i2c communication with minimal functions in C
Good for starters and experts. This library can handle everithing.
Initialising the I2C :
- bitrate -bitrate of the communication;
- prescale -prescaler of the clk;
- bitrate, prescale i2c_init(400,0); i2c_init(100,1);
void i2c_init(uint16_t bitrate, uint8_t prescale);
Setting and calculating the I2C bitrate:
- bitrateKHz -bitrate of the communication;
- bitrateKHz i2c_set_bitrate(400); i2c_set_bitrate(100);
void i2c_set_bitrate(uint16_t bitrateKHz);
Starting the communication:
- void i2c_start(void);
Stopping the communication:
- void i2c_stop(void);
Writing to the bus:
- void i2c_write(uint8_t data);
Reading a acknowledgement:
- Afte reading the ack packet the I2C is not going to be stopd;
uint8_t i2c_read_ack(void);
Reading a not acknowledgement:
- Afte reading the nack packet the I2C is stopped with the void i2c_stop(void) function;
uint8_t i2c_read_nack(void);
Reading I2C status register:
- Returns the status regiszter data;
uint8_t i2c_status(void);
Automaticali writing 1 byte of data to register:
- add -address of the senzor;
- reg -register of the senzor that you want to read;
- val -value that is being writen;
void i2c_write_reg(uint8_t add, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);
Automaticaly reading 1 bytes from the specified register:
- add -address of the senzor;
- reg -register of the senzor that you want to read;
uint8_t i2c_read_reg8(uint8_t add, uint8_t reg);
Automaticaly reading 2 bytes from the specified register:
- add -address of the senzor;
- reg -register of the senzor that you want to read;
uint16_t i2c_read_reg16(uint8_t add, uint8_t reg);
Cheking the bit in the readed register:
- add -address of the senzor;
- reg -register of the senzor that you want to read;
- bit -the bit that you want to check;
uint8_t i2c_bit_check(uint8_t add, uint8_t reg, uint8_t bit);
Reading register to buffer:
- add -address of the senzor;
- reg -register of the senzor that you want to read;
- buf -free space for data;
- size -size of the readed data;
void i2c_read_reg_to_buf(uint8_t add, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t size);
Simple finction to write outh I2C addresses:
i2c_scann - true if you want to scan for addresses;
i2c_add_shifting -true if you want to shift the I2C addres;
The address shifting is a necesery must to communikate with the senzors or what ever you put on the I2C bus.
YOU WILL NEED printf function
void i2c_get_adreses(uint8_t i2c_scann, uint8_t i2c_add_shifting);