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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 48 #33

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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Dec 3, 2018

Update gunicorn from 19.8.1 to 19.9.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update pylint from 1.9.1 to 2.2.2.




Release date: 2018-11-28

* Change the ``logging-format-style`` to use name identifier instead of their
corresponding Python identifiers

This is to prevent users having to think about escaping the default value for
``logging-format-style`` in the generated config file. Also our config parsing
utilities don't quite support escaped values when it comes to ``choices`` detection,
so this would have needed various hacks around that.

Closes 2614



Release date: 2018-11-27

* Fix a crash caused by `implicit-str-concat-in-sequence` and multi-bytes characters.

Closes 2610



Release date: 2018-11-25

* Consider ``range()`` objects for ``undefined-loop-variable`` leaking from iteration.

  Close 2533

* ``deprecated-method`` can use the attribute name for identifying a deprecated method

  Previously we were using the fully qualified name, which we still do, but the fully
  qualified name for some ``unittest`` deprecated aliases leads to a generic
  deprecation function. Instead on relying on that, we now also rely on the attribute
  name, which should solve some false positives.

  Close 1653
  Close 1946

* Fix compatibility with changes to stdlib tokenizer.

* ``pylint`` is less eager to consume the whole line for pragmas

  Close 2485

* Obtain the correct number of CPUs for virtualized or containerized environments.

  Close 2519

* Change ``unbalanced-tuple-unpacking`` back to a warning.

  It used to be a warning until a couple of years ago, after it was promoted to
  an error. But the check might be suggesting the wrong thing in some cases,
  for instance when checking against ``sys.argv`` which cannot be known at static
  analysis time. Given it might rely on potential unknown data, it's best to
  have it as a warning.

  Close 2522

* Remove ``enumerate`` usage suggestion when defining ``__iter__`` (C0200)

  Close 2477

* Emit ``too-many-starred-assignment`` only when the number of Starred nodes is per assignment elements

  Close 2513

* `try-except-raise` checker now handles multilevel inheritance hirerachy for exceptions correctly.

  Close 2484

* Add a new check, ``simplifiable-if-expression`` for expressions like ``True if cond else False``.

  Close 2487

* ``too-few-public-methods`` is not reported for ``typing.NamedTuple``

  Close 2459

* too-few-public-methods`` is not reported for dataclasses created with options.

  Close 2488

* Remove wrong modules from 'bad-python3-import'.

  Close 2453

* The ``json`` reporter prints an empty list when no messages are emitted

  Close 2446

* Add a new check, ``duplicate-string-formatting-argument``

  This new check is emitted whenever a duplicate string formatting argument
  is found.

  Close 497

* ``assignment-from-no-return`` is not emitted for coroutines.

  Close 1715

* Report format string type mismatches.

* ``consider-using-ternary`` and ``simplified-boolean-expression`` no longer emit for sequence based checks

  Close 2473

* Handle ``AstroidSyntaxError`` when trying to import a module.

  Close 2313

* Allow ``__module__`` to be redefined at a class level. Close 2451

* ``pylint`` used to emit a ``unused-variable`` error if unused import was found in the function. Now instead of
  ``unused-variable``, ``unused-import`` is emitted.

  Close 2421

* Handle asyncio.coroutine when looking for ``not-an-iterable`` check.

  Close 996

* The ``locally-enabled`` check is gone.

  Close 2442

* Infer decorated methods when looking for method-hidden

  Close 2369

* Pick the latest value from the inferred values when looking for ``raising-non-exception``

  Close 2431

* Extend the TYPE_CHECKING guard to TYPE_CHECKING name as well, not just the attribute

  Close 2411

* Ignore import x.y.z as z cases for checker `useless-import-alias`.

  Close 2309

* Fix false positive ``undefined-variable`` and ``used-before-assignment`` with nonlocal keyword usage.

  Close 2049

* Stop ``protected-access`` exception for missing class attributes

* Don't emit `assignment-from-no-return` for decorated function nodes

  Close 2385

* `unnecessary-pass` is now also emitted when a function or class contains only docstring and pass statement.

   In Python, stubbed functions often have a body that contains just a single `pass` statement,
   indicating that the function doesn't do anything. However, a stubbed function can also have just a
   docstring, and function with a docstring and no body also does nothing.

   Close 2208

* ``duplicate-argument-name`` is emitted for more than one duplicate argument per function

   Close 1712

* Allow double indentation levels for more distinguishable indentations

  Close 741

* Consider tuples in exception handler for ``try-except-raise``.
  Close 2389

* Fix astroid.ClassDef check in checkers.utils.is_subclass_of

* Fix wildcard imports being ignored by the import checker

* Fix external/internal distinction being broken in the import graph

* Fix wildcard import check not skipping ``

  Close 2430

* Add new option to logging checker, ``logging_format_style``

* Fix --ignore-imports to understand multi-line imports

  Close 1422
  Close 2019

* Add a new check 'implicit-str-concat-in-sequence' to spot string concatenation inside lists, sets & tuples.

* ``literal-comparison`` is now emitted for 0 and 1 literals.



