Coding standards for collaboration. Make sure to check out!
Further information, and guide for open source collaboration with us, will follow later.
Coding standards for collaboration. Make sure to check out!
Further information, and guide for open source collaboration with us, will follow later.
Dockerfiles for building TAK server Java stuff and creating images
Ubuntu based docker container with mumble server and letsencrypt for certs
Smarty 1
Keeps track of mumble instances ordered by people in different contexts
Python 1
Chart for
Compositions etc to integrate all the pieces (CA, Keycload, LDAP, Database, REST API) into something cosmic
Minimal KRAFTWERK amulation to be able to run a RASENMAEHER+products deployment on any VM
TF scripts for bringin up RASENMAEHER and TAK (and in future other integrated products) on a single VM as one large docker composition