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  • Implement basic drone movement and control
  • Object Tracking

Basic drone workflow

For start we are using SITL (softare in

  1. ArduPilot ArduPilot is an open source autopilot system supporting many vehicle types: multi-copters,traditional helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, boats, submarines, rovers and more.

  2. MAVProxy MAVProxy is a fully-functioning command-line, console based GCS. Can be extended to use GUI based ground planners like QGroundControl.

  3. QGroundControl QGroundControl is an ground planner app to configure and fly a PX4 or Ardupilot based autopilots. We used a default appimage and connect our drone (SITL) to it.

  4. Gazebo Gazebo is the external robotics/drone simulator. We connect with ROS to achieve navigation in the Gazebo world.

  5. SITL SITL is (software in the loop) simulator allows you to run Plane, Copter or Rover without any hardware. We connect through SITL through MAVproxy and

  6. Ros ROS is open source software development kit for robotics applications.

  7. catkin

  8. pixhawk


Internet of Drones

Software set-up of Internet of Drones

To emulate a drone, we use software listed below which help in


ArduPilot is an open-source autopilot system supporting many vehicle types: multi-copters, traditional helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, boats, submarines, rovers and more.

  1. Installing Ardupilot

cd ~

sudo apt install git

git clone

cd ardupilot

git checkout Copter-3.6

git submodule update --init –recursive

  1. Installing dependencies

sudo apt install python-matplotlib python-serial python-wxgtk3.0 python-wxtools python-lxml python-scipy python-opencv ccache gawk python-pip python-pexpect


MAVproxy is a fully functioning command-line, console-based GCS. Can be extended to use GUI based ground planners like QGroundControl. It's a minimalist, portable and extendable GCS for any UAV supporting the MAVLink protocol (such as one using ArduPilot).

  1. pip to install MAVproxy

sudo pip install future pymavlink MAVProxy

  1. Open ~/.bashrc

gedit ~/.bashrc

  1. Add these lines to end of** **~/.bashrc

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ardupilot/Tools/autotest

export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH

  1. Reload of** **~/.bashrc

. ~/.bashrc


SITL is (software in the loop) simulator allows you to run Plane, Copter or Rover without any hardware. We connect through SITL through MAVproxy and run our commands.

  1. Run SITL

cd ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter -w


QGroundControl is a ground planner app to configure and fly a PX4 or Ardupilot based autopilots. We used a default app-image and connect our drone (SITL) to it.

  1. Install QGroundControl for Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS or later:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

sudo apt-get remove modemmanager

  1. Download QGroundControl.AppImage


  1. Change permissions and run

chmod +x ./QGroundControl.AppImage


  1. Connect QGroundControl to SITL

cd ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter/

  1. If QGroundControl doesn't open up on double click, install below packages to resolve this.

sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-gl -y

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev

sudo apt-get install '^libxcb.*-dev' libx11-xcb-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrender-dev libxi-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev


Gazebo is the external robotics/drone simulator. We connect with ROS to achieve navigation in the Gazebo world. ROS is open-source software development kit for robotics applications.

  1. Install Gazebo

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb lsb_release -cs main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-stable.list'

  1. set up keys

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add –

  1. Reload software list:

sudo apt update

  1. For Ubuntu [18.04]

sudo apt install gazebo9 libgazebo9-dev

  1. For Ubuntu [20.04]

sudo apt-get install gazebo11 libgazebo11-dev

  1. Install Gazebo plugin for APM (ArduPilot Master) :

cd ~

git clone\_gazebo.git

cd ardupilot_gazebo

  1. Only for Ubuntu 18.0.4

git checkout dev

  1. Build and Install plugin

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..

make -j4

sudo make install

echo 'source /usr/share/gazebo/' >> ~/.bashrc

  1. Now set up models for Gazebo

echo'export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/ardupilot_gazebo/models' >> ~/.bashrc


  1. In one Terminal (Terminal 1), run Gazebo:

gazebo --verbose ~/ardupilot_gazebo/worlds/

  1. In another Terminal (Terminal 2), run SITL:

cd ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter/ -v ArduCopter -f gazebo-iris --console

  1. Install ROS from this link

Do Desktop-full Install and follow until Step 1.7 at the end of the page

  1. Set Up Catkin workspace

sudo apt-get install python-wstool python-rosinstall-generator python-catkin-tools