Release date: 2018-08-07

* fix pylint crash due to ``misplaced-format-function`` not correctly handling class attribute.
  Close 2384

* Do not emit \*-builtin for Python 3 builtin checks when the builtin is used inside a try-except

  Close PyCQA/pylint2228

* ``simplifiable-if-statement`` not emitted when dealing with subscripts



Release date: 2018-08-01
* `trailing-comma-tuple` gets emitted for ``yield`` statements as well.

   Close 2363

* Get only the arguments of the scope function for `redefined-argument-from-local`

  Close 2364

* Add a check `misplaced-format-function` which is emitted if format function is used on
  non str object.

  Close 2200

* `chain.from_iterable` no longer emits `dict-{}-not-iterating` when dealing with dict values and keys

* Demote the `try-except-raise` message from an error to a warning (E0705 -> W0706)

   Close 2323

* Correctly handle the new name of the Python implementation of the `abc` module.

  Close PyCQA/astroid2288

 * Modules with `__getattr__` are exempted by default from `no-member`

   There's no easy way to figure out if a module has a particular member when
   the said module uses `__getattr__`, which is a new addition to Python 3.7.
   Instead we assume the safe thing to do, in the same way we do for classes,
   and skip those modules from checking.

   Close 2331

 * Fix a false positive `invalid name` message when method or attribute name is longer then 30 characters.

   Close 2047

 * Include the type of the next branch in `no-else-return`

   Close 2295

 * Fix inconsistent behaviour for bad-continuation on first line of file

   Close 2281

  * Fix not being able to disable certain messages on the last line through
    the global disable option

    Close 2278

 * Don't emit `useless-return` when we have a single statement that is the return itself

   We still want to be explicit when a function is supposed to return
   an optional value; even though `pass` could still work, it's not explicit
   enough and the function might look like it's missing an implementation.
   Close 2300

* Fix false-positive undefined-variable for self referential class name in lamdbas

   Close 704

 * Don't crash when `pylint` is unable to infer the value of an argument to `next()`

   Close 2316

 * Don't emit `not-an-iterable` when dealing with async iterators.

   But do emit it when using the usual iteration protocol against
   async iterators.

   Close 2311

* Can specify a default docstring type for when the check cannot guess the type

   Close 1169



Release date: 2018-07-15
 * `try-except-raise` should not be emitted if there are any parent exception class handlers.

    Close 2284

 * `trailing-comma-tuple` can be emitted for `return` statements as well.

    Close 2269

 * Fix a false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when exception is raised
   inside an else statement.

   Close 1782

 * `ImportFrom` nodes correctly use the full name for the import sorting checks.

   Close 2181

 * [].extend and similar builtin operations don't emit `dict-*-not-iterating` with the Python 3 porting checker

   Close 2187

 * Add a check `consider-using-dict-comprehension` which is emitted if for dict initialization
   the old style with list comprehensions is used.

 * Add a check `consider-using-set-comprehension` which is emitted if for set initialization
   the old style with list comprehensions is used.

 * `logging-not-lazy` is emitted whenever pylint infers that a string is built with addition

   Close 2193

 * Add a check `chained-comparison` which is emitted if a boolean operation can be simplified
   by chaining some of its operations.
   e.g "a < b and b < c", can be simplified as "a < b < c".

   Close 2032

 * Add a check `consider-using-in` for comparisons of a variable against
   multiple values with "==" and "or"s instead of checking if the variable
   is contained "in" a tuple of those values.

 * `in` is considered iterating context for some of the Python 3 porting checkers

   Close 2186

 * Add `--ignore-none` flag to control if pylint should warn about `no-member` where the owner is None

 * Fix a false positive related to `too-many-arguments` and bounded `__get__` methods

   Close 2172

 * `mcs` as the first parameter of metaclass's `__new__` method was replaced by `cls`

   Close 2028

 * `assignment-from-no-return` considers methods as well.

    Close 2081

 * Support typing.TYPE_CHECKING for *unused-import* errors

   Close 1948

 * Inferred classes at a function level no longer emit `invalid-name`
   when they don't respect the variable regular expression

   Close 1049

 * Added basic support for postponed evaluation of function annotations.

   Close 2069

 * Fix a bug with `missing-kwoa` and variadics parameters

   Close 1111

 * `simplifiable-if-statement` takes in account only when assigning to same targets

    Close 1984

 * Make ``len-as-condition`` test more cases, such as ``len() < 1`` or ``len <= 0``

 * Fix false-positive ``line-too-long`` message emission for
   commented line at the end of a module

   Close 1950

 * Fix false-positive ``bad-continuation`` for with statements

   Close 461

 * Don't warn about `stop-iteration-return` when using `next()` over `itertools.count`

   Close 2158

 * Add a check `consider-using-get` for unidiomatic usage of value/default-retrieval
   for a key from a dictionary

   Close 2076

 * invalid-slice-index is not emitted when the slice is used as index for a complex object.

   We only use a handful of known objects (list, set and friends) to figure out if
   we should emit invalid-slice-index when the slice is used to subscript an object.

 * Don't emit `unused-import` anymore for typing imports used in type comments.

