CLI graph-based system to display statistics and calculate best (filtered) flight routes based on a large dataset.
Make use of different adequate Data Structures (hashmaps, hashsets and graphs) and Algorithms (BFS and DFS) to store the data and perform various operations.
- Simple Command-Line Interface
- Data loading from external CSV files
- Statistics about the Airports, Airlines, Flights and Cities/Countries
- Statistics about the graph (articulation points, diameter, longest route)
- Search for best route based on Aiport Code/Name, Country/City or Coordinates
- Filters for the previous search in terms of Airport, City and Country Restrictions
- Filters for the previous search in terms of Airline Restrictions or Preferences
Class: 2LEIC01 Group: G15
Final Grade: 19.5
Professors: Bernardo Leite
Created in December 2023 for AED (Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados) [FEUP-L.EIC011]