Tilauspalvelu integration #404
GitHub Actions / JUnit report (local)
Feb 8, 2024 in 0s
101 tests run, 99 passed, 1 skipped, 1 failed.
Check failure on line 47 in .mypy_cache/3.11/tests/tlstests/test_jwt_init.data.json
github-actions / JUnit report (local)
AssertionError: assert False
+ where False = <bound method Path.exists of PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/public/tilauspalvelu.pub')>()
+ where <bound method Path.exists of PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/public/tilauspalvelu.pub')> = PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/public/tilauspalvelu.pub').exists
Raw output
empty_datadirs = (PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/private'), PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/public'))
def test_empty_response(empty_datadirs: Tuple[Path, Path]) -> None:
"""Check tnat the checking functions return False"""
assert not check_jwt_init()
assert not check_private_key()
assert check_public_keys() # This should always be true unless shit blows up
tppath = resolve_pubkeydir() / "tilauspalvelu.pub"
> assert tppath.exists()
E AssertionError: assert False
E + where False = <bound method Path.exists of PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/public/tilauspalvelu.pub')>()
E + where <bound method Path.exists of PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/public/tilauspalvelu.pub')> = PosixPath('/tmp/tmpell7g12i/data/public/tilauspalvelu.pub').exists
tests/tlstests/test_jwt_init.py:47: AssertionError