 * Add a new check 'useless-import-alias'.

   Close 2052

 * Add `comparison-with-callable` to warn for comparison with bare callable, without calling it.

   Close 2082

 * Don't warn for ``missing-type-doc`` and/or ``missing-return-type-doc``, if type
   annotations exist on the function signature for a parameter and/or return type.
   Close 2083

 * Add `--exit-zero` option for continuous integration scripts to more
   easily call Pylint in environments that abort when a program returns a
   non-zero (error) status code.

   Close 2042

 * Warn if the first argument of an instance/ class method gets assigned

   Close 977

 * New check `comparison-with-itself` to check comparison between same value.

   Close 2051

 * Add a new warning, 'logging-fstring-interpolation', emitted when f-string
   is used within logging function calls.

   Close 1998

 * Don't show 'useless-super-delegation' if the subclass method has different type annotations.

   Close 1923

 * Add `unhashable-dict-key` check.

   Closes 586

 * Don't warn that a global variable is unused if it is defined by an import

   Close 1453

 * Skip wildcard import check for ``.

   Close 2026

 * The Python 3 porting mode can now run with Python 3 as well.

 * `too-few-public-methods` is not emitted for dataclasses.

    Close 1793

 * New verbose mode option, enabled with `--verbose` command line flag, to
   display of extra non-checker-related output. It is disabled by default.

   Close 1863

 * `undefined-loop-variable` takes in consideration non-empty iterred objects before emitting

   Close 2039

 * Add support for numpydoc optional return value names.

   Close 2030

 * `singleton-comparison` accounts for negative checks

   Close 2037

 * Add a check `consider-using-in` for comparisons of a variable against
   multiple values with "==" and "or"s instead of checking if the variable
   is contained "in" a tuple of those values.

   Close 1977

 * defaultdict and subclasses of dict are now handled for dict-iter-* checks

   Close 2005

 * `logging-format-interpolation` also emits when f-strings are used instead of % syntax.

   Close 1788

 * Don't trigger misplaced-bare-raise when the raise is in a finally clause

   Close 1924

 * Add a new check, `possibly-unused-variable`.

   This is similar to `unused-variable`, the only difference is that it is
   emitted when we detect a locals() call in the scope of the unused variable.
   The `locals()` call could potentially use the said variable, by consuming
   all values that are present up to the point of the call. This new check
   allows to disable this error when the user intentionally uses `locals()`
   to consume everything.

   Close 1909.

 * `no-else-return` accounts for multiple cases

    The check was a bit overrestrictive because we were checking for
    return nodes in the .orelse node. At that point though the if statement
    can be refactored to not have the orelse. This improves the detection of
    other cases, for instance it now detects TryExcept nodes that are part of
    the .else branch.

    Close 1852

 * Added two new checks, `invalid-envvar-value` and `invalid-envvar-default`.

   The former is trigger whenever pylint detects that environment variable manipulation
   functions uses a different type than strings, while the latter is emitted whenever
   the said functions are using a default variable of different type than expected.

 * Add a check `consider-using-join` for concatenation of strings using str.join(sequence)

   Close 1952

 * Add a check `consider-swap-variables` for swapping variables with tuple unpacking

   Close 1922

 * Add new checker `try-except-raise` that warns the user if an except handler block
   has a ``raise`` statement as its first operator. The warning is shown when there is
   a bare raise statement, effectively re-raising the exception that was caught or the
   type of the exception being raised is the same as the one being handled.

 * Don't crash on invalid strings when checking for `logging-format-interpolation`

   Close 1944

 * Exempt `__doc__` from triggering a `redefined-builtin`

   `__doc__` can be used to specify a docstring for a module without
   passing it as a first-statement string.

 * Fix false positive bad-whitespace from function arguments with default
   values and annotations

   Close 1831

 * Fix stop-iteration-return false positive when next builtin has a
   default value in a generator

   Close 1830

 * Fix emission of false positive ``no-member`` message for class with  "private" attributes whose name is mangled.

   Close 1643

 * Fixed a crash which occurred when `Uninferable` wasn't properly handled in `stop-iteration-return`

   Close 1779

 * Use the proper node to get the name for redefined functions (1792)

   Close 1774

 * Don't crash when encountering bare raises while checking inconsistent returns

   Close 1773

 * Fix a false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when if statement is inside try/except.

   Close 1770

 * Fix a false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when while loop are used.

   Close 1772

 * Correct column number for whitespace conventions.

   Previously the column was stuck at 0

   Close 1649

 * Fix ``unused-argument`` false positives with overshadowed variable in
   dictionary comprehension.

   Close 1731

 * Fix false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when never
   returning functions are used (i.e sys.exit for example).

   Close 1771

 * Fix error when checking if function is exception, as in ``bad-exception-context``.

 * Fix false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when a
   function is defined under an if statement.

   Close 1794

 * New ``useless-return`` message when function or method ends with a "return" or
   "return None" statement and this is the only return statement in the body.

 * Fix false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message by
   avoiding useless exception inference if the exception is not handled.

   Close 1794 (second part)

 * Fix bad thread instantiation check when target function is provided in args.

