Teaching Plan
Assessment Criteria
Project Objective: To provide students with opportunities to develop creativity, problem-solving skills and team-work abilities through a group project. During this project, students will get not only the valuable practical experience to use computer programming language to design and develop a path planning algorithm for an aircraft operation from scratch but also practical skills of using online collaborating programming platform to work with group members remotely.
Tutorial Task - Step-by-Step Instruction
Compulsory Tasks - Tutorial link
Final Report Template - Tutorial link - Readme.me Introduction
Peer Assessment Form - MS Word File
General Inquiry
Dr Li-Ta Hsu - lt.hsu@polyu.edu.hk - https://github.com/qmohsu
Dr Weisong Wen - welson.wen@polyu.edu.hk - https://github.com/weisongwen
Assistance on Your Project
Group 1-3
Miss Hiu Yi (Queenie) HO - hiu-yi.ho@connect.polyu.hk - https://github.com/queenie-ho
Group 4-6
Miss Yan Tung (Nikkie) LEUNG - yan-tung.leung@connect.polyu.hk - https://github.com/tungtungyan
Group 7-10
Mr Man Hin (Melvin) CHENG - manhin.cheng@connect.polyu.hk - https://github.com/Melvincheng0830
We use Best-README-Template for readme organization and PythonRobotics for demo A star path planning.