- This project is built for web application programming course.
- Manage people related to covid, support users to buy food during covid treatment and isolation. Manage treatment and isolation sites.
- Hosting
- Project is deployed on Heroku: [https://covid-management-21-22.herokuapp.com]
npm install
npm run dev
start server with dev modenpm start
start server- Add .env config about PostgresSQL database
- Add .env config about Cloudinary
- Module
- Views engine express-handlebars
- Control express-handlebars-sections
- Module
- Framework: expressjs
- Local technique: passport passport-local bcrypt multer express-session
- Cookie management: cookie-parser
- Access database: pg, pg-promise
- Import file: cloudianry datauri
- Token: jsonwebtoken https
- Local PostgreSQL
- Deploy Heroku Postgres