   Close 1840

 * Fixed false positive when a numpy Attributes section follows a Parameters

   Close 1867

 * Fix incorrect file path when file absolute path contains multiple ``path_strip_prefix`` strings.

   Close 1120

 * Fix false positive undefined-variable for lambda argument in class definitions

   Close 1824

 * Add of a new checker that warns the user if some messages are enabled or disabled
   by id instead of symbol.

   Close 1599

 * Suppress false-positive ``not-callable`` messages from certain
   staticmethod descriptors

   Close 1699

 * Fix indentation handling with tabs

   Close 1148

 * Fix false-positive ``bad-continuation`` error

   Close 638

 * Fix false positive unused-variable in lambda default arguments

   Close 1921
   Close 1552
   Close 1099
   Close 210

 * Updated the default report format to include paths that can be clicked on in some terminals (e.g. iTerm).

 * Fix inline def behavior with ``too-many-statements`` checker

   Close 1978

 * Fix `KeyError` raised when using docparams and NotImplementedError is documented.

   Close 2102

 * Fix 'method-hidden' raised when assigning to a property or data descriptor.

 * Fix emitting ``useless-super-delegation`` when changing the default value of keyword arguments.

   Close 2022

 * Expand ignored-argument-names include starred arguments and keyword arguments

   Close 2214

 * Fix false-postive undefined-variable in nested lambda

   Close 760

 * Fix false-positive ``bad-whitespace`` message for typing annoatations
   with ellipses in them

   Close 1992

Update coverage from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update tox from 3.0.0 to 3.5.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update click from 6.7 to 7.0.




