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Developers: Creating Executable Builds for Pyfa

Ebag333 edited this page Apr 4, 2017 · 6 revisions

Currently builds are not done using pyInstaller. This is simply documenting one method to creating builds.

You will need to modify the pyfa.spec file. This file should always be executed from the same level as


pathex points to where your and pyfa.spec file lives.


icon can be found twice. Modify both locations. Make sure to point to the correct distribution icon.


By default we don't show the console or output debugging info. If the build does not run, you may need to enable these to troubleshoot.



  1. Install Linux (steps below use Ubuntu as a reference)
  2. Escalate to su sudo su or prepend all commands below with sudo
  3. Update apt-get: apt-get update
  4. Install python if not already installed (2.7 recommended)
  5. Install pip
apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential 
pip install --upgrade pip 
pip install --upgrade virtualenv 
  1. Install wxPython. (If 3.0 isn't available, you can fall back to 2.8, you do not need both.)
apt-get install python-wxgtk3.0

apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8
  1. Create a directory to place the build files. (I used /tmp/Pyfa_build)
  2. Change directory to the one you created above.
  3. Upload all files into the directory (can be done via git or simply copying the files)
  4. Install Pyfa requirements.
    If you get any memory errors, use --no-cache-dir. If you get build errors ("python egg_info" failed) try installing libfreetype6-dev.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_build_linux.txt
apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
pip --no-cache-dir install -r requirements.txt

Build Process

  1. From within the same directory as and pyfa.spec run: pyinstaller --clean --noconfirm --windowed pyfa.spec


  1. Because Linux doesn't bundle all the libraries in the package, it may not be backwards compatible. It should be forward compatible, but it's recommended to build on the oldest version you want to support.




  1. Install Windows (steps below use Windows 10 as a reference)
  2. Install python if not already installed (2.7 recommended
  3. Install wxPython (version 2.8)
  4. Install Visual Studio (there is a free community edition)
  5. Create a directory to place the build files. (I used /tmp/Pyfa_build)
  6. Change directory to the one you created above.
  7. Upload all files into the directory (can be done via git or simply copying the files)
  8. Install Pyfa requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_build_windows.txt

Build Process

  1. From within the same directory as and pyfa.spec run: pyinstaller.exe --clean --noconfirm --windowed --upx-dir=.\scripts\upx.exe pyfa.spec