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Anton Vorobyov edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 11 revisions
What is pyfa?

Pyfa is the python fitting assistant; it's a fitting tool for EVE Online that allows you to calculate the stats of any possible combination of ships and modules without having to buy them all in-game.

How Do I Import Fits Into EVE
How Do I Get Visual Separation of Racks?

See Visual Racks

How do I add fleet bonuses?

Right click on a fit and click on the position you want to assign it to.

How do I project a whole fit?

Drag the fit from the fit browser into the projected effects window.

How do I add implants on a character instead of a fit?

This is currently not possible.

I found a bug / X is calculated wrong / This doesn't match what EVE says

Double check everything - fitting, skills, implants, boosters, gang links, etc. The attributes for all ships and modules come directly from the EVE client, and most of these questions arise from user error. If you still feel that there is an issue with the way something is calculated, please post on issue on Pyfa's issue tracker (make sure that it hasn't already been reported) or in the Pyfa thread on the EVE Online forums. Please be as detailed as possible, posting your fitting, skills being used (custom, All V, etc), expected and actual result, reproduction steps, etc.

Requirements for Running Pyfa From Source

* Optional - required only for DPS graphing support

APIs and Trust

Pyfa is open-source software - anyone can look at the code behind it and verify that Pyfa is not hoarding API keys. If you still don't trust it, then don't use it. =)