TODO: Intro
export DOMAIN=$(yq ".production.domain" settings.yaml)
cat ytt/resources/postgresql-crossplane.yaml
cat ytt/resources/deployment.yaml
cat ytt/values-prod.yaml
yq --inplace ".db.enabled.crossplane.$XP_DESTINATION = true" \
yq --inplace " = \"cncf-demo-db\"" ytt/values-prod.yaml
yq --inplace ".db.insecure = true" ytt/values-prod.yaml
cat ytt/values-prod.yaml
cat ytt/resources/schemahero.yaml
yq --inplace ".schemahero.enabled = true" ytt/schema.yaml
cat ytt/schema.yaml
ytt --file ytt/schema.yaml --file ytt/resources \
--data-values-file ytt/values-prod.yaml \
| tee yaml/prod/app.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "App DB"
git push
kubectl get managed
kubectl --namespace production get claim
# Wait until it is `READY`
# If you chose to use `` instead of a "real" domain,
# replace `https` with `http`.
curl "https://cncf-demo.$DOMAIN/videos"
# If you chose to use `` instead of a "real" domain,
# replace `https` with `http`.
curl -X POST "https://cncf-demo.$DOMAIN/video?id=wNBG1-PSYmE&title=Kubernetes%20Policies%20And%20Governance%20-%20Ask%20Me%20Anything%20With%20Jim%20Bugwadia"
# If you chose to use `` instead of a "real" domain,
# replace `https` with `http`.
curl -X POST "https://cncf-demo.$DOMAIN/video?id=VlBiLFaSi7Y&title=Scaleway%20-%20Everything%20We%20Expect%20From%20A%20Cloud%20Computing%20Service%3F"
# If you chose to use `` instead of a "real" domain,
# replace `https` with `http`.
curl "https://cncf-demo.$DOMAIN/videos" | jq .
Continue to Admission Controller Policies (first episode of the next season) or destroy everything