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Pole placement or pole assignment is a major control design method for linear time-invariant systems. gammasyn is a toolbox for Matlab which enables an easy (robust) pole region assignment by

  • offering an easy description of the (robust) pole region assignment and
  • providing a unified interface for a large number of optimizers.

As this control design method relies on "heavy" optimization, this toolbox offers functionality to create and use compiled and paralleled versions of crucial functions, provided the necessary Matlab toolboxes are available.

It works with continuous time and discrete time systems.

This documentation assumes a basic knowledge of control systems and the concept of pole placement.

The accompanying publication can be found at and can be cited as:

Vogt, P., Lenz, E., and Konigorski, U. (2020). gammasyn – eine Toolbox zur robusten Polbereichsvorgabe mittels beschränkter Optimierung und Straffunktionen, at - Automatisierungstechnik, 68(10), 893-904

The theory behind robust coupling control with pole region assignment is published in and can be cited as:

Schaub, P., Vogt, P. and Konigorski, U. (2021). Robust Coupling Control Using Pole Region Assignment, Systems & Control Letters, 158, 105067

Pole region assignment

With static and/or structured output feedback it is in general not possible to assign the poles of the closed loop system freely. In this case the control objective may be softened in the sense that no specific values for the closed loop poles are demanded, but a region is specified, in which the poles of the closed loop have to lie.

Another application is robust control. Here the aim is to design a single controller which has to work for a whole set of plants with different parameters. In this case it is not possible to achieve the exact same pole locations for all admissible plants, even with full state feedback, and one has to soften the objectives to a region as well.

Especially in the robust controller design with rather large parameter variation it often proves to be a hard task to place all poles in the desired region. With this in mind, this toolbox allows to define two fundamental regions:

  • A "hard" region which translates to an optimization constraint. This region should assure stability and a minimal performance.
  • A "soft" region which translates to an optimization objective. The optimization tries to place all poles within or as near as possible to this region, which may be motivated by some more eager performance goals.

In addition, individual pole regions can be defined for the different plants within a robust design. This allows to define a good control performance for plants near the rated plant and only some basic behavior for plants under "extreme" working conditions.

Installation and setup


  • Matlab R2015B (might also work with older versions but is not tested) (Octave is not supported because it does not support packages)
  • Toolboxes:
    • Matlab Coder (optional, if objective and constraint functions should be compiled. If the eigenvalue derivative calculation method of van der Aa is to be used, at least Matlab R2016A is needed to support runtime recursion in generated code)
    • Control Systems Toolbox (optional, if tf and ss system descriptions should be used)
    • Robust Control Toolbox (optional, if uncertain or parametric system descriptions should be used)
    • Symbolic Toolbox (optional, if symbolic constraints should be used)

If optimizers of the Optimization Toolbox or Global Optimization Toolbox of Matlab are used, the corresponding toolbox is necessary.


This repository has to be cloned or copied to a location accessible for the local Matlab installation. For the ease of installation and usage, it contains all necessary code including the open source optimizers.


To set up gammasyn within Matlab the script startup.m has to be executed. The effects of this script are only temporary, therefore it has to be executed anew after a restart of Matlab.

This script works directly in the base workspace. It cleans up behind itself, i.e. it clears all variables used by it, but it does not check beforehand if the variables were in use. Therefore, it is recommended to execute this script with a cleared base workspace to avoid an inconsistent state.

Minimal examples

Test system

For the minimal examples the test system is a simple one-mass-oscillator described by

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{dt}}\begin{bmatrix} x \\ \dot x \end{bmatrix} & = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ - \frac{c}{m} & - \frac{d}{m} \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x \\ \dot x \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ \frac{1}{m} \end{bmatrix} \cdot u \\[2mm] y & = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x \\ \dot x \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

The nominal parameters are $m = 1$, $d = 10$ and $c = 1000$. For the robust design the parameters $m$ and $d$ are assumed to be uncertain, given by

$$\begin{aligned} m & \in [0.9,\ 1.1] \\\ d & \in [8,\ 12] \end{aligned}$$

The following function is used in the examples to construct the system for given parameter values $m$, $d$ and $c$:

function [sys] = omo_sys(m, d, c)

	A = [0, 1; -c/m, -d/m];
	B = [0; 1/m];
	C = [1, 0];

	sys = struct('A', A, 'B', B, 'C', C);


Pole region assignment

As simplest example static proportional output feedback is applied to the rated system

sys = omo_sys(1, 10, 1000);

As only the position is measured, the poles cannot be placed arbitrarily.


The target region is the sector shown in the following image.

It can be defined by

polearea = [, 0),..., 1)

For this example the solution can be determined analytically:

$$R \in [-991,\ -950]$$

($R$ is negative, which means that it is actually positive feedback. This is correct, as with this feedback structure the only possibility to dampen the system is to partly "compensate" the spring $c$.)

Pole region assignment

weight = 1;
R0 = 1;
Rfixed = [];
optimizer = optimization.solver.Optimizer.IPOPT;

gammaopts =;

[R_opt, J_opt, info] =
	polearea, weight,...
	Rfixed, R0, optimizer, gammaopts...

Additional objective term

With the code above, all solutions for $R$ within the interval $[-991,\ -950]$ are "equally good" solution of the feasibility problem. The exact value found depends on the initial value and the optimizer used. (You could change the start value to $-1000$ to observe a difference.)

This means there exists a certain degree of freedom which can be used for other purposes. The following code finds the controller among the feasible ones with the smallest norm of the feedback matrix. In this case, it is just the $R$ with the smallest absolute value, i.e. the unique solution now is $R_\mathrm{opt} = -950$.

weight = 1;
R0 = 1;
Rfixed = [];
optimizer = optimization.solver.Optimizer.IPOPT;

gammaopts =
	'type', GammaJType.NORMGAIN,...
	'objective.normgain.R', (1)...

[R_opt, J_opt, info] =
	polearea, weight,...
	Rfixed, R0, optimizer, gammaopts...

Robust pole region assignment


Now it is assumed that the mass and the damping coefficient are not exactly known but only intervals are given. To apply the multiple model approach in a first step the "corner" models as well as the rated model are build and stored in one vector.

m = [0.9, 1.1];
d = [8, 12];
c = 1000;

sys = [
	omo_sys(m(1), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(1), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(mean(m), mean(d), c)


The target pole region is the same as in the example above.

polearea = [, 0),..., 1)

Robust pole region assignment

Also the call to gammasyn is the same as above, the only difference is that sys now contains five instead of one system.

weight = 1;
R0 = 1;
Rfixed = [];
optimizer = optimization.solver.Optimizer.IPOPT;

gammaopts =;

[R_opt, J_opt, info] =
	polearea, weight,...
	Rfixed, R0, optimizer, gammaopts...

This task proves to be feasible, i.e. there exists a controller gain for which the poles of all five closed loops lie within the specified region.

The following image shows the poles of all five closed loop systems

This multiple model approach is heuristic and makes no guarantees about the $\Gamma$-stability of the other systems described by the given parameter ranges. It is advisable to check the properties for a larger subset of the admissible systems. This is made in the following image, where the poles of 100 additional closed loop systems are shown in gray.


System and Controller

This framework considers static, possibly structured output feedback only. As will be discussed later, this is actually not a restriction, as any dynamic feedback can be cast into this form.

In the simplest form for this framework a system is given by the three matrices $A$, $B$ and $C$ of the state space representation

$$\begin{aligned} \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \end{aligned}$$

and the control loop is to be closed with the controller

$$u = -R y + F r$$

where $r$ is the reference value. This leads to a closed loop

$$\dot x = (A - B R C) \cdot x + B F r$$

whose poles $\lambda_\nu$ are the solutions of the eigenvalue problem

$$\det(I \lambda_\nu - (A - B R C)) = 0$$

Mass matrix

As a small notational convenience in some cases, the model can be described as

$$\begin{aligned} E \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \end{aligned}$$

with the invertible mass matrix $E$.

The feedback has the same form as above which leads to the associated eigenvalue problem

$$\det(E \lambda_\nu - (A - B R C)) = 0$$

to determine the eigenvalues or poles of the closed loop system.