  1. initialize the catkin workspace:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src

cd ~/catkin_ws

catkin init

  1. Dependencies installation - mavros and mavlink:

cd ~/catkin_ws

wstool init ~/catkin_ws/src

rosinstall_generator --upstream mavros | tee /tmp/mavros.rosinstall

rosinstall_generator mavlink | tee -a /tmp/mavros.rosinstall

wstool merge -t src /tmp/mavros.rosinstall

wstool update -t src

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro echo $ROS\_DISTRO -y

catkin build

  1. Edit Bashrc

echo"source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

  1. Reload and update

source ~/.bashrc

  1. install geographiclib dependency

sudo ~/catkin_ws/src/mavros/mavros/scripts/

  1. Clone IQ Simulation ROS package

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

git clone

  1. run the following to tell gazebo where to look for the iq models


>> ~/.bashrc

  1. Build

cd ~/catkin_ws

catkin build

  1. Reload and Update

source ~/.bashrc

  1. Install ROS plugins for Gazebo

sudo apt install ros-melodic-gazebo-ros ros-melodic-gazebo-plugins

  1. Launch Gazebo World

roslaunch iq_sim runway.launch

  1. Copy the script to run SITL

cp ~/catkin_ws/src/iq_sim/scripts/ ~

  1. In new terminal , start SITL


  1. In the same terminal, fly the Drone using below commands

mode guided

arm throttle

takeoff 15

MAVROS is a middle man which translates the MAVlink messages into ROS messages, which are easy to use and common between different robot systems. To start mavros run

  1. Now launch MAVROS

roslaunch iq_sim apm.launch

Drone Control using C++

We will now attempt to direct the drone into a circular path via C++ program.

This program allows you to send your drone to waypoints. It uses GNC_APIs created by Intelligent Quads which has a bunch of high-level functions that handle the various flight operations including, take off, land, waypoint nav and all the reference frames associated with the navigation. The documentation for these GNC functions is available here

  1. Git clone a custom ROS package with GNC API.

git clone

  1. In CMakeLists.txt add the following which connects your custom C++ file

add_executable(square src/circle.cpp)

target_link_libraries(circle ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

  1. Use this link for Circular path and create circle.cpp

Circle cpp uses the following path algorithm to map a circle

int increment =9;

int radius =5;

std::vector\<gnc\_api\_waypoint\> waypointList;

for (size\_t i =0; i \<= increment; i++)


    gnc\_api\_waypoint nextWayPoint;

    nextWayPoint.x= radius \*cos(i \*2\* M\_PI / increment);

    nextWayPoint.y= radius \*sin(i \*2\* M\_PI / increment);






  • gnc_api_waypoint is a custom interface to store coordinates (x,y,z,psi)
  • where x,y,z are plane-coordinates and psi is measure of rotation around the z-axis.

//specify control loop rate. We recommend a low frequency to not over load the

FCU with messages. Too many messages will cause the drone to be sluggish


int counter =0;

while (ros::ok())




    if (check\_waypoint\_reached(.3) ==1)


        if (counter \<waypointList.size())


            set\_destination(waypointList[counter].x, waypointList[counter].y, waypointList[counter].z, waypointList[counter].psi);





            _//land after all waypoints are reached_





The above code in circle.cpp is to constantly set communication with ROS/Ardupilot to reach a waypoint and after it reaches a waypoint move over to next waypoint.

A Vector is used to store the list of waypoints.

  1. Build iq_gnc using following commands

cd ~/catkin_ws

catkin build

source ~/.bashrc

  1. Now run below commands in new terminals respectively

roslaunch iq_sim runway.launch

# New Terminal


# New Terminal

roslaunch iq_sim apm.launch

# New Terminal

rosrun iq_gnc square

  1. The program would only start when drone mode is set to guided.

Now set the flight mode to _ guided _ in the MAVproxy terminal by running

mode guided

Figure 1 Image showing the circular path traversal in QGroundControl

Connecting Multiple SITL to Gazebo

  1. Create drones in by adding following lines


<pose>10 0 0 0 0 0</pose>






<pose>12 0 0 0 0 0</pose>






<pose>14 0 0 0 0 0</pose>





  1. Add the following config in _ ardupilot/Tools/autotest/pysim/ _

"gazebo-drone1": {

"waf\_target": "bin/arducopter",

"default\_params\_filename": ["default\_params/copter.parm",



"gazebo-drone2": {

"waf\_target": "bin/arducopter",

"default\_params\_filename": ["default\_params/copter.parm",



"gazebo-drone3": {

"waf\_target": "bin/arducopter",

"default\_params\_filename": ["default\_params/copter.parm",



  1. create the following files
  • default_params/gazebo-drone1.parm
  • default_params/gazebo-drone2.parm
  • default_params/gazebo-drone3.parm

