Easy to setup, easy to use. Example application
Bluz works with PHP 5.6 or later and MySQL 5.4 or later (please check requirements)
Download composer.phar
, it's easy:
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Run create-project
command (replace %path%
php composer.phar create-project bluzphp/skeleton %path% --stability=dev
Get Bluz skeleton source files from GitHub repository:
git clone git://github.com/bluzphp/skeleton.git %path%
Download composer.phar
to the project folder:
cd %path%
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Install composer dependencies with the following command:
php composer.phar install
For install you need any web-server (for Windows) and PhpStorm. dows) и PhpStorm.
Create project in PhpStorm:
- File -> New project;
- Set the project name and location;
- In a Project type field choose Composer project;
- Check that radiobutton is set opposite "Download composer.phar from getcomposer.org", type in a search field "bluzphp/skeleton", select this package in Available packages window and click OK.
- After that file composer.phar and all dependencies will be loaded.
Restore database structure from structure.ddl
file (use InnoDB as the Default MySQL Storage Engine for avoid "Error Code: 1071"!).
Restore default database data from dump.sql
Edit your configuration's files /path/to/application/configs/dev/*.php
(configuration for development environment)
Run internal PHP web-server with simple console tool (for Linux):
/path/to/bin/server.sh -e dev
Or create symlink to Apache document root (required FollowSymlinks option):
- Linux
ln -s /path/to/public /path/to/web
- Win
mklink /D /path/to/web path/to/public
* @privilege View-User-Profile
* @cache 5 minutes
* @param integer $id
* @return \closure
function($id) use ($view) {
* @var Application $this
* @var View $view
$view->user = Users\Table::findRow($id);
namespace Application\Users;
class Table extends \Bluz\Db\Table
protected $table = 'users';
protected $primary = array('id');
namespace Application\Users;
* @property integer $id
* @property string $login
class Row extends \Bluz\Db\Row {
The project is developed by NIX Solutions PHP team and distributed under MIT LICENSE
NIX Solutions has OEM License of Redactor. Full text of Redactor License you can read at http://imperavi.com/redactor/license/