Differential feedback

To allow modeling true differential feedback, the model can be extended to

$$\begin{aligned} \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \\\ y' & = C' \dot x \end{aligned}$$

for which the controller has the structure

$$u = - R y + K y' + F r$$
  • The prime-notation $y'$ is not the same as $\dot y$ but allows that not all or others outputs are used for the differential feedback than for the "normal" feedback. If all outputs should be used for the differential feedback, i.e. $y' = \dot y$, then $C' = C$ can be chosen.
  • The differential feedback is defined as positive feedback whereas the normal feedback is defined as negative feedback. This is a deliberate choice which leads to a more symmetric generalized eigenvalue problem
$$\det((I - B K C') \cdot \lambda_\nu - (A - B R C)) = 0$$

Process variables

As the model used here is an augmented system, as discussed below, the output $y$ doesn't generally reflect the actual process variables. Therefore, the process variables for which sensible reference values (or set points) exist are described by an additional output equation:

$$\begin{aligned} \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \\\ y_\mathrm{ref} & = C_\mathrm{ref} x + D_\mathrm{ref} u \end{aligned}$$

Full continuous time model

Combining all extensions, the most general system description used by this toolbox is

$$\begin{aligned} E \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \\\ y' & = C' \dot x \\\ y_\mathrm{ref} & = C_\mathrm{ref} x + D_\mathrm{ref} u \end{aligned}$$

where $E$ must be an invertible matrix and the controller is given by

$$u = - R y + K y' + F r$$

The eigenvalues or poles of the closed loop are the solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem

$$\det((E - B K C') \cdot \lambda_\nu - (A - B R C)) = 0$$

The structure is depicted here:

Discrete time model

The discrete time model is defined analogously to the continuous time case as

$$\begin{aligned} E x_{k + 1} & = A x_k + B u_k \\\ y_k & = C x_k \\\ y'_k & = C' x_{k+1} \\\ y_{\mathrm{ref}, k} & = C_\mathrm{ref} x_k + D_\mathrm{ref} u_k \end{aligned}$$

where $E$ must be an invertible matrix and the controller is given by

$$u_k = - R y_k + K y'_k + F r_k$$

The discrete time analogous "derivative" output $y'_k$ is only defined for accordance with the continuous time system matrices and serves no engineering purpose because it results in a non causal system.

The structure is depicted here:

Augmented System

The system given by the structure described above is an augmented system in the sense that it may contain parts of the controller.

The approach applied in this toolbox relies on static structured output feedback. However, this is a very general approach, as all the controller dynamics can be added to the system, resulting in the "augmented system".

If for example the system

$$\begin{aligned} \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \end{aligned}$$

is to be controlled by a PI-controller

$$u = K_\mathrm{P} e + K_\mathrm{I} \int e \mathrm{d} \tau$$

with $e = r - y$, $r$ being the reference value, which can be written in the state space representation

$$\begin{aligned} \dot x_\mathrm{I} & = 0 x_\mathrm{I} - I y + I r \\\ u & = K_\mathrm{I} x_\mathrm{I} - K_\mathrm{P} y + K_\mathrm{P} r \end{aligned}$$

the resulting augmented system is

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} \dot x \\ \dot x_\mathrm{I} \end{bmatrix} & = \begin{bmatrix} A & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x_\mathrm{I} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} B & 0 \\ 0 & I \end{bmatrix} u_\mathrm{a} \\\ y_\mathrm{a} & = \begin{bmatrix} C & 0 \\ 0 & I \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x_\mathrm{I} \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

to which the static output feedback

$$u_\mathrm{a} = - \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} K_\mathrm{P} & -K_\mathrm{I} \\ I & 0 \end{bmatrix}}_{K} y_\mathrm{a} + \begin{bmatrix} K_\mathrm{P} \\ I \end{bmatrix} r$$

is applied. This is a structured feedback, as the second row of the feedback matrix $R$ doesn't contain any free parameter but values which must not be altered by the optimizer.

More generally, if the given system is controlled with a general dynamic controller

$$\begin{aligned} \dot x_\mathrm{D} & = A_\mathrm{D} x_\mathrm{D} + B_\mathrm{D} y + F_1 r \\\ u & = C_\mathrm{D} x_\mathrm{D} + D_\mathrm{D} y + F_2 r \end{aligned}$$

(where $A_\mathrm{D}$ to $D_\mathrm{D}$ may be structured) the augmented system is

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} \dot x \\ \dot x_\mathrm{D} \end{bmatrix} & = \begin{bmatrix} A & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x_\mathrm{D} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} B & 0 \\ 0 & I \end{bmatrix} u_\mathrm{a} \\\ y_\mathrm{a} & = \begin{bmatrix} C & 0 \\ 0 & I \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x_\mathrm{D} \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

which is closed by

$$u_\mathrm{a} = - \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} -D_\mathrm{D} & -C_\mathrm{D} \\ -B_\mathrm{D} & -A_\mathrm{D} \end{bmatrix}}_{K} y_\mathrm{a} + \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} F_2 \\ F_1 \end{bmatrix}}_{F} r$$

where $R$ (and $F$) are generally structured corresponding to the structure of $A_\mathrm{D}$ to $D_\mathrm{D}$ (and $F_1$ and $F_2$).

As such structure is mandatory to achieve given controller structures as for example PI or PID controllers, this toolbox provides the possibility to define such structures.

Pole region

The basic aim of this control design procedure is to determine $R$ and $K$ such that all poles $\lambda_\nu$, $\nu = 1,\ \ldots,\ n$, of the closed loop system lie within a certain region $\Gamma$ of the complex plane.

This toolbox distinguishes between two regions:

  • $\Gamma_\mathrm{hard}$: All poles $\lambda_\nu$ must lie within this region to consider the problem solved.
  • $\Gamma_\mathrm{soft}$: All poles should lie within or as near as possible to this region.

For a compact notation, the real part of a complex value is written as $\sigma$ and the imaginary part as $\omega$, i.e. for example

$$\lambda_\nu = \sigma_\nu + \mathrm{j} \omega_\nu$$

Mathematical description of pole regions

A region is defined by one or the intersection of more areas. Here, "area" refers to the "left side" of a curve in the complex plane.

$$z_\rho(\sigma,\ \omega) \begin{cases} < 0 & \sigma + \mathrm{j} \omega \textnormal{ lies left of the curve} \\\ = 0 & \sigma + \mathrm{j} \omega \textnormal{ lies on the curve} \\\ > 0 & \sigma + \mathrm{j} \omega \textnormal{ lies right of the curve} \end{cases}$$

Depending on the optimizer, a function $z_\rho(\sigma,\ \omega)$ should be differentiable twice after each argument.

A region is defined as a set of areas, $\Gamma = \{z_1,\ \ldots,\ z_r\}$. The condition that all poles lie within this area translates to

$$z_\rho(\sigma_\nu,\ \omega_\nu) \leq 0 \forall \rho = 1,\ \ldots,\ r, \ \forall \nu = 1,\ \ldots, n$$

For the robust case, where $m$ models are to be considered, the condition is

$$z_{\mu \rho}(\sigma_{\mu \nu},\ \omega_{\mu \nu}) \leq 0 \forall \rho = 1,\ \ldots,\ r_\mu, \ \forall \nu = 1,\ \ldots, n_\mu, \ \forall \mu = 1,\ \ldots,\ m$$
  • The region may depend on the model $\mu$. This can be important from a practical point of view. If the uncertainty is rather large one may have to loosen the performance goals, described by the region, for corner case models.
  • The system order $n_\mu$ may depend on the model $\mu$ as well.

As there are two pole regions, $\Gamma_\mathrm{hard}$ and $\Gamma_\mathrm{soft}$, there are also two sets of functions $z_{\mu \rho}$: $\Gamma_\mathrm{hard} = \{z_{\mathrm{hard},\mu \rho}\}$ and $\Gamma_\mathrm{soft} = \{z_{\mathrm{soft},\mu \rho}\}$.

Problem formulation

The aim is to determine the matrices of the controller

$$u = - R y + K y' + F r$$

Controller structure

Generally it is structured feedback, that is, the matrices cannot be chosen freely but certain entries are fixed and there may be additional conditions to be respected. Mathematically fixed entries and linear dependencies between different entries can be expressed in the form

$$\begin{aligned} Z_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \cdot \mathrm{vec}(R) & = z_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \\\ Z_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \cdot \mathrm{vec}(K) & = z_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \\\ Z_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \cdot \mathrm{vec}(F) & = z_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \end{aligned}$$

which allows dependecies of entries of the same matrix only or the more general form

$$\begin{aligned} Z_\mathrm{RKF,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \cdot \begin{bmatrix}\mathrm{vec}(R)\\\mathrm{vec}(K)\\\mathrm{vec}(F)\end{bmatrix} & = z_\mathrm{RKF,{\scriptscriptstyle=}} \end{aligned}$$

where $\mathrm{vec}$ is the vectorization operator. Mathematically the latter form comprises the precedent three equations, but this framework allows the specification in either form or both forms simultanously.

The notation used here is versatile. Of course equality conditions of the form $(R)_{1,2} = 1$ actually simply reduce the effective number of optimization variables. The same is valid for linear equation constraints between two and more optimization variables. This is used by the toolbox when it constructs the problem, but for the sake of readability it is not denoted explicitly here.

