TODO: Intro
kubectl --namespace production get secret cncf-demo-db-password \
--output jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode
cat yaml/prod/cncf-demo.k8s.yaml
# Instead of specifying the secret as `kind: Secret`,
# we could have specified it as `kind: ExternalSecret`.
# Now the secret is tied to Crossplane objects and we need to
# remove it first.
rm apps/cncf-demo.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Removed the app"
git push
kubectl get managed
# Wait until all the managed resources are deleted
# (ignore `database`).
# Execute the command that follows only if `database` resource
# was left "dangling".
kubectl patch \ cncf-demo-db \
--type merge --patch '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'
yq --inplace ".db.insecure = false" cdk8s/app-prod.yaml
cd cdk8s
ENVIRONMENT=prod cdk8s synth --output ../yaml/prod --validate
cd ..
cat yaml/prod/cncf-demo.k8s.yaml
cp $GITOPS_APP/cncf-demo-cdk8s.yaml apps/cncf-demo.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Switched to ESO"
git push
kubectl --namespace production \
# Wait until the externalsecret is created
kubectl --namespace production get secret cncf-demo-password \
--output jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode