- semver@5.4.1 (ISC) - Was 5.2.0
- (MIT) - Was 1.5.1
- (MIT) - Was 1.5.1 (client)
- winston@2.4.0 (MIT) - Was 2.3.0
- Removed:
- none
- Added:
- Upgraded:
- ajv@4.11.8 (MIT) - Was 4.11.5
- babel-core@6.26.0) (Was 6.10.4)
- babel-cli@6.26.0 (MIT) - Was 6.6.5
- chai@4.1.2 (MIT) - Was 3.5.0 (client)
- concurrently@3.5.1 (MIT) - Was 2.0.0
- del@3.0.0 (MIT) - Was 2.2.0
- gulp-babel@7.0.0 (MIT) - Was 6.1.2
- gulp-changed@3.1.1 (MIT) - Was 1.3.0
- gulp-filter@5.0.1 (MIT) - Was 4.0.0
- gulp-sourcemaps@2.6.1 (ISC) - Was 1.6.0
- gulp-uglify@3.0.0 (MIT) - Was 1.2.0
- mocha@4.0.1 (MIT) - Was 3.2.0 (client)
- protractor@5.2.0 (MIT) - Was 4.0.2
- run-sequence@2.2.0 (MIT) - Was 1.1.5
- vinyl-fs@3.0.0 (MIT) - Was 2.4.2
- webdriver-manager@12.0.6 (MIT) - Was 12.0.6
- Removed:
- Added:
- monaco-editor@0.10.0 (MIT)
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar@2.5.2 (MIT)
- primeng@2.0.6 (MIT)
- Upgraded:
- none
- Removed:
- none
- Added:
- Upgraded:
- karma-chrome-launcher@2.2.0 (MIT) (Was 2.0.0)
- Removed:
- none
- browser-sync
- gulp-inject
- gulp-inline-ng2-template
- gulp-less
- gulp-load-plugins
- gulp-typescript
- less
- mustache
- pouchdb-server
- swagger-jsdoc
- tslint (still referenced in client dependencies)
- typescript (still referenced in client dependencies)
[No changes]
- Added
- @angular/compiler@2.4.0 (MIT)
- @angular/cli@1.0.0 (MIT)
- codelyzer@2.0.0 (MIT)
- font-awesome@4.7.0 (OFL-1.1 and MIT)
- jasmine-spec-reporter@3.2.0 (Apache-2.0)
- karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter@0.2.0 (MIT)
- protractor@5.1.0 (MIT)
- ts-node@2.0.0 (MIT)
- tslint@4.4.2 (Apache-2.0)
- Upgraded
- jasmine-core from 2.4.1 to 2.5.2 (MIT)
- karma from 1.3.0 to 1.4.1 (MIT)
- karma-jasmine from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0 (MIT)
- Removed
- @types/core-js
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-commonjs
- rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- rollup-plugin-uglify
- Removed:
- pouchdb
- pouchdb-load
- pouchdb-server
- Removed:
- pouchdb-dump-cli
[No changes]
- Added:
- gulp-plumber@1.1.0 (MIT)
[No changes]
[No changes]
- Added:
- ajv@4.11.5 (MIT)
- nedb@1.8.0 (MIT)
- shortid@2.2.8 (MIT)
- Added:
- chai@3.5.0 (MIT)
- chai-http@3.0.0 (MIT)
- mocha@3.2.0 (MIT)
- server-destroy@1.0.1 (MIT)