The possibility to formulate linear equality conditions is necessary for the design of a structured controller. Not necessary but possible are linear inequality conditions (aside from the ones resulting from the pole region constraints which are introduced below), which can be specified in the form

$$\begin{aligned} Z_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \cdot \mathrm{vec}(R) & \leq z_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \\\ Z_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \cdot \mathrm{vec}(K) & \leq z_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \\\ Z_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \cdot \mathrm{vec}(F) & \leq z_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} Z_\mathrm{RKF,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \cdot \begin{bmatrix}\mathrm{vec}(R)\\\mathrm{vec}(K)\\\mathrm{vec}(F)\end{bmatrix} & \leq z_\mathrm{RKF,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}} \end{aligned}$$

To provide more flexibility, this toolbox allows also for nonlinear equality and inequality conditions,

$$\begin{aligned} c_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle=}}(R) & = 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle=}}(K) & = 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle=}}(F) & = 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}}(R) & \leq 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}}(K) & \leq 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}}(F) & \leq 0 \end{aligned}$$

Instead of referring to these seven equations and seven inequalities in the feasibility and optimization problems that follow, it is used the shorter notation

$$(R,\ K,\ F) \in \mathcal{S}$$

For example

$$\min_{(R,\ K,\ F) \in \mathcal{S}} J$$

Pole regions

These are translated into constraints or into an objective function, depending on the type of region (hard or soft) and the capabilities of the optimizer.

Hard pole region - Constrained optimization

If the optimizer supports inequality constraints directly,

$$\begin{aligned} & (R^\star,\ K^\star,\ F^\star) = \underset{(R,\ K,\ F) \in \mathcal{S}}{\arg \min} J \\\ & \textnormal{subject to } w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\sigma_{\mu \nu},\ \omega_{\mu \nu}) \leq 0 \ \forall \rho = 1,\ \ldots,\ r_\mu, \ \forall \nu = 1,\ \ldots, n_\mu, \ \forall \mu = 1,\ \ldots,\ m \end{aligned}$$

If no additional objective function is given, i.e. $J = 0$, this is a feasibility problem.

The weights $w_{\mu \rho}$ are not necessary from a theoretical - and mostly practical - point of view. Generally they should be set to 1.

  • The weights can be used to reverse the left and right side of an area.
  • They could be used to "help" the optimizer to find a solution.
Hard pole region - Unconstrained optimization using a loss function

If the optimizer doesn't support inequality constraints (or for the soft pole region $\Gamma_\mathrm{soft}$) the inequality constraints have to be transformed into an objective function using loss functions.

In most cases the resulting objective function has the form

$$J_\Gamma = \sum_{\mu=1}^m \sum_{\nu=1}^{n_\mu} \sum_{\rho=1}^{r_\mu} j(z_{\mu \rho}(\sigma_{\mu \nu},\ \omega_{\mu \nu}))$$

i.e. for each combination of model, pole and area the value of $z_{\mu \rho}(\sigma_{\mu \nu},\ \omega_{\mu \nu})$ is assessed by some loss function $j$ and the sum is used as objective function. The following table lists the most common choices for $j$:

loss function $j(z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$
Quadratic loss function $(\max(0,\ w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot)))^2$
$l_1$ loss function $\max(0,\ w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$
Exponential loss function $\exp(w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$
Logarithmic loss function $-\log(-w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$
  • The downside of the $l_1$ loss function is that it is not differentiable on the border curves.
  • The logarithmic loss function is an inner penalty function which is not defined for any pole not lying within the defined region. Therefore, it can only be used if the initial value for the optimization variables is feasible.
  • The exponential loss function may lead to very high values if the poles are far out of the regions. This may results in problems if the initial value for the optimization variables are not chosen carefully. In this case, the quadratic loss function may be a better choice.

An alternative objective function is based on the Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser function,

$$J = f_\mathrm{max,KM} + \frac{1}{\rho_\mathrm{KM}} \cdot \ln\left( \sum_{\mu=1}^m \sum_{\nu=1}^{n_\mu} \sum_{\rho=1}^{r_\mu} \exp(\rho_\mathrm{KM} w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot) - f_\mathrm{max,KM}) \right)$$

which is an (rough) approximation of $\max (w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$.

The resulting optimization problem is

$$(R^\star,\ K^\star,\ F^\star) = \underset{(R,\ K,\ F) \in \mathcal{S}}{\arg \min} J_{\Gamma, \mathrm{hard}}$$

Soft pole region

If a constrained optimizer is used, a second pole region can be defined. This soft region is treated in the same way as unconstrained optimizers treat the hard pole region, i.e.

  • The soft pole region $\Gamma_\mathrm{soft}$
  • It makes only sense if the optimizer supports inequality constraints
$$\begin{aligned} & (R^\star,\ K^\star,\ F^\star) = \underset{(R,\ K,\ F) \in \mathcal{S}}{\arg \min} J_{\Gamma, \mathrm{soft}} \\\ & \textnormal{subject to } z_{\mu \rho}(\sigma_{\mu \nu},\ \omega_{\mu \nu}) \leq 0 \forall \rho = 1,\ \ldots,\ r_\mu, \ \forall \nu = 1,\ \ldots, n_\mu, \ \forall \mu = 1,\ \ldots,\ m \end{aligned}$$

Additional objective terms

Additional objective functions can be selected.

Controller norm

In order to get a small control action, the controller matrices can be minimized by the choice of GammaJType.NORMGAIN as objective type with the objective function

$$J_\mathrm{Ctrl} = \| W_\mathrm{R} \odot (R - S_\mathrm{R}) \|_\mathrm{F}^2 + \| W_\mathrm{K} \odot (K - S_\mathrm{K}) \|_\mathrm{F}^2 + \| W_\mathrm{F} \odot (F - S_\mathrm{F}) \|_\mathrm{F}^2$$

where the matrices $W$ of appropriate dimension are chosen for weighting.

Condition of the eigenvector matrix

For greater robustness of the closed loop, the condition number of the eigenvector matrix can be minimized by the choice of GammaJType.EIGENVALUECONDITION with the objective function

$$J_\mathrm{EV} = \mathrm{cond}(V)$$
Norm of the Lyapunov matrix

Another possibility for achieving greater robustness against time varying unstructured uncertainty in the system matrix of the closed loop, is the minimization of the norm of the Lyapunov matrix of the closed loop system, which can be achieved by the choice of GammaJType.LYAPUNOV. The objective function in this case has the form

$$J_\mathrm{Lyap} = -\frac{1}{\|\tilde{P}_{11}\|_{F}^2} + \frac{1}{\|\tilde{P}_{22}\|_{F}^2}$$

where the matrices $Q$ in the Lyapunov equation can be chosen independently for every multiple model. The matrices $\tilde{P}_{11}$ and $\tilde{P}_{22}$ which correspond to the unstable and stable part of the system respectively stem from a Schur decomposition of the closed loop system matrix where the unstable system matrix is replaced by $-A$ in the continuous time case and $A^{-1}$ in the discrete time case.

Complete optimization problem

Constrained optimizers

For constrained optimizers the "full" optimization problem is

$$\begin{aligned} & (R^\star,\ K^\star,\ F^\star) = \underset{(R,\ K,\ F) \in \mathcal{S}}{\arg \min} w_\Gamma J_\mathrm{\Gamma,soft} + w_\mathrm{Ctrl} J_\mathrm{Ctrl} + w_\mathrm{EV} J_\mathrm{EV} \\\ & \textnormal{subject to } w_{\mathrm{hard},\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\sigma_{\mu \nu},\ \omega_{\mu \nu}) \leq 0 \forall \rho = 1,\ \ldots,\ r_\mu, \ \forall \nu = 1,\ \ldots, n_\mu, \ \forall \mu = 1,\ \ldots,\ m \end{aligned}$$

For unconstrained optimizers the "full" optimization problem is

$$(R^\star,\ K^\star,\ F^\star) = \underset{(R,\ K,\ F) \in \mathcal{S}}{\arg \min} w_\Gamma J_\mathrm{\Gamma,hard} + w_\mathrm{Ctrl} J_\mathrm{Ctrl} + w_\mathrm{EV} J_\mathrm{EV}$$

In this case only "simple" linear equality conditions can be imposed for the entries of $R$, $K$ and $F'$ which can be incorporated directly by reducing the number of optimization variables.


[R_opt, J_opt, info] =
	polearea, weight,...
	Rfixed, R0, optimizer, gammaopts,...
	[Rbounds [, Rnonlin]]...

Return values

  • R_opt: Found solution, the format depends on relevant
    • If sys defines neither $C'$ nor $C_\mathrm{ref}$ and $D_\mathrm{ref}$, then R_opt is simply a numerical matrix corresponding to $R^\star$
    • If sys defines all matrixes, then R_opt is a cell array with three numerical entries corresponding to the solution $(R^\star,\ K^\star,\ F^\star)$
  • J_opt: value of the objective function at R_opt
  • info: structure with additional information about the result

System sys

The argument sys describes one or more systems. A system is described by a struct whose fields correspond to the matrices of a state space realization. If more than one system is given, sys is a vector of structs.