Released 2018-09-25

-   Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3. (`967`_, `976`_)
-   Wrap ``click.Choice``'s missing message. (`202`_, `1000`_)
-   Add native ZSH autocompletion support. (`323`_, `865`_)
-   Document that ANSI color info isn't parsed from bytearrays in
 Python 2. (`334`_)
-   Document byte-stripping behavior of ``CliRunner``. (`334`_,
-   Usage errors now hint at the ``--help`` option. (`393`_, `557`_)
-   Implement streaming pager. (`409`_, `889`_)
-   Extract bar formatting to its own method. (`414`_)
-   Add ``DateTime`` type for converting input in given date time
 formats. (`423`_)
-   ``secho``'s first argument can now be ``None``, like in ``echo``.
-   Fixes a ``ZeroDivisionError`` in ``ProgressBar.make_step``, when the
 arg passed to the first call of ``ProgressBar.update`` is 0.
 (`447`_, `1012`_)
-   Show progressbar only if total execution time is visible. (`487`_)
-   Added the ability to hide commands and options from help. (`500`_)
-   Document that options can be ``required=True``. (`514`_, `1022`_)
-   Non-standalone calls to ``Context.exit`` return the exit code,
 rather than calling ``sys.exit``. (`533`_, `667`_, `1098`_)
-   ``click.getchar()`` returns Unicode in Python 3 on Windows,
 consistent with other platforms. (`537`_, `821`_, `822`_,
 `1088`_, `1108`_)
-   Added ``FloatRange`` type. (`538`_, `553`_)
-   Added support for bash completion of ``type=click.Choice`` for
 ``Options`` and ``Arguments``. (`535`_, `681`_)
-   Only allow one positional arg for ``Argument`` parameter
 declaration. (`568`_, `574`_, `1014`_)
-   Add ``case_sensitive=False`` as an option to Choice. (`569`_)
-   ``click.getchar()`` correctly raises ``KeyboardInterrupt`` on "^C"
 and ``EOFError`` on "^D" on Linux. (`583`_, `1115`_)
-   Fix encoding issue with ``click.getchar(echo=True)`` on Linux.
-   ``param_hint`` in errors now derived from param itself. (`598`_,
 `704`_, `709`_)
-   Add a test that ensures that when an argument is formatted into a
 usage error, its metavar is used, not its name. (`612`_)
-   Allow setting ``prog_name`` as extra in ``CliRunner.invoke``.
 (`616`_, `999`_)
-   Help text taken from docstrings truncates at the ``\f`` form feed
 character, useful for hiding Sphinx-style parameter documentation.
 (`629`_, `1091`_)
-   ``launch`` now works properly under Cygwin. (`650`_)
-   Update progress after iteration. (`651`_, `706`_)
-   ``CliRunner.invoke`` now may receive ``args`` as a string
 representing a Unix shell command. (`664`_)
-   Make ``Argument.make_metavar()`` default to type metavar. (`675`_)
-   Add documentation for ``ignore_unknown_options``. (`684`_)
-   Add bright colors support for ```` and fix the reset
 option for parameters ``fg`` and ``bg``. (`703`_, `809`_)
-   Add ``show_envvar`` for showing environment variables in help.
-   Avoid ``BrokenPipeError`` during interpreter shutdown when stdout or
 stderr is a closed pipe. (`712`_, `1106`_)
-   Document customizing option names. (`725`_, `1016`_)
-   Disable ``sys._getframes()`` on Python interpreters that don't
 support it. (`728`_)
-   Fix bug in test runner when calling ``sys.exit`` with ``None``.
-   Clarify documentation on command line options. (`741`_, `1003`_)
-   Fix crash on Windows console. (`744`_)
-   Fix bug that caused bash completion to give improper completions on
 chained commands. (`754`_, `774`_)
-   Added support for dynamic bash completion from a user-supplied
 callback. (`755`_)
-   Added support for bash completions containing spaces. (`773`_)
-   Allow autocompletion function to determine whether or not to return
 completions that start with the incomplete argument. (`790`_,
-   Fix option naming routine to match documentation and be
 deterministic. (`793`_, `794`_)
-   Fix path validation bug. (`795`_, `1020`_)
-   Add test and documentation for ``Option`` naming: functionality.
-   Update doc to match arg name for ``path_type``. (`801`_)
-   Raw strings added so correct escaping occurs. (`807`_)
-   Fix 16k character limit of ``click.echo`` on Windows. (`816`_,
-   Overcome 64k character limit when writing to binary stream on
 Windows 7. (`825`_, `830`_)
-   Add bool conversion for "t" and "f". (`842`_)
-   ``NoSuchOption`` errors take ``ctx`` so that ``--help`` hint gets
 printed in error output. (`860`_)
-   Fixed the behavior of Click error messages with regards to Unicode
 on 2.x and 3.x. Message is now always Unicode and the str and
 Unicode special methods work as you expect on that platform.
-   Progress bar now uses stderr by default. (`863`_)
-   Add support for auto-completion documentation. (`866`_, `869`_)
-   Allow ``CliRunner`` to separate stdout and stderr. (`868`_)
-   Fix variable precedence. (`873`_, `874`_)
-   Fix invalid escape sequences. (`877`_)
-   Fix ``ResourceWarning`` that occurs during some tests. (`878`_)
-   When detecting a misconfigured locale, don't fail if the ``locale``
 command fails. (`880`_)
-   Add ``case_sensitive=False`` as an option to ``Choice`` types.
-   Force stdout/stderr writable. This works around issues with badly
 patched standard streams like those from Jupyter. (`918`_)
-   Fix completion of subcommand options after last argument (`919`_,
-   ``_AtomicFile`` now uses the ``realpath`` of the original filename
 so that changing the working directory does not affect it.
-   Fix incorrect completions when defaults are present (`925`_,
-   Add copy option attrs so that custom classes can be re-used.
 (`926`_, `994`_)
-   "x" and "a" file modes now use stdout when file is ``"-"``.
-   Fix missing comma in ``__all__`` list. (`935`_)
-   Clarify how parameters are named. (`949`_, `1009`_)
-   Stdout is now automatically set to non blocking. (`954`_)
-   Do not set options twice. (`962`_)
-   Move ``fcntl`` import. (`965`_)
-   Fix Google App Engine ``ImportError``. (`995`_)
-   Better handling of help text for dynamic default option values.
-   Fix ``get_winter_size()`` so it correctly returns ``(0,0)``.
-   Add test case checking for custom param type. (`1001`_)
-   Allow short width to address cmd formatting. (`1002`_)
-   Add details about Python version support. (`1004`_)
-   Added deprecation flag to commands. (`1005`_)
-   Fixed issues where ``fd`` was undefined. (`1007`_)
-   Fix formatting for short help. (`1008`_)
-   Document how ``auto_envvar_prefix`` works with command groups.
-   Don't add newlines by default for progress bars. (`1013`_)
-   Use Python sorting order for ZSH completions. (`1047`_, `1059`_)
-   Document that parameter names are converted to lowercase by default.
-   Subcommands that are named by the function now automatically have
 the underscore replaced with a dash. If you register a function
 named ``my_command`` it becomes ``my-command`` in the command line
-   Hide hidden commands and options from completion. (`1058`_,
-   Fix absolute import blocking Click from being vendored into a
 project on Windows. (`1068`_, `1069`_)
-   Fix issue where a lowercase ``auto_envvar_prefix`` would not be
 converted to uppercase. (`1105`_)

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.. _1001:
.. _1002:
.. _1003:
.. _1004:
.. _1005:
.. _1007:
.. _1008:
.. _1009:
.. _1010:
.. _1011:
.. _1012:
.. _1013:
.. _1014:
.. _1016:
.. _1020:
.. _1022:
.. _1027:
.. _1047:
.. _1055:
.. _1058:
.. _1059:
.. _1061:
.. _1068:
.. _1069:
.. _1088:
.. _1091:
.. _1098:
.. _1105:
.. _1106:
.. _1108:
.. _1115:

Update itsdangerous from 0.24 to 1.1.0.




Released 2018-10-26

-   Change default signing algorithm back to SHA-1. (`113`_)
-   Added a default SHA-512 fallback for users who used the yanked 1.0.0
 release which defaulted to SHA-512. (`114`_)
-   Add support for fallback algorithms during deserialization to
 support changing the default in the future without breaking existing
 signatures. (`113`_)
-   Changed capitalization of packages back to lowercase as the change
 in capitalization broke some tooling. (`113`_)

.. _113:
.. _114:



Released 2018-10-18


*Note*: This release was yanked from PyPI because it changed the default
algorithm to SHA-512. This decision was reverted in 1.1.0 and it remains
at SHA1.

