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scribu edited this page May 8, 2011 · 4 revisions

There isn't anything special you need to do to make post tags and categories editable. It should just work.

Default behaviour:

  • tag-like taxonomies are edited through a text field with autosuggest - terminput
  • category-like taxonomies are edited through a dropdown - termselect

Always use autosuggest

If you would like to use the autosuggest for all taxonomies, paste the following code in your theme's functions.php file

function fee_choose_taxonomy_interface( $data ) {
  if ( isset( $data['taxonomy'] ) ) )
    $data['type'] = 'terminput';

  return $data;
add_filter( 'front_end_editor_wrap', 'fee_choose_taxonomy_interface' );

Fine-grained control

If you would like to choose which taxonomy gets which interface, you can do it with the following snippet of code:

function fee_choose_taxonomy_interface( $data ) {
  if ( isset( $data['taxonomy'] ) ) {
    if ( 'taxonomy_a' == $data['taxonomy'] )
      $data['type'] = 'termselect';
    elseif ( 'taxonomy_b' == $data['taxonomy'] )
      $data['type'] = 'terminput';
    elseif ( 'taxonomy_b' == $data['taxonomy'] )
      $data['type'] = 'terminput';
    // etc.

  return $data;
add_filter( 'front_end_editor_wrap', 'fee_choose_taxonomy_interface' );
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