A simple plugin for user leaves management. It allows user to check-in and check-out for attendance marking. Leave is marked for any user that does not check-in by the specified time. Administrator can define leave types via the administrative interface for the plugin.
Users with permission 'eligible_for_leave' are shown in the list. A report summary page similar to the Timesheet Plugin shows the leaves summary. Leaves are also integrated into the Calendar Module. User who does not check-in, is automatically marked as off after some cut-off period Leave Types are defined through Redmine settings. User can also view the check-ins/check-outs and allowed users can edit attendance too. Also, attendance can be imported in the form of csv files.
To install plugin, go to plugins folder of your Redmine repository and run:
git clone http://github.com/arkhitech/redmine_leaves
Run db migrations for the plugin
rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
Run rake task to populate time_spent field in user_time_checks
RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine_leaves:populate_time_spent
Bundle install all the gems using the following command
bundle install
After bundle install, go to Redmine leave plugin folder and run the following command
wheneverize .
Above command creates a file “schedule.rb” in config folder. Go to config/schedule.rb and type the following code
every :weekday, :at => '12:01 pm' do rake "redmine_leaves:auto_leave_mark" end
Run the following command to automate the leave marking process
whenever --update-crontab store
After installation, log in to Redmine as administrator and go to plugin settings for Redmine leaves plugin configuration.
After installing Redmine leave plugin, it is advised to make Redmine groups and add users into these groups. This will allow the admin to assign permissions to users accordingly.
Admin will be required to always update the "Auto-Mark" process whenever the server restarts. To do so, go to congif/schedule.rb and run the following command
whenever --update-crontab store