These systems are always the augmented systems which may include (parts of) the controller.

In the simplest form a system is given by the three matrices $A$, $B$ and $C$ of the state space representation

$$\begin{aligned} \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \end{aligned}$$

Optionally, this toolbox allows to specify a mass matrix and to design ideal differential feedback as well as it can design a prefilter. The "full" system form is given by

$$\begin{aligned} E \dot x & = A x + B u \\\ y & = C x \\\ y' & = C' \dot x \\\ y_\mathrm{ref} & = C_\mathrm{ref} x + D_\mathrm{ref} u \end{aligned}$$

where $E$ must be an invertible matrix.

Fields Remark
A, B, C Minimum form
C_dot Optional
E Optional
C_ref, D_ref Optional

PLEASE NOTE: A field D may be given (and is also returned by functions of this toolbox), but it must be a zero matrix of compatible size! (Future versions may allow systems with feed through but in the current version a non-zero D results in undefined behavior.)

If the additional flexibility of differential feedback or reference outputs is not needed, it is also possible to supply system descriptions that are included in Matlab's Control System toolbox as ss, tf, uss or dss.

Controller structure Rfixed

The controller structure is given by the mandatory argument Rfixed as well as the optional arguments Rbounds and Rnonlin.

In the following, the structure of one of the matrices $R$, $K$ and $F$ are explained. (It is the same for each one.) They are combined by forming a cell array, i.e. if all three matrices are used:

Rfixed = {Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed, Fa_fixed, RKFa_fixed}

If no dependencies between different gain matrices are needed, this can be reduced to

Rfixed = {Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed, Fa_fixed}

If only $R$ and $K$ is used,

Rfixed = {Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed}

and if only $R$ is used,

Rfixed = {Ra_fixed}
  • Fixed values

    Ra_fixed = {Rfix, Rval}

    Rfix is a logical matrix with true-entries marking the fixed entries. Rval is a numerical matrix where the fixed values are given. The non-fixed values are marked as NaN in this matrix.

    (This is redundant, as Rfix = ~isnan(Rval) but is needed to distinguish the format.)

    For example, if $R = \begin{bmatrix} r_\mathrm{P} &amp; - r_\mathrm{I} \\ 1 &amp; 0 \end{bmatrix}$ with the parameters $r_\mathrm{P}$ and $r_\mathrm{I}$ being free, the definition of the structure would be

     	{[false, false; true, true], [NaN, NaN; 1, 0]}
  • Linear dependencies between controller parameters

    Ra_fixed = {Zlhs, Zrhs}

    Linear dependencies are given by linear equations of the form

     \sum_{i,j} (Z_k \odot R) = z_k

    where $\odot$ means element-wise multiplication (Hadamard product). If there is more than one equation $k$, the matrices $Z_k$ are stacked along the third dimension in Zlhs. I.e, if Nz linear dependencies are specified, the dimensions of Zlhs and zrhs are size(Zlhs): [size(R, 1), size(R, 2), Nz] (for the combined constraints size(Zlhs): [size(R, 1), size(R, 2) + size(K, 2) + size(F, 2), Nz]) and size(Zrhs): [Nz, 1], resp.

    For example, if $R = \begin{bmatrix} r_1 &amp; r_2 &amp; r_3 \\ r_4 &amp; r_5 &amp; 1 \end{bmatrix}$ with $r_i$ being free but subject to the constraints $r_1 = r_2 = r_3$ and $r_4 = r_5$, the definition of the structure would be

     		[1, -1, 0; 0, 0, 0],... % lhs of r_1 - r_2 = 0
     		[1, 0, -1; 0, 0, 0],... % lhs of r_1 - r_3 = 0
     		[0, 0, 0; 1, -1, 0],... % lhs of r_4 - r_5 = 0
     		[0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1]...   % lhs of r_6 = 1
     		0;    % rhs of r_1 - r_2 = 0
     		0;    % rhs of r_1 - r_3 = 0
     		0;    % rhs of r_4 - r_5 = 0
     		1     % rhs of r_6 = 1
    • As said above, linear dependencies for K and F can be specified in the same way in Ka_fixed and Fa_fixed. For dependecies involving all matrices RKFa_fixed can be used, specifying {Zlhs, Zrhs} corresponding to
     	\sum_{i,j} (Z_k \odot \begin{bmatrix} R & K & F \end{bmatrix}) = z_k
  • Symbolic dependencies between controller parameters If the Symbolic Math Toolbox is available, it is also possible, to formulate the controller coefficient constraints as symbolic expressions. This can be achieved by specifying the symbolic gain matrix in the first element of a cell array and the symbolic equation system in the second element of the cell array for every gain matrix like in

	R = sym('R', [2, 2]);
	K_I = sym('K_I');
	K_P = sym('K_P');
	R(1, 1) = K_P;
	R(1, 2) = K_I;
	Ka_fixed = {R, [
		K_I == K_P;
		R(2, 1) == 1;
		R(2, 2) == 0

for the proportional part of a PID controller where integral and proportional action should have the same coefficient value.

As it may be cumbersome to construct the augmented system as well as to specify the structure of the controller matrices manually for the desired controller structure, this toolbox provides helper functions for common controller structures.

Alternatively the capabilities of the parameterized and uncertain system objects of the Control System Toolbox and the Robust Control Toolbox can be used.

Predefined controller setups

Class Parameters Description
DynamicOutputFeedback nD nD: order of the dynamic controller
sys = omo_sys(1, 10, 1000);

controller =;

% construct augmented system
sys_augmented = controller.amend(sys);

% get structure description
[Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed] = controller.gainpattern(sys);
Rfixed = {Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed};

This works as well if sys contains several systems:

m = [0.9, 1.1];
d = [8, 12];
c = 1000;

sys = [
	omo_sys(m(1), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(1), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(mean(m), mean(d), c)

controller =;

sys_augmented = controller.amend(sys);

[Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed] = controller.gainpattern(sys);
Rfixed = {Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed};

Using Matlab system definitions

Instead of supplying the system descripton as a structure with the neccessary fields, it is also possible to use a tf or ss object (or array in case of multiple models) as system.

sys = omo_sys(1, 10, 1000);
sys = ss(sys.A, sys.B, sys.C);

controller =;

% construct augmented system
sys_augmented = controller.amend(sys);

% get structure description
[Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed] = controller.gainpattern(sys);
Rfixed = {Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed};

Initial value R0

An initial value for the feedback matrix $R$ must be given.

Numerical value

It must have the same dimension as $R$, i.e. size(R0) : [size(sys.B, 1), size(sys.C, 2)]. If $R$ contains fixed values, the corresponding entries of R0 are ignored.

An inital value for the differential feedback matrix $K$ may be given. In this case, R0 is a cell array containing two matrices,

R0 = {Ra0, Ka0}

If the structure employs differential feedback but no initial value for $K$ is given, it is set to $0$. Supplying an initial value for the prefilter gain $F$ is possbile with three matrices

R0 = {Ra0, Ka0, Fa0}

Multiple numerical values

It is possible to provide more than one initial value. In this case the optimization problem is solved for each (set of) initial value(s) and the best solution is returned.

To provide multiple initial values, instead a two-dimensional matrix R0, a cell array of two two-dimensional matrices {Ra0, Ka0} or a cell array of three two-dimensional matrices {Ra0, Ka0, Fa0} three-dimensional values have to be provided.


If the user supplied initial value for optimization is to be changed by a further processing step to make it more suitable for the pole region assignment problem by taking the multiple models into account, this is possible by the use of the InitialValue class. This class is a container for different InitialValueElement objects that may implement this processing, e.g. using the oplace toolbox for design of structurally constrained output feedback controllers with pole assignment developed at the institute of automatic control at the TU Darmstadt. Currently this task is left to the user and there are only two simple InitialValueElement classes defined, GammasynInitialValueElement which is basically only a wrapper for numeric initial values described above and RandomInitialValue which returns random initial values of appropriate size. An initial value consisting of a random value and a numeric value can be constructed by

R0 =,...

which creates two random initial values and the numeric initial value Ra0.

Region definition

A region is defined by one or the intersection of more areas. Here, "area" means a function which maps any point of the complex plane, $\sigma + \mathrm{j} \omega$, to a real number, $z_\rho(\sigma,\ \omega)$. It is zero on the border of the area, has negative values on the side at which poles must or should lie and positive values on the other side. It should be differentiable twice.

