- cd into the project directory SCSI2SD-util
- cd software/Xcode/SCSI2SD-util
- run buildtool
- buildtool should comple both targets in the xcodeproj file
You must build and install both of these to build the application...
- buildtool the buildtool front end.. this doesn't change much. You will also need
- libs-xcode the library which loads and interprets the xcodeproj
The app and these tools requires you to install GNUstep from github.
- go to /etc/udev/rules.d
- create a file called 99-hidraw-permissions.rules (the name is not important)
- add the line: KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev" to the file
- go to /dev
- sudo chmod 664 /dev/hidraw*
- sudo chgrp plugdev /dev/hidraw*