-   Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.
-   Refactor code from a single module to a package. Any object in the
 API docs is still importable from the top-level ``itsdangerous``
 name, but other imports will need to be changed. A future release
 will remove many of these compatibility imports. (`107`_)
-   Optimize how timestamps are serialized and deserialized. (`13`_)
-   ``base64_decode`` raises ``BadData`` when it is passed invalid data.
-   Ensure value is bytes when signing to avoid a ``TypeError`` on
 Python 3. (`29`_)
-   Add a ``serializer_kwargs`` argument to ``Serializer``, which is
 passed to ``dumps`` during ``dump_payload``. (`36`_)
-   More compact JSON dumps for unicode strings. (`38`_)
-   Use the full timestamp rather than an offset, allowing dates before
 2011. (`46`_)
-   Detect a ``sep`` character that may show up in the signature itself
 and raise a ``ValueError``. (`62`_)
-   Use a consistent signature for keyword arguments for
 ``Serializer.load_payload`` in subclasses. (`74`_, `75`_)
-   Change default intermediate hash from SHA-1 to SHA-512. (`80`_)
-   Convert JWS exp header to an int when loading. (`99`_)

.. _13:
.. _27:
.. _29:
.. _36:
.. _38:
.. _46:
.. _62:
.. _74:
.. _75:
.. _80:
.. _99:
.. _107:

Update markupsafe from 1.0 to 1.1.0.




Released 2018-11-05

-   Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.
-   Build wheels for Linux, Mac, and Windows, allowing systems without
 a compiler to take advantage of the C extension speedups. (`104`_)
-   Use newer CPython API on Python 3, resulting in a 1.5x speedup.
-   ``escape`` wraps ``__html__`` result in ``Markup``, consistent with
 documented behavior. (`69`_)

.. _64:
.. _69:
.. _104:

Update astroid from 1.6.4 to 2.1.0.



Release Date: 2018-11-25

* ``threading.Lock.acquire`` has the ``timeout`` parameter now.

  Close PyCQA/pylint2457

* Pass parameters by keyword name when inferring sequences.

  Close PyCQA/pylint2526

* Correct line numbering for f-strings for complex embedded expressions

  When a f-string contained a complex expression, such as an attribute access,
  we weren't cloning all the subtree of the f-string expression for attaching the correct
  line number. This problem is coming from the builtin AST parser which gives for the f-string
  and for its underlying elements the line number 1, but this is causing all sorts of bugs and
  problems in pylint, which expects correct line numbering.

  Close PyCQA/pylint2449

* Add support for `argparse.Namespace`

  Close PyCQA/pylint2413

* `async` functions are now inferred as `AsyncGenerator` when inferring their call result.

* Filter out ``Uninferable`` when inferring the call result result of a class with an uninferable ``__call__`` method.

  Close PyCQA/pylint2434

* Make compatible with AST changes in Python 3.8.

* Subscript inference (e.g. "`a[i]`") now pays attention to multiple inferred values for value
  (e.g. "`a`") and slice (e.g. "`i`")

  Close 614


Release Date: 2018-08-10

* Make sure that assign nodes can find ``yield`` statements in their values

  Close PyCQA/pylint2400



Release Date: 2018-08-08

* The environment markers for PyPy were invalid.



Release Date: 2018-08-01

* Stop repeat inference attempt causing a RuntimeError in Python3.7

  Close PyCQA/pylint2317

*  infer_call_result can raise InferenceError so make sure to handle that for the call sites
   where it is used

  infer_call_result started recently to raise InferenceError for objects for which it
  could not find any returns. Previously it was silently raising a StopIteration,
  which was especially leaking when calling builtin methods.
  Since it is after all an inference method, it is expected that it
  could raise an InferenceError rather than returning nothing.

  Close PyCQA/pylint2350



Release Date: 2018-07-19

* Released to clear an old wheel package on PyPI



Release Date: 2018-07-15

* String representation of nodes takes in account precedence and associativity rules of operators.

* Fix loading files with `modutils.load_from_module` when
  the path that contains it in `sys.path` is a symlink and
  the file is contained in a symlinked folder.

  Close 583

* Reworking of the numpy brain dealing with numerictypes
  (use of inspect module to determine the class hierarchy of
   numpy.core.numerictypes module)

  Close PyCQA/pylint2140

* Added inference support for starred nodes in for loops

  Close 146

* Support unpacking for dicts in assignments

  Close 268

* Add support for inferring functools.partial

  Close 125

* Inference support for `dict.fromkeys`

  Close 110

* `int()` builtin is inferred as returning integers.

  Close 150

* `str()` builtin is inferred as returning strings.

  Close 148

* DescriptorBoundMethod has the correct number of arguments defined.

* Improvement of the numpy numeric types definition.

  Close PyCQA/pylint1971

* Subclasses of *property* are now interpreted as properties

  Close PyCQA/pylint1601

* AsStringRegexpPredicate has been removed.

  Use transform predicates instead of it.