These are translated into constraints or into an objective function, depending on the type of region (hard or soft) and the capabilities of the optimizer. If it is translated to an objective function, the area functions are applied to a loss function defined with GammaJType.

To allow for an efficient optimization, an area should not only provide its value when called for a certain point of the complex plane, but also returns its first (and second) derivatives.

For the common areas these functions are predefined, such that there should be seldom the need to define custom area functions.

Generally, a region (hard or soft) is defined by a row vector of, for example

region = [, 0),..., 1)

If a robust design is performed, i.e. there is more than one model defined, and different regions should be given for different models, then the regions are defined by a matrix, where every row describes the region for the corresponding model in the sys-vector. (If the same region is used for all models, only one has to be defined.) For three systems the regions may be defined for example by

region = [, 0),, 1);, 0),, 1);, 0),

If the number of areas differs for the different regions, the None-area can be used to fill the rows of matrices.

If both a hard and a soft region are refined, polearea is a cell array with two elements, each containing a vector of areas:

polearea = {hardregion, softregion}

If only a hard region is defined, the soft region can be set to an empty matrix

polearea = {hardregion, []}

or equivalently, polearea can be set directly as the hard region vector or matrix

polearea = hardregion

NOTE: If an unconstrained optimizer is used, only the hard region is used. I.e. if a soft region is defined, it is simply ignored.

If a constrained optimizer is used, and the user wants to specify a soft region only, that could be achieved with

polearea = {, softregion}

explicitly or by specifying [] implicitly. However, it is advisable to specify at least the "minimal" hard region, i.e. the left half plane for continuous time systems or the unit circle for discrete time systems.

Predefined areas

Area Parameters Description
R R: Radius
a, b a: semi axis along real axis
b: semi axis along imaginary axis
a, b a: semi axis along real axis
b: semi axis along imaginary axis
Imag a, b Vertical line
For left part: a: 1, b: neg. position of line on real axis
For right part: a: -1, b: position of line on real axis
Line a, b a: slope
b: intercept
The "left" area is always the part above the line!
LogSpiral r, k r: start point on real axis
k: polar slope

All areas (except None, where it is ignored) accept an additional optional parameter shift. This parameter is a complex number which allows to shift the origin of the "base" coordinate system defining the area. I.e. for circles, shift defines the center point. If shift is not specified, it is set to zero.

"square" versions

Some of the areas are more naturally defined by a squared expression. Taking the square root results in a function that may not be differentiable, if the argument of the root can attain zero. Therefore, it may be a good choice to work with the square form directly.

However, depending on the usage this may lead to other problems if squared and non-squared forms are mixed, as in the first case the "distance" is measured squared and in the latter it is measured "normally". Therefore, the non-squared versions are provided as well.

And an additional definition has to be added, if the shape doesn't distinguish between the left and right half plane.

Custom areas

z = areafun(re, im)
[z, dzdre, dzdim] = areafun(re, im)
[f, dfdre, dfdim, d2fdredre, d2fdimdre, d2fdredim, d2fdimdim] = areafun(re, im)

In this simple example, the exterior of a circle with radius $R$ is chosen as desired area. In square form, the area is defined by

$$z(\sigma,\ \omega) = R^2 - \underbrace{(\sigma^2 + \omega^2)}_{\textnormal{distance}^2}$$

which gives the derivatives

$$\frac{\mathrm{d}z}{\mathrm{d}\sigma} = -2 \sigma \qquad \frac{\mathrm{d}z}{\mathrm{d}\omega} = - 2 \omega$$

Accordingly, the function could be implemented as

function [z, dzdre, dzdim] = mindistance_area(re, im, R)
	z = R^2 - re^2 - im^2;
	dzdre = -2 * re;
	dzdim = -2 * im;

and used as

polearea = @(re, im) mindistance_area(re, im, 5)

Multiple regions can be defined by simply letting the function return row vectors of function and gradient values instead of scalars.

weight: Weighting of areas

As described above, each area and model is associated with a weight $w_{\mu \rho}$ which appears within the inequality constraints or the derived loss functions.

weight is structured like polearea. If both a hard and a soft region is defined, weight is a cell array with two numeric elements (scalar, vector or matrix)

weight = {hardweight, softweight}

If only a hard region is given, weight might be set directly to corresponding numeric element

weight = hardweight

hardweight and softweight can be defined in one of the following forms:

  • Scalar value: All weights (for all areas and all models) are set to this value. This is the standard choice for the hard region, where all weights are normally set to one.
  • Row vector: Each entry is the weight of the corresponding area. If more than one model is used, the weights may differ for the different areas, but they are the same for all models.
  • Column vector: Each entry is the weight for all areas for the corresponding model.
  • Matrix: Each entry is the weight for the corresponding model (row) and area (column).


  • If the hard region is translated to inequality constraints, the weights for the hard region are more academic (a weight might be set to a negative value to inverse the area). With some experience the weights may be used to "help" the optimizer to find a feasible solution.
  • If negative weights are used, the option allownegativeweight must be set to true.

gammaopts: Objective function and associated options

The options, which are described below, can be set using the function

gammaopts =, value, ...)

The parameter name may contain dots, for example 'objective.normgain.K.

Option Remark
type objective functions, element of GammaJType
objective.normgain.{R, K, F} Weights for minimization of controller norm
objective.normgain.{R_shift, K_shift, F_shift} Shift for minimization of controller norm
objective.kreisselmeier.{rho, max} Parameters for Kreisselmeier objective function
objective.lyapunov.Q right hand side matrix for Lyapunov equation
weight weight for the used objective functions
allowvarorder true, {false}: indicator if systems with different numbers of states are allowed
allownegativeweight true, {false}: indicator if negative area weights are allowed
usecompiled true, {false}: indicator if generated code should be used
numthreads number of parallel threads to use
eigenvaluederivative method for calculation of eigenvalue derivatives to use
eigenvaluefilter filter for eigenvalues to use
strategy strategy for solution to use
errorhandler type of error handler to use
errorhandler_function error handler function to use in case of GammaErrorHandler.USER
system.usereferences indicator if output matrix C should be used as $C_\mathrm{ref}$ for matlab system descriptions
system.usemeasurements_xdot indicator if output matrix C_dot should be used as $C'$ for matlab system descriptions
system.samples structure with fields equal to the names of uncertain blocks in the uss system description to indicate the number of multiple models to create from the corresponding uncertain parameter
system.Blocks structure with fields equal to the names of uncertain blocks in the uss system description to indicate the number of multiple models to create from the corresponding uncertain parameter

Objective functions type

With this option the type of loss function used for the soft region (constrained optimizers) or the hard region (unconstrained optimizers) is selected. Also, additional objective function terms can be selected. type is a scalar or a vector of elements of the enumeration GammaJType. The elements are listed in the following table and some examples are given below.

GammaJType Remark Loss function
ZERO no objective function (pure feasibility problem) $J = 0$
MAX $l_1$ loss function $j = \max(0,\ w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$
SQUAREPENALTY Quadratic loss function $j = (\max(0,\ w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot)))^2$
EXP Exponential loss function $j = \exp(w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$
LINEAR (*) linear weighting of pole areas $j = w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot)$
SQUARE (*) signed quadratic weighting of pole areas $j = \mathrm{sign}(w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot)) \cdot (w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))^2$
CUBIC (*) cubic weighting of pole areas $j = (w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))^3$
LOG (*) Logarithmic loss function $j = -\log(-w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot))$
KREISSELMEIER vector performance index weighting according to Kreisselmeier $J = f_\mathrm{max,KM} + \rho_\mathrm{KM}^{-1}\ln\left( \sum_{\mu, \rho, \nu} \exp(\rho _\mathrm{KM} w_{\mu \rho} z_{\mu \rho}(\cdot,\cdot) - f_\mathrm{max,KM}) \right)$
EIGENVALUECONDITION (**) eigenvector matrix condition objective function
NORMGAIN (**) norm of gain matrices $J = | W_\mathrm{R} \odot R |_\mathrm{F}^2 + | W_\mathrm{K} \odot K |_\mathrm{F}^2 + | W_\mathrm{F} \odot F |_\mathrm{F}^2$
LYAPUNOV (**) norm of Lyapunov matrix of closed loop

(*) These loss functions are unbounded below. This may lead to unexpected results if the closed loop possesses conjugate complex poles. They are provided mainly for experimental and academic reasons.

(**) These loss functions don't assess the poles at all but are motivated by the aim to get a robust or economic controller.

For example, if type is set to


the quadratic loss function is used and none of the additional objective functions $J_\mathrm{Ctrl}$ and $J_\mathrm{EV}$ is added.

If type is set to


the quadratic loss function is used and the controller norm is added. To weight these two terms, the option weightcan be set appropriately.

