Prime Path Finder in C
This is an implementation of Prime Path Finder algorithm based on the Alg. 1 in [2]. The authors of paper proposed a prime path finder that is a extention of prime path procedure in [1] (see chapter 2, subsection 2.2.1, paeg 36).
The main concenrs, when the graph has many arcs and edges, is Memory.
For input, we use the graph format (.gr) that introduced in DIMACS.
For implementation, we make use of Linked List as our basic data structure.
As an exampple, we created the follwong graph in the and ran it.
The follwoing figure, show the result of prime pathes in the example (there are 10 prime pathes):
First you must compile the source code by gcc primePathFinder.c -o prime
, then you can run it by ./prime
- Ammann, Paul, and Jeff Offutt. Introduction to software testing. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- Dwarakanath, Anurag, and Aruna Jankiti. "Minimum number of test paths for prime path and other structural coverage criteria." IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014.