* Switched to using typed_ast for getting access to type comments

  As a side effect of this change, some nodes gained a new `type_annotation` attribute,
  which, if the type comments were correctly parsed, should contain a node object
  with the corresponding objects from the type comment.

* typing.X[...] and typing.NewType are inferred as classes instead of instances.

* Module.__path__ is now a list

  It used to be a string containing the path, but it doesn't reflect the situation
  on Python, where it is actually a list.

* Fix a bug with namespace package's __path__ attribute.

  Close 528

* Added brain tips for random.sample

  Part of PyCQA/pylint811

* Add brain tip for `issubclass` builtin

  Close 101.

* Fix submodule imports from six

  Close PyCQA/pylint1640

* Fix missing __module__ and __qualname__ from class definition locals

  Close PYCQA/pylint1753

* Fix a crash when __annotations__ access a parent's __init__ that does not have arguments

  Close 473

* Fix multiple objects sharing the same InferenceContext.path causing uninferable results

  Close 483

* Fix improper modification of col_offset, lineno upon inference of builtin functions

  Close PyCQA/pylint1839

* Subprocess.Popen brain now knows of the args member

  Close PyCQA/pylint1860

* add move_to_end method to collections.OrderedDict brain

  Close PyCQA/pylint1872

* Include new hashlib classes added in python 3.6

* Fix RecursionError for augmented assign

  Close 437, 447, 313, PyCQA/pylint1642, PyCQA/pylint1805, PyCQA/pylint1854, PyCQA/pylint1452

* Add missing attrs special attribute

  Close PyCQA/pylint1884

* Inference now understands the 'isinstance' builtin

  Close 98

* Stop duplicate nodes with the same key values
  from appearing in dictionaries from dictionary unpacking.

  Close PyCQA/pylint1843

* Fix ``contextlib.contextmanager`` inference for nested context managers

  Close 1699

* Implement inference for len builtin

  Close 112

* Add qname method to Super object preventing potential errors in upstream

  Close 533

* Stop astroid from getting stuck in an infinite loop if a function shares
its name with its decorator

  Close 375

* Fix issue with inherited __call__ improperly inferencing self

  Close PyCQA/pylint2199

* Fix __call__ precedence for classes with custom metaclasses

  Close PyCQA/pylint2159

* Limit the maximum amount of interable result in an NodeNG.infer() call to
 100 by default for performance issues with variables with large amounts of
 possible values.

 The max inferable value can be tuned by setting the `max_inferable_values` flag on

Update certifi from 2018.4.16 to 2018.11.29.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update idna from 2.6 to 2.7.




- Update to Unicode 10.0.0.
- No longer accepts dot-prefixed domains (e.g. ".example") as valid.
This is to be more conformant with the UTS 46 spec. Users should
strip dot prefixes from domains before processing.

Update pluggy from 0.6.0 to 0.8.0.





- `177 <>`_: Add ``get_hookimpls()`` method to hook callers.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `165 <>`_: Add changelog in long package description and documentation.

- `172 <>`_: Add a test exemplifying the opt-in nature of spec defined args.

- `57 <>`_: Encapsulate hook specifications in a type for easier introspection.


.. towncrier release notes start



Deprecations and Removals

- `116 <>`_: Deprecate the ``implprefix`` kwarg to ``PluginManager`` and instead
expect users to start using explicit ``HookimplMarker`` everywhere.


- `122 <>`_: Add ``.plugin`` member to ``PluginValidationError`` to access failing plugin during post-mortem.

- `138 <>`_: Add per implementation warnings support for hookspecs allowing for both
deprecation and future warnings of legacy and (future) experimental hooks

Bug Fixes

- `110 <>`_: Fix a bug where ``_HookCaller.call_historic()`` would call the ``proc``
arg even when the default is ``None`` resulting in a ``TypeError``.

- `160 <>`_: Fix problem when handling ``VersionConflict`` errors when loading setuptools plugins.

Improved Documentation

- `123 <>`_: Document how exceptions are handled and how the hook call loop
terminates immediately on the first error which is then delivered
to any surrounding wrappers.

- `136 <>`_: Docs rework including a much better introduction and comprehensive example
set for new users. A big thanks goes out to obestwalter for the great work!

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `117 <>`_: Break up the main monolithic package modules into separate modules by concern

- `131 <>`_: Automate ``setuptools`` wheels building and PyPi upload using TravisCI.

- `153 <>`_: Reorganize tests more appropriately by modules relating to each
internal component/feature. This is in an effort to avoid (future)
duplication and better separation of concerns in the test set.

- `156 <>`_: Add ``HookImpl.__repr__()`` for better debugging.

- `66 <>`_: Start using ``towncrier`` and a custom ``tox`` environment to prepare releases!



* `160 <>`_: We discovered a deployment issue so this version was never released to PyPI, only the tag exists.

Update py from 1.5.3 to 1.7.0.




- fix 174: use ``shutil.get_terminal_size()`` in Python 3.3+ to determine the size of the
terminal, which produces more accurate results than the previous method.

- fix pytest-dev/pytest2042: introduce new ``PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH`` environment variable
that suppresses ``ImportMismatchError`` exceptions when set to ``1``.