If type is set to

	[GammaJType.ZERO; GammaJType.NORMGAIN]

only the norm of the controller is used in the objective function. This can be a sensible choice when constrained optimizers are used, as the hard region is still respected. When an unconstrained optimizer is used, this is not a sensible choice, as the pole region is ignored completely and therefore the optimum is that all controller matrices are zero.

The function accepts multiple types of loss functions, but there should be no use for. However, it is important to notice that


does not mean that the hard and the soft region are both translated to an objective function term using the quadratic loss function but the following!

  • In the case of a constrained optimizer, the soft region appears twice in the objective function.
  • In the case of an unconstrained optimizer, the hard region appears twice in the objective function. The soft region is still ignored.

If NORMGAIN is used as objective function, the weighting matrices $W_\mathrm{R}$, $W_\mathrm{K}$ and $W_\mathrm{F}$ have to be specified using the following parameters of objoptions:

Parameter Description
objective.normgain.R $W_\mathrm{R}$
objective.normgain.K $W_\mathrm{K}$ (only necessary if $K$ is used in the structure)
objective.normgain.F $W_\mathrm{F}$ (only necessary if $F$ is used in the structure)
objective.normgain.R_shift $S_\mathrm{R}$
objective.normgain.K_shift $S_\mathrm{K}$
objective.normgain.F_shift $S_\mathrm{F}$

The weighting matrices have to be of the same dimension as the corresponding controller matrix. It is not sufficient to use a scalar value, even if the weight should be the same for all entries. The shifting matrices $S$ are optional.

Parameter Description
objective.kreisselmeier.rho $\rho_\mathrm{KM}$
objective.kreisselmeier.max $f_\mathrm{max,KM}$

If LYAPUNOV is used as objective function, the matrices $Q$ have to be specified using the following parameters of objoptions:

Parameter Description
objective.lyapunov.Q $Q$

If the same matrix is to be used for all multiple model, it is sufficient to supply a single matrix. In case a specific matrix $Q$ for every multiple model should be used, the matrices have to be concatenated in the third dimension. When nothing is specified, the identity matrix is used. If the discrete time Lyapunov equation is to be solved in case of discrete time systems, it is vital to add a field T with the sampling time to the system description in order to signal this. When the option allowvarorder is set to true and therefore systems with different state dimension are allowed, the remaining elements of $Q$ must be filled with NaN to match the dimension of the largest system in use.

Weighting of the objective function terms

If more than one objective function term is selected by type, their weighting can be specified by weight which is a numeric vector of the same dimension as type with the corresponding non-negative weights.

If for example the objective function

$$J = 1 \cdot J_\mathrm{\Gamma,soft} + 10^{-5} \cdot J_\mathrm{Ctrl}$$

is to be used, the following options are to be set:

	'type'   : [GammaJType.SQUAREPENALTY; GammaJType.NORMGAIN]
	'weight' : [1; 1e-5]

Algorithm for eigenvalue derivation

GammaEigenvalueDerivativeType Remark
DEFAULT calculation of eigenvalue derivatives by Rayleigh coefficient
VANDERAA calculation of eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives with method of van der Aa
RUDISILLCHU calculation of eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives with Rayleigh coefficient and pseudo inverse


GammaEigenvalueFilterType Remark
NONE no filtering of eigenvalues
NEGATIVEIMAG remove eigenvalues with negative imaginary part from calculation by taking negative imaginary part instead
POSITIVEIMAG remove eigenvalues with positive imaginary part from calculation by taking negative imaginary part instead


GammaSolutionStrategy Remark
SINGLESHOT solve pole region assignment problem "as is"
FEASIBILITYITERATION solve a feasibility problem before solving the actual problem and use the solution of the feasibility problem as initial value
FEASIBILITYITERATION_DECOUPLING solve a feasibility problem with only decoupling conditions before solving the actual problem and use the solution of the feasibility problem as initial value

Error handling

GammaErrorHandler Remark
WARNING convert errors to warnings
ERROR leave errors as is
USER use user defined error handler

If USER is chosen, a handler to an error handler function has to be provided in the option errorhandler_function.


The optimizers marked with (*) are included in this repository.

Optimizer Constr. Obj. Origin Licence Remark
FMINCON * Matlab, Optimization Toolbox prop.
FMINCONGLOBAL * Matlab, Global Optimization Toolbox prop.
IPOPT * Eclipse Public License 1.0
FMINIMAX * * Matlab, Optimization Toolbox prop.
FMINUNC Matlab, Optimization Toolbox prop.
FMINUNCGLOBAL Matlab, Global Optimization Toolbox prop.
FMINSEARCH Matlab prop.
GA * * Matlab, Global Optimization Toolbox prop.
PARTICLESWARM Matlab, Global Optimization Toolbox prop.
PATTERNSEARCH * Matlab, Global Optimization Toolbox prop.
SIMULANNEAL Matlab, Global Optimization Toolbox prop.
SNOPT * prop.
SOLVOPT * freeware

Optimizers which are marked with an asterisk in the column "Constr." support constraint optimization directly. For these optimizers, the hard pole region is by default expressed as a constraint. Optimizers which are marked with an asterisk in the column "Obj." support multi objective optimization directly.

For the other optimizers the hard pole region is transformed into a soft pole region by an outer penalty function specified with GammaJType. These optimiziers are only applicable to pole region assignment problems with one hard or one soft region and no other objective terms (e.g. norm of controller).

To specify one of the available optimizers with their default options, the argument optimizer can be set to

optimizer = optimization.solver.Optimizer.IPOPT;

or any other optimizer than IPOPT.

To change the options of the optimizer, the following syntax can be used. This is an example for IPOPT, other optimizers may provide different options:

options = optimization.options.OptionFactory.instance.options(...
	optimization.solver.Optimizer.IPOPT, ...
	'ProblemType',                  optimization.options.ProblemType.CONSTRAINED,...
	'Retries',                      1,...
	'Algorithm',                    solver.defaultalgorithm,...
	'FunctionTolerance',            1E-8,...
	'StepTolerance',                1E-10,...
	'ConstraintTolerance',          1E-7,...
	'MaxFunctionEvaluations',       25E3,...
	'MaxIterations',                25E3,...
	'MaxSQPIter',                   25E3,...
	'SpecifyObjectiveGradient',     true,...
	'SpecifyObjectiveHessian',      false,...
	'SpecifyConstraintGradient',    true,...
	'SpecifyConstraintHessian',     false,...
	'CheckGradients',               false,...
	'FunValCheck',                  false,...
	'FiniteDifferenceType',         'forward',...
	'Diagnostics',                  false,...
	'Display',                      'iter-detailed'...

The most important options are

Option Description
ProblemType type of problem formulation (constrained, unconstrained, multiobjective)
Algorithm algorithm to use for optimization (if the solver supports different algorithms)
SpecifyObjectiveGradient indicator if gradient information for the objective function should be used
SpecifyObjectiveHessian indicator if hessian information for the objective function should be used
SpecifyConstraintGradient indicator if gradient information for the constraint functions should be used
SpecifyConstraintHessian indicator if hessian information for the constraint functions should be used
Display level of verbosity of the displayed information

In general the class Options has most the fields that the optimoptions class of the Optimization Toolbox of Matlab R2016B and newer has with the same meaning and additionally the fields ProblemType and Retries. Which of these settings are taken into account by a certain solver depends on the solvers interface. Generally speaking, the solvers from the Opimization Toolbox support the same settings as can be set by optimoptions while the external solvers with MEX interfaces only support a limited subset of all options.

Bounds and nonlinear constraints

Rbounds: Bounds (linear inequality constraints)

Bounds can be imposed for single entries of the controller matrices as well as bounds on linear combinations of parameters of the same matrix $R$, $K$ or $F$ (i.e. linear inequality constraints) can be imposed.

They are defined similarly to the equality constraints in Rfixed.

Combined constraints on all gain coefficients can be formed as a cell array containing matrices for constraints of the single matrices and another one for the combined constraints as follows:

Rbounds = {Ra_bounds, Ka_bounds, Fa_bounds, RKFa_bounds}

The definitions of the bounds for the single matrices (which are explained below) are combined by forming a cell array, i.e. if all three matrices are used:

Rbounds = {Ra_bounds, Ka_bounds, Fa_bounds}

If only $R$ and $K$ is used,

Rbounds = {Ra_bounds, Ka_bounds}

and if only $R$ is used,

Rbounds = {Ra_bounds}

The bounds of $R$ ($K$ and $F$ analogously) are defined by

Ka_bounds = {Zlhs, Zrhs}

where Zlhs and Zrhs correspond to $Z_{\mathrm{Bd},k}$ and $z_{\mathrm{Bd},k}$, resp., in

$$\sum_{i,j} (Z_{\mathrm{Bd},k} \odot R) \leq z_{\mathrm{Bd},k}$$

where $\odot$ means element-wise multiplication (Hadamard product). If there is more than one inequality $k$, the matrices $Z_k$ are stacked along the third dimension in Zlhs. I.e, if Nz linear inequalities are specified, the dimensions of Zlhs and zrhs are size(Zlhs): [size(R, 1), size(R, 2), Nz] (size(Zlhs): [size(R, 1), size(R, 2) + size(K, 2) + size(F, 2), Nz] for combined constraints) and size(Zrhs): [Nz, 1], resp.

