think of this automtation framework as tool to create templates for various tasks, push thos templates into target server replacing changing variables like , patch id, oracle_home and finally executing them. Whole idea of tool is to provide step by step repetitive tasks, make a scenarious out of it and repeart accross environments.
- need to have an ansible user on target host (can be oracle): but need to have sudo su - oracle (product owner privilege)
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/sudoers.d/91-ansible-init-users
# User rules for ansible for example
- need describe ansible inverotry and variables
Below direcotry structure describe the seteup
cycles # repetative patching cycle descriptor - list of patches to download / rollback / apply
- 2022_JUL_RDBMS_PSU.yml # exact scenario
- 2022_OCT_RDBMS_PSU.yml
inventory # list of inventory / describing physical host connection details
- dev
playbooks # playbooks - instructions (roles to run)
- patch_19c_database.yml
roles # roles - exact task to run, example of having bash template filled by cycle & vars data / push on server and execute
- /19c_rdbms_patch_oh/
- /tasks
- /main.yml
- /templates # templates
- /
vars # variable section | totally 4 variables needed per run: global, env global, target and cycle
- dev
- dev_rdbms.yml # exact target details variable
- global.yml # environment/pod gloabal variable describing server setup/environment
- tst_19c_rdbms.yml
- global.yml # gloabal variable describing client
- keys
- prod
- qa
wrappers # can customize ansible run by bash - create one-off scripts that could be scheduled
this example would run patch_19c_database playbook doing download, stage patches, stop db, patch opatch, oh, start DB
ansible-playbook playbooks/patch_19c_database.yml -i inventory/dev -l tst --extra-vars "env=dev target=tst_19c_rdbms cycle=2022_OCT_RDBMS_PSU"
this example would connect AWS machine - execute only execute playbook - that does copy tempalte to server and execute it
ansible-playbook playbooks/execute.yml -i inventory/dev -l aws --extra-vars "env=dev target=dev_rdbms cycle=2022_OCT_RDBMS_PSU"
- -v will add output
Raiviss-MacBook-Pro-2:ansible_oracle_patch raivissaldabols$ cd wrappers/ Raiviss-MacBook-Pro-2:wrappers raivissaldabols$ sh
- stage direcotry (definded in global.yaml) is outside this ansible playbook home - so pushing to git doesn't push actual patches
- same applies for local log dir
- on each target server there is ansible/bin (scripts to execute) /log/ (executiong loggin) /stage (pathes) dir for various purposes.
- each ansible execution will create a log file on server with timestamp
- env printing
- test run (without executing)
- verbose
- logs gahters
- check ansible home dir permissions
- confirmation/prompting ? if correct env is selected before making changes
- ansible vault for : MOS user/pass, for connections, for client stop/start if required