- add ``TerminalWriter.width_of_current_line`` (i18n version of
``TerminalWriter.chars_on_current_line``), a read-only property
that tracks how wide the current line is, attempting to take
into account international characters in the calculation.



- fix pytest-dev/pytest3451: don't make assumptions about fs case sensitivity
in ``make_numbered_dir``.

Update requests from 2.18.4 to 2.20.1.





- Fixed bug with unintended Authorization header stripping for
redirects using default ports (http/80, https/443).




-   Content-Type header parsing is now case-insensitive (e.g.
 charset=utf8 v Charset=utf8).
-   Fixed exception leak where certain redirect urls would raise
 uncaught urllib3 exceptions.
-   Requests removes Authorization header from requests redirected
 from https to http on the same hostname. (CVE-2018-18074)
-   `should_bypass_proxies` now handles URIs without hostnames (e.g.


- Requests now supports urllib3 v1.24.


- Requests has officially stopped support for Python 2.6.




-   Fixed issue where status\'s `init` function failed trying
 to append to a `__doc__` value of `None`.




-   Warn user about possible slowdown when using cryptography version
 < 1.3.4
-   Check for invalid host in proxy URL, before forwarding request to
-   Fragments are now properly maintained across redirects. (RFC7231
-   Removed use of cgi module to expedite library load time.
-   Added support for SHA-256 and SHA-512 digest auth algorithms.
-   Minor performance improvement to `Request.content`.
-   Migrate to using for 3.7 compatibility.


-   Parsing empty `Link` headers with `parse_header_links()` no longer
 return one bogus entry.
-   Fixed issue where loading the default certificate bundle from a zip
 archive would raise an `IOError`.
-   Fixed issue with unexpected `ImportError` on windows system which do
 not support `winreg` module.
-   DNS resolution in proxy bypass no longer includes the username and
 password in the request. This also fixes the issue of DNS queries
 failing on macOS.
-   Properly normalize adapter prefixes for url comparison.
-   Passing `None` as a file pointer to the `files` param no longer
 raises an exception.
-   Calling `copy` on a `RequestsCookieJar` will now preserve the cookie
 policy correctly.


-   We now support idna v2.7.
-   We now support urllib3 v1.23.

Update urllib3 from 1.22 to 1.24.1.




* Allow key_server_hostname to be specified when initializing a PoolManager to allow custom SNI to be overridden. (Pull 1449)

* Test against Python 3.7 on AppVeyor. (Pull 1453)

* Early-out ipv6 checks when running on App Engine. (Pull 1450)

* Change ambiguous description of backoff_factor (Pull 1436)

* Add ability to handle multiple Content-Encodings (Issue 1441 and Pull 1442)

* Skip DNS names that can't be idna-decoded when using pyOpenSSL (Issue 1405).

* Add a server_hostname parameter to HTTPSConnection which allows for
overriding the SNI hostname sent in the handshake. (Pull 1397)

* Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 (Pull 1429 and Pull 1430)

* Fixed bug where responses with header Content-Type: message/* erroneously
raised HeaderParsingError, resulting in a warning being logged. (Pull 1439)

* Move urllib3 to src/urllib3 (Pull 1409)



* Allow providing a list of headers to strip from requests when redirecting
to a different host. Defaults to the ``Authorization`` header. Different
headers can be set via ``Retry.remove_headers_on_redirect``. (Issue 1316)

* Fix ``util.selectors._fileobj_to_fd`` to accept ``long`` (Issue 1247).

* Dropped Python 3.3 support. (Pull 1242)

* Put the connection back in the pool when calling stream() or read_chunked() on
a chunked HEAD response. (Issue 1234)

* Fixed pyOpenSSL-specific ssl client authentication issue when clients
attempted to auth via certificate + chain (Issue 1060)

* Add the port to the connectionpool connect print (Pull 1251)

* Don't use the ``uuid`` module to create multipart data boundaries. (Pull 1380)

* ``read_chunked()`` on a closed response returns no chunks. (Issue 1088)

* Add Python 2.6 support to ``contrib.securetransport`` (Pull 1359)

* Added support for auth info in url for SOCKS proxy (Pull 1363)

Update virtualenv from 16.0.0 to 16.1.0.



* Fixed documentation to use and correct curl options; :issue:`1042`
* bug fix: ensure prefix is absolute when creating a new virtual environment :issue:`1208`
* upgrade setuptools from ``39.1.0`` to ``40.5.0``
* upgrade wheel from ``0.31.1`` to ``0.32.2``
* upgrade pip from ``10.0.1`` to ``18.1``
* ``activate.csh`` does not use basename and handles newlines :issue:`1200`
* fix failure to copy on platforms that use lib64 :issue:`1189`
* enable tab-completion in the interactive interpreter by default, thanks to a new ``sys.__interactivehook__`` on Python 3 :issue:`967`
* suppress warning of usage of the deprecated ``imp`` module :issue:`1238`

Copy link

Closing this in favor of #34

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Dec 10, 2018
@chambridge chambridge deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2018-12-03 branch December 10, 2018 17:52
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