All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Hhandled mbug where salesprices had to many decimal points
- Handled queue error throws better
- Updated reAddToQueue logic
- Fixed a bug in lineitem fetching
- Added variant sync functionallity, on invoice creation
- Handled deprecated methods of getting shipping method id
- adjusted fallback for productGroups (d63cb95)
- Fallback for ProductGroup input on product pages failed when E-conomic call failed (5aaeecd)
- Failed invoices and creditnotes, not start product sync to ensure missing products is not the issue
- Creditnotes for orders, paid using the EAN gateway, now requires account number and registration number for bank account.
- Fixed bug where invoices would fail because customer entered business tax id with spaces. Plugin now strips all spaces away.
- Fixed a bug in
returned a int instead of float, resulting in decimal prices beeing stripped
- Fixed a bug where shipping orderline could be calculated wrong, of order only consist of shipping
- Fixed a bug where discount on orderlines could be missed
- Fixed creditnotes not skipping line with 0 qty
Undo v. 1.1.5 changes, because if we remove the country code, we can't verify customers in multi country B2B integration because country field in e-conomic is a text field. E-conomic has been been notified about the consequences of the automated country code to the REST-api -
- Fixed bug in
where it would fail if a customer group wasn't a match
- Its now possible to map checkout countries to specific customer groups
- Plugin now validates the VAT-number to filter out any country codes that is prepended it. This is because E-conomic will prepend the VAT-number automaticly with the country code of the selected customer.
- Fixed error in creditnote calculation
- Adjusted
to calculate rate based on applied taxrates.
- Plugin can now create orders and quotes in e-conomic. This isn't automatic, and you have to manually trigger the two Queue jobs. Integration is made via their SOAP-api beucase orders and quotes won't work with REST-api if inventory module is enabled in e-conomic.
- Added support for verbb/giftvoucher in adjustments
Added the possiblity to create credit notes via an order. Credit notes is stored in Craft CMS, and synced to e-conomic when it gets marked as completed. It's also possible to restock the qty set in the creditnote.
- New
which fires after an Creditnote is marked as completed. - New
which fires before the restock function is run. It's an cancellable event.
- Added
- Fixed error where discount on lineitems wasn't calculated correctly
- Line items now used the stores vat-decimal when removing VAT from unit price.
- Fixed error in API Service, calling wrong method
- Fixed settings issue that prevented migration to run
- Added error logs for invoice creation and booking
- Added new database column for discount productnumber setting
- Added settings option to set productnumber for order discounts/vouchers
- Fixed invoices missing discounts/vouchers not applied to a specific product
- Fixed error in invoice creation, when the salesprice was zero
- Fixed error in invoice creation when no ean contact had been set
- Fixed error in PaymentTerms, which wouldnt match gatewayrelations to order gateway
- Added an EAN gateway
Settings is now stored in database instead of the project config
- Fixed error in OrderBehaviour that prevent queue jobs executed by console to run
- Removed unnessesary log
- Fixed OrderQuery returning null qhen query on custom attributes
- Fixed EVENT_AFTER_INVOICE_BOOKING beeing trigger twice
- Fixed issues with customer creation
- Fixed error where a null value in customerNumber would make the customer creation fail
- Fixed typo
- Added
model - Added getter functions to all models
- Added
function, which returns the customer object from E-conomic
- Fixed missing function to create a customer, if none exists in E-conomic
- Fixed error in
where it was trying to fetch collection data instead of the response object
- Added getters to invoice model
- Fixed error in API request when booking drafted invoice
- Fixed error where api service didn't parse Env variable befor setting granttoken and secrettoken.
Initial release of the Visma E-conomic integration to the Craft Store