- Currently only supports release x64 and uses std c++ 20. support for other releases will be added in future versions
- precompiled X64, release libraries of Boost and Curl are already included in the project files
my example:
#include "../discord++/discord++.hpp"
using namespace Discord;
void on_login(client client)
std::cout << "welcome " + client.username + "#" + client.discriminator << std::endl;
void on_invalid(discord* _discord)
std::cout << "invalid token";
void on_msg(client::message msg)
msg.command("test", [](client::message msg) {
msg.respond(&msg, "received test");
std::cout << "received test" << std::endl;
msg.command("pong", [](client::message msg) {
msg.respond(&msg, "ping");
std::cout << "received pong" << std::endl;
msg.command("ping", [](client::message msg) {
msg.respond(&msg, "pong");
std::cout << "received ping" << std::endl;
msg.command("user", [](client::message msg) {
discord disc;
if (disc.get_user(msg.param[1]))
msg.respond(&msg, std::string("```"
"name: " + disc.fetched.username + "#" + disc.fetched.discriminator + "\n" +
"id: " + disc.fetched.id + "\n" + "```" +
disc.fetched.profile_url + "\n"
else msg.respond(&msg, "```invalid id```");
int main()
const char* sbtoken = "token";
discord sbot;
sbot.start(sbtoken, false, on_invalid, on_msg, on_login);
std::cout << "press enter to stop client" << std::endl;