Item | Recommended Products | Alternative Products |
Oil (used for Rods only) | - Super Lube 53008 Synthetic Extra Lightweight Oil ISO 46, Translucent | - Sewing Machine Oil - Hydraulic Oil |
Grease (used for Z Lead Screws only) | If printing hotter materials, it's best to use high temp grease such as this engine assembly grease to avoid blackening. - Super Lube 19003 Engine Assembly Grease - Super Lube Multi-Purpose Synthetic Lubricant with Syncolon |
- White Lithium Grease |
Cleaning Aids | - Rod Sloth |
⚠️ Caution: It is not recommended to use grease or any PTFE based lubricant on the bottom X axis bearing. This can damage the bearing.
- Use a clean cloth to wipe down all rods and screws, removing any dust or debris.
- In the Klipper WebUI use the Tool >> Motors Off button to unlock the head. It can be moved by hand for the X/Y axis now.
- XY Axis Video - Apply a thin coat of oil (using a syringe with a 22Ga blunt tip will make this easier) on the X and Y rods and move the head back and forth to spread it.
- Z Axis Video - With the bed homed, apply a thin coat of lubricating grease on the Z lead screws and oil on the Z rods, then move the bed to a lower position.
- Apply another thin coat of grease and oil (if needed) and home the printer again.
- If needed, you can repeat the movement process a few times to ensure the grease is evenly spread out.
- This reddit post has a lot of detail
- The official Qidi wiki has details on lubricating the rods and screws here but caution is advised. We believe Qidi is recommending subpar lubricants that can cause damage to certain bearings.