Dependency upgrades, removal of intermediate librdkafka from the ARM image, Azure disk capacity scraping, a fix for incorrect delta values in cost reports, and improved error handling for IntegrityError in the ocppvc table.
What's Changed
- remove intermediate librdkafka from arm image by @maskarb in #5530
- Bump the ci-dependencies group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #5524
- [COST-5833] Fix incorrect delta values in previous month cost reports by @bacciotti in #5525
- Dependency update by @myersCody in #5533
- [COST-5083] Scrape azure disk capacities by @myersCody in #5532
- upgrade watchtower by @maskarb in #5534
- [COST-5772] gracefully handle IntegrityError on ocppvc table by @djnakabaale in #5528
Full Changelog: r.2025.03.04.0...r.2025.03.11.0