- Checkout the OMDev package from SVN https://openmodelica.org/svn/OpenModelicaExternal/trunk/tools/windows/OMDev
- this package contains all prerequisites to compile OMC on Windows using msys2+mingw32+mingw64
- if you get issues with OpenModelica compilation maybe you should update OMDev
- Make sure you place the OMDev package into
- Follow the instructions in the
- Follow the instructions in the
- Install Java SE Development Kit (for javac)
- Install svn tools for windows in TortoiseSVN
- Install git for windows https://git-scm.com/downloads
- do not install git using pacman in msys, it does not work correctly!
- get OpenModelica from git
and type:```bash cd /path/to/ # export the path to your tools: git, svn, java/javac # note: if you have a space in your path to your tool you need to escape it, i.e.: /c/Program\ Files export PATH=$PATH:/c/path/to/git/bin:/c/path/to/svn/tools/bin:/c/path/to/jdk/bin # git clone OpenModelica recursively using the installed git for windows git clone https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica --recursive ```
you should have an OpenModelica directory you got from OpenModelica GIT repository https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica
you can also follow the instructions at the bottom of the page on how to get OpenModelica sources
- You could use msys2+mingw32 or msys2+mingw64 or Eclipse to build OMC. Follow the instructions in Compiling OMC using MSYS or Compiling OMC using Eclipse.
- To compile 32bit OMC start
- To compile 64bit OMC start
After starting the terminal type:
cd /path/to/OpenModelica
# export the path to your tools: git, svn, java/javac
# note: if you have a space in your path to your tool you need to escape it, i.e.: /c/Program\ Files
export PATH=$PATH:/c/path/to/git/bin:/c/path/to/svn/tools/bin:/c/path/to/jdk/bin
# export these environment variables
export OPENMODELICAHOME="c:\\path\\to\\OpenModelica\\build"
export OPENMODELICALIBRARY="c:\\path\\to\\OpenModelica\\build\\lib\\omlibrary"
# build omc using 8 cores (-j8), if you have less cores use that number in -jN
make -f Makefile.omdev.mingw -j8
# to build the QT clients make sure you ran \path\to\OMDEV\SETUP_OMDEV_Qt5.bat first
# if you want to build only omedit then run:
make -f Makefile.omdev.mingw -j8 omedit
# if you want to build all qtclients run
make -f Makefile.omdev.mingw -j8 qtclients
- Inside the OpenModelica directory you will find a
file which you should rename to.project
and do whatever modifications you need on it to reflect your paths. Windows doesn't let you create files that start with dot (.) so you do like this,- Start->Run->cmd.exe
- $ cd \path\to\OpenModelica
- $ ren ".project-sample" ".project"
- rename the file
and do whatever modifications are needed on it to reflect your paths. - Installing Modelica Development Tooling (MDT) and setting your Eclipse workspace
Start Eclipse and follow instructions from https://trac.openmodelica.org/documents/MDT/install/InstallingMDT.pdf
to install MDT. Eclipse will restart at the end. Start Eclipse, change workspace to your installation:
- note here that your workspace must point one directory up the OpenModelica GIT directory (for me named OpenModelica).
- Example: if you cloned OpenModelica in a directory like this
then your workspace must point toc:\some_paths\dev\
- Setting your project.
- File -> New -> (Modelica Project) or File -> New -> Project -> Modelica -> Modelica Project
- Type the name of your OpenModelica directory installation. For me OpenModelica
- Say Finish.
- Editing the OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder
- Project->Project Properties->Builders->OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder->Edit
- NOTE: In tab Main you have to change the Working Directory from "OpenModelica" to your directory name
- make sure that in the builder environment you have the PATH set to git, svn and java/javac
- Running the OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelica builder:
- To run the OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder press Ctrl+B or right-click project and say rebuild.
- Then the OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder will start and compile an OpenModelica/build/omc.exe.
- If the builder refuse to start, please check the NOTES below.
If something does not work in Eclipse, please check:
- Is the Modelica perspective chosen in eclipse? Set it up in the right top corner.
- Is OMDev installed into c:\OMDev?
- Be sure in C:\OMDev you have directories tools, bin, include and not another OMDev directory.
- Set a OMDEV variable to point to it. Right Click on My Computer->Properties->Advanced Tab->Environment Variables. Add variable OMDEV and set the text to C:\OMDev
- Close and restart Eclipse to pick up the OMDEV variable.
- Right click on the OpenModelica project in Eclipse and say Refresh
- Right click on the OpenModelica project in Eclipse and say Properties
- Go to Builders and see if you have the builder
- Go to Builders and see if you have the builder
- Right click on the OpenModelica project and say Rebuild.
If these do not work, look into your OpenModelica/.project
to see if you have any reference to: OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder32bit
or OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder64bit
there. If you don't, then:
- close Eclipse
- copy your .project-sample to .project again from DOS:
- Start->Run->cmd
- $ cd \path\to\OpenModelica
- $ ren ".project-sample" ".project"
- open Eclipse and do step 3-5 above.
For problems with OMDev package, contact Adrian Pop, adrian.pop@liu.se