For an example refer to the section about the parameter Rfixed.

Rnonlin: Nonlinear inequality and equality constraints

It is possible to impose nonlinear equality and inequality constraints on the parameters of the matrices $R$, $K$ or $F$. In contrast to the linear constraints, a single constraint can only be imposed on one or more parameter of the same matrix, i.e.

$$\begin{aligned} c_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle=}}(R) & = 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle=}}(K) & = 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle=}}(F) & = 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{R,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}}(R) & \leq 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{K,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}}(K) & \leq 0 \\\ c_\mathrm{F,{\scriptscriptstyle\leq}}(F) & \leq 0 \end{aligned}$$

These functions are provided by a single function Rnonlin_wrapper which is to be passed as the argument Rnonlin and has the signature

[cineq_R, ceq_R, cineq_K, ceq_K, cineq_F, ceq_F] = Rnonlin_wrapper(R, K, F)


[cineq_R, ceq_R, cineq_K, ceq_K, cineq_F, geq_F, gineq_R, geq_R, gineq_K, geq_K, gineq_F, geq_F] = Rnonlin_wrapper(R, K, F)

The second variation returns the gradients as well.

  • The return values c... are vectors of possibly different length corresponding to the functions above.
  • If the gradients g... are returned, they are returned in three-dimensional matrices. For each entry in the corresponding c...vector g...contains a matrix with the derivations after each entry of the concerned controller matrix. These are stacked in the third dimension. I.e.
size(gineq_R) : [size(R, 1), size(R, 2), length(cineq_R) ]

If the controller matrix is

$$R = \begin{bmatrix} r_1 & r_2 & r_3 \\ r_4 & r_5 & r_6 \end{bmatrix}$$

and the constraints

$$\begin{aligned} r_2^2 & \leq 9 \\\ r_2 + r_6^2 & \leq 4 \end{aligned}$$

are given (and ignoring that the first constraint can be expressed as two simpler linear constraints), the Rnonlin_wrapper would be

function [cineq_R, ceq_R, cineq_K, ceq_K, cineq_F, ceq_F] = Rnonlin_wrapper(R, K, F)

	ceq_R = []; cineq_K = []; ceq_K = []; cineq_F = []; ceq_F = [];

	cineq_R = [
		R(1, 2)^2 - 9;
		R(1, 2) + R(2, 3)^2 - 4



function [cineq_R, ceq_R, cineq_K, ceq_K, cineq_F, geq_F, gineq_R, geq_R, gineq_K, geq_K, gineq_F, geq_F] = Rnonlin_wrapper(R, K, F)

	ceq_R = []; cineq_K = []; ceq_K = []; cineq_F = []; ceq_F = [];
	geq_R = []; gineq_K = []; geq_K = []; gineq_F = []; geq_F = [];

	cineq_R = [
		R(1, 2)^2 - 9;
		R(1, 2) + R(2, 3)^2 - 4

	gineq_R = cat(3,...
		[0, 2 * R(1, 2), 0; 0, 0, 0],...
		[0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 2 * R(2, 3)]...

Saving results

For comparing and examining different calculated solutions the SolutionSet class can be used. It is instantiated like

controllerdata =, system, polearea, weight, R_fixed, R_bounds, true);
controllerdata.add_solution(R_opt, J_opt, information, R0, options, gammaopts);;

after a call to gammasyn and expects the controller type used as OutputFeedback and the arguments passed to and returned by gammasyn. It has the ability to plot the closed loop eigenvalues and pole regions with the plot method, plot step responses with the step method and solve the problem again with possibly different initial values or different optimizers with the rerun method.

Robust Structure Assignment, Coupling and Decoupling Control

gammasyn is prepared for the synthesis of coupling and decoupling controllers. It is also possible to specify any arbitrary structure that the closed-loop transfer matrices should have. This way, a customized partial decoupling structure can be applied.

The synthesis of coupling controllers is also known as triangular decoupling and is a weaker form of the well-known diagonal decoupling, which has, e.g., been approached by Falb-Wolovich.

For the purpose of (de)coupling, we use a specialized wrapper function named gammasyn_decouplingcontrol.

We demonstrate the used methodology in a brief form for the example of a coupling controller. Decoupling controllers or controllers realizing arbitrary transfer structures are synthesized analogously.

The task of a coupling controller is to ensure

$$\begin{aligned} y_\mathrm{ref,2} = C_\mathrm{ref,2}x + D_\mathrm{ref,2}u = 0 \end{aligned}$$

asymptotically and indpendently from any reference inputs $r_1$. The system must be given, such that the lower rows of

$$\begin{aligned} C_\mathrm{ref} = \begin{bmatrix} C_\mathrm{ref,1} \\ C_\mathrm{ref,2} \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} D_\mathrm{ref} = \begin{bmatrix} D_\mathrm{ref,1} \\ D_\mathrm{ref,2} \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

contain the parameters of a given number of coupling conditions in the form

$$\begin{aligned} C_\mathrm{ref,2}x + D_\mathrm{ref,2}u \overset{!}{=} 0\ . \end{aligned}$$

To achieve coupling, the transfer matrix of the closed-loop system

$$\begin{aligned} y_\mathrm{ref}(s) &= \left(\begin{bmatrix} C_\mathrm{ref,1} - D_\mathrm{ref,1}R \\ C_\mathrm{ref,2} - D_\mathrm{ref,2}R \end{bmatrix}(sI-A+BR)^{-1}B + \begin{bmatrix} D_\mathrm{ref,1} \\ D_\mathrm{ref,2} \end{bmatrix}\right)\begin{bmatrix} F_1 & F_2 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} r_1 \\ r_2 \end{bmatrix} \\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} G_{11}(s) & G_{12}(s) \\ G_{21}(s) & G_{22}(s)\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} r_1 \\ r_2 \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

is designed, such that $G_{21}(s) = 0$ holds. By writing

$$\begin{aligned} G_{21}(s) = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(C_\mathrm{ref,2} - D_\mathrm{ref,2}R)v_{\mathrm{R}i}w_{\mathrm{R}i}^TBF_1}{s-\lambda_{\mathrm{R}i}} + D_\mathrm{ref,2}F_1 = 0\ , \end{aligned}$$

with the closed-loop eigenvalues $\lambda_{\mathrm{R}i}$ and the right and left eigenvectors $v_{\mathrm{R}i}$ and $w_{\mathrm{R}i}$, the non-linear output- and input-coupling conditions

$$\begin{aligned} (C_\mathrm{ref,2} - D_\mathrm{ref,2}R) v_{\mathrm{R}i} &= 0 \hspace{0.5cm} i=1,...,m \\\ w_{\mathrm{R}i}^T B F_1 &= 0 \hspace{0.5cm} i=m+1,...,n \end{aligned}$$

as well as

$$\begin{aligned} D_\mathrm{ref,2} F_1 = 0 \end{aligned}$$

are obtained. Here, $m$ denotes the dimension of the output nulling space of the system $(A, B, C_\mathrm{ref,2}, D_\mathrm{ref,2})$. In case of $D_\mathrm{ref,2} = 0$, this space is equivalent to the largest controlled invariant subspace within the kernel of $C_\mathrm{ref,2}$.

The above conditions can directly be included in the synthesis process using the built-in non-linear constraint function (option GammaDecouplingStrategy.NUMERIC_NONLINEAR_EQUALITY or GammaDecouplingStrategy.NUMERIC_NONLINEAR_INEQUALITY). Alternatively, using geometric concepts, the coupling conditions can be transformed to linear matrix equality constraints of the form

$$\begin{aligned} X \cdot \begin{bmatrix} \mathrm{vec}(R) \\ \mathrm{vec}(K) \\ \mathrm{vec}(F) \end{bmatrix} = z \end{aligned}$$

which reduce the set of feasible controllers and prefilters (option GammaDecouplingStrategy.EXACT, GammaDecouplingStrategy.APPROXIMATE or GammaDecouplingStrategy.APPROXIMATE_INEQUALITY).It is possible to let gammasyn transform these equality constraints into a quadratic objective function which is minimized during optimization (option GammaDecouplingStrategy.MERIT_FUNCTION).

If any structure assignment should be performed using an output feedback, this must be allowed in the options (option allowoutputdecoupling).

Robust DAE synthesis

The methodology for designing robust coupling controllers using pole region assignment, can immediately be transferred to systems in differential-algebraic form (DAE systems, descriptor systems).

Therefore, the systems handed over are transformed using a singular value decomposition of the descriptor matrix $E$ in order to obtain state space systems with feedthrough. For these, a robust coupling control best possibly fulfilling the algebraic equations is calculated.

gammasyn_decouplingcontrol checks the descriptor matrix $E$ to choose between a regular structure assignment and DAE design.


To perform structure assignment or robust DAE synthesis, gammasyn_decouplingcontrol has to be used. Furthermore, the objectiveoptions structure has to be extended by the field decouplingcontrol which in turn is a structure containing the following fields

  • decouplingstrategy: the decoupling design method, an instance of GammaDecouplingStrategy.
    • GammaDecouplingStrategy.EXACT: Only allow (*) $G_{21}(s) = 0$ and use geometric methods.
    • GammaDecouplingStrategy.APPROXIMATE: Use geometric method but also allow (*) $G_{21}(s) \approx 0$ if (*) $G_{21}(s) = 0$ is not solvable.
    • GammaDecouplingStrategy.APPROXIMATE_INEQUALITY: Use geometric method and transform linear equality constraints to inequality constraint system with tolerance.
    • GammaDecouplingStrategy.MERIT_FUNCTION: Use geometric method and transform matrix equality constraints to a quadratic objective function which is subject to minimization during the optimization.
    • GammaDecouplingStrategy.NUMERIC_NONLINEAR_EQUALITY: directly use decoupling conditions as non-linear equality constraints of the form ceq(x) = 0 with x denoting the vector of optimization variables
    • GammaDecouplingStrategy.NUMERIC_NONLINEAR_INEQUALITY: directly use decoupling conditions as non-linear inequality constraints of the form c(x) < tolerance_decoupling and -c(x) < tolerance_decoupling with x denoting the vector of optimization variables
  • tf_structure: (number_references X number_references double) array that indicates the desired closed-loop transfer matrix structure. 0 indicates a zero element, NaN indicates an unconstrained element.
  • tolerance_decoupling: (double) the tolerance when using GammaDecouplingStrategy.NUMERIC_NONLINEAR_INEQUALITY
  • solvesymbolic: (logical) only for EXACT and APPROXIMATE: use symbolic toolbox if available to increase precision of obtained equality constraints.
  • round_equations_to_digits: (double, whole number) only for EXACT and APPROXIMATE: decimal places to which linear equality constraints are rounded in case of numerical precision difficulties. Use NaN if no rounding is desired.
  • weight_decoupling: (double, nonnegative) weighting factor for nonlinear decoupling conditions to increase/decrease importance in comparison with pole region constraints
  • weight_prefilter: (double, nonnegative) weighting factor for prefilter regularity condition to increase/decrease importance in comparison with pole region constraints
  • allowoutputdecoupling: (logical) allow output feedback form for structure assignment
  • sortingstrategy_decoupling: (GammaDecouplingconditionSortingStrategy.MINIMUMNORM or GammaDecouplingconditionSortingStrategy.EIGENVALUETRACKING) only for NUMERIC_NONLINEAR. This parameter specifies how the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are sorted in each optimization step in order to calculate the new nonlinear constraints. Eigenvalues can be tracked approximately in the complex plane using their gradient (beta) or eigenvalues can be sorted such that the resulting norm of the nonlinear constraint violation is as low as possible. The latter is a combination problem.

(*) The condition for $G_{21}(s)$ is an example for the coupling control case. In case of general structure assignment, this condition differs in its particular structure.


Robust PID control

m = [0.9, 1.1];
d = [8, 12];
c = 1000;

sys = [
	omo_sys(m(1), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(1), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(mean(m), mean(d), c)...

controller =;

sys_augmented = controller.amend(sys);

[Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed] = controller.gainpattern(sys);

Rfixed = {Ra_fixed, Ka_fixed};

polearea = [, 0),..., 1)

weight = 1;
R0 = ones(2, 2);

gammaopts =;

optimizer = optimization.solver.Optimizer.IPOPT;

[R_opt, J_opt, info] =
	polearea, weight,...
	Rfixed, R0, optimizer, gammaopts...

Hard and soft regions

If a more ambitious region is targeted, as the one with the darker shade in the following image, and only a P-controller is to be used, there is no feasible solution.

Therefore, this region can be defined as a soft region.

m = [0.9, 1.1];
d = [8, 12];
c = 1000;

sys = [
	omo_sys(m(1), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(1), c),...
	omo_sys(m(1), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(m(2), d(2), c),...
	omo_sys(mean(m), mean(d), c)...

hardregion = [, 0),..., 1)

softregion = [, 0),..., 2)

polearea = {hardregion, softregion};
weight = {1, 1};
R0 = 1;
Rfixed = [];

gammaopts ='type', GammaJType.SQUAREPENALTY);

optimizer = optimization.solver.Optimizer.IPOPT;

[R_opt, J_opt, info] =
	polearea, weight,...
	Rfixed, R0, optimizer, gammaopts...

This is a feasible problem. The following image shows the poles of the closed loop systems. (Not all poles are shown. The poles which aren't shown lie to the left of the shown section and are less critical concerning the defined region.) Clearly, some poles lie outside of the soft region, but all poles lie inside of the lighter shaded hard region.

With the weights the designer can influence the result further. If for the problem at hand the velocity of the closed loop system is more important than its oscillation, the weight of the vertical border at -2 could be increased by

weight = {1, [1, 10]};

As a result, the poles respect the right border of the soft region more, while the distances to the upper and lower borders increase.

Using compiled functions

In order to make the objective and constraint functions run a couple of orders faster it is possible to generate mex files for these functions with the help of the Matlab Coder toolbox. The functions for compiling the functions are located in the compile package and the all function therein can be used to generate code and compile all the supported functions. If it is intended to use the eigenvector derivative supplied by van der Aa's method it is necessary to use at least Matlab R2016B for code generation as this method relies on run time recursion which is not supported in earlier versions. When the compiled functions should be used the option usecompiled in the gammaopts argument has to be set to true. Since the generated code only support a limited set of Matlab's functionality, only builtin pole areas can be used and no custom defined areas as function handles.

Using Matlab system definitions

Besides the structure description of the systems it is also possible to use the system description provided by the Control toolbox and Robust Control toolbox. The system descriptions without tunable or uncertain parameters (i.e. tf, ss and dss) are internally converted to structure arrays of systems with the respective fields and whether the fields C_dot and C_ref should be filled by the output matrix of the system can be controlled by the options usemeasurements_xdot and usereferences in the gammaopts structure. For systems with uncertain parameters (i.e. uss) it is possible to create multiple models from a single uncertain system. This behavior can be controlled by the structures Blocks or systems which should contain the number of sampling points for the respective uncertain parameter. For example an uncertain system with uncertain parameter u can be converted into 10 multiple models by setting

gammaopts.Blocks.u = 10;

Currently it is only possible to handle real uncertainty this way while complex uncertainty results in an error.

If tunable coefficients should be contained in the system description (i.e. genss) a specialized wrapper function named gammasyn_loopune has to be used which converts the internal system description to the output feedback formulation used by this toolbox and splits the system in an uncertain part and the controller matrix. Bounds on the coefficients and fixed elements are respected as well in the conversion steps. For the creation of multiple models from the uncertain part of the resulting system the same rules as above apply. The signature of the function is

[system_cl, Jopt, information] =, areafun, weights, solveroptions, objectiveoptions)

and it expects the system to be of type genss while the rest of the arguments equals the arguments used for the normal call to gammasyn. The output contains the optimal objective value as well as the structure with information about the optimization run while the controller is returned as part of the closed loop into which the found solution is inserted.

Iterative calls to gammasyn

Especially if the constrained optimizers cannot be used, it is quite probable that a desired pole region cannot be reached directly if the initial value of the controller matrices aren't good as the objective functions generally possess many bad local minima. Therefore, it is often necessary to begin with rather wide pole regions and a quadratic loss function and interactively narrowing the region and perhaps switching to an exponential loss function. For the exponential loss function the weights might be increased over multiple steps as well.

3rd party components


GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.0

Patrick Vogt


The toolbox can be cited with the following Bibtex entry:

	author		= {Vogt, Patrick and Lenz, Eric and Konigorski, Ulrich},
	title		= {\texttt{gammasyn} – eine Toolbox zur robusten Polbereichsvorgabe mittels beschränkter Optimierung und Straf"|funktionen},
	journal		= {at - Automatisierungstechnik},
	year		= {2020},
	publisher	= {De Gruyter},
	address		= {Berlin, Boston},
	volume		= {68},
	number		= {10},
	doi			= {10.1515/auto-2020-0078},
	issn		= {0178-2312},
	pages		= {893–-904}