In Each parm file add this corresponding to the drone

Iris is X frame














  • default_params/gazebo-drone1.parm should contain SYSID_THISMAV 1
  • default_params/gazebo-drone2.parm should contain SYSID_THISMAV 2
  • default_params/gazebo-drone3.parm should contain SYSID_THISMAV 3

Notes from this week:

  1. Focus on battery and speed data connection to ROS and C++ program.
  2. Since the connection 3 drones is still a work-in-progress, should be attempting to work on multiple drones after completely integrating a single drone.
  3. On multiple drone system, should get a clear picture on IP connections.
  4. How does default connection of drone's work and where can we change the default config.

Reading Drone Battery level

Reading battery level can be done by subscribing to drone _ mavros/battery _ and initiate and store a global variable for the battery state of drone.

The BatteryState of drone is an object which contains the following

For the current scenario we make use of percentage and capacity to determine the total battery usage for a trip. The code for connecting to the endpoint is initiated as a subscriber to a gnc_node is given below

The state_b is custom call-back function which updates the global variable for the battery level whenever the subscriber emits a msg.

The above screenshot is after running the drone for circular radius of r= 5metres.

From the above data, a distance of (r + 2πr) = 36.4metres was covered. Starting battery level was 100% and trip ended with 87% of battery. The altitude was 3metres.

Reading Drone Velocity

Reading battery level can be done by subscribing _ local_position/velocity _ endpoint would give us a call back to store the Twist object which had Angular and Velocity information.

The Twist is an object which contains the following

geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear

geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular


float64 x

float64 y

float64 z


The velocity was set randomly before each waypoint in the circular path. The velocity was printed out before starting out to the next waypoint.

The code for setting a velocity is given below

The velocity information during flight is logged and highlighted in the screenshot below.

Adding Models to Gazebo

Used git to get a bunch of open-source gazebo models from the Open-Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF)

  1. git clone
  2. echo 'export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/gazebo_ws/gazebo_models:${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH}' >> ~/.bashrc
  3. source ~/.bashrc

  1. Create a file in directory~/catkin_ws/src/iq_sim/worlds/ called

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


















  _\<!-- \<max\_step\_size\>0.0020\</max\_step\_size\> --\>_












  _\<!-- add new camera --\>_


    \<pose\>0 -0.01 0.070 .8 0 1.57\</pose\>


      \<pose\>0 0 0 0 0 0\</pose\>












      \<pose\>0 0 0 0 0 0\</pose\>















      \<pose\>0 0 0 -1.57 -1.57 0\</pose\>















     _\<!--  \<plugin name="irlock" filename=""\>_


      _\</plugin\> --\>_

















  _\<!-- attach camera --\>_


    \<pose\>0 0 0.0 0 0 0\</pose\>








      \<xyz\>0 0 1\</xyz\>







Create New ~/catkin_ws/src/iq_sim/launch called hills.launch file with below code


<!-- We resume the logic in empty_world.launch, changing only the name of the world to be launched -->

<includefile="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">

\<argname="world\_name"value="$(find iq\_sim)/worlds/"/\>

_\<!-- more default parameters can be changed here --\>_



  1. Launch the new world with the command roslaunch iq_sim hills.launch
  2. Install Cuda using sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
  3. Clone the darknet repo into our catkin_ws

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

git clone --recursive\_ros.git

  1. Run commandcatkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  2. If the above return "packages failed", then run this command to get gcc path in your env using_ type -a gcc _
  3. catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<<the path returned in previous command>>
  4. Edit from /webcam/image_raw to /webcam/image_raw in ros.yaml under darknet_ros/darknet_ros/config
  5. Run roslaunch iq_sim hills.launch
  6. In another terminal run ./startsitlh

In another terminal run roslaunch darknet_ros darknet_ros.launch

Notes from this week:

  1. Focus on Trip report generation in C++.
  2. Explore Virtual machines offered by amazon to speed up the yolo image recognition.

Trip report generation

Since a trip is a group of coordinates/waypoints a drone visited, we consider following data points at each waypoint.

  1. Speed between each waypoint.
  2. Battery before and after waypoint
  3. Distance travelled
  4. Total number of commands drone has received.

The trip generation is modular function which after trip prints out a html table of the whole trip as shown below.

YOLO subscription

The drone camera is setup and the object detection is carried out by YOLO. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.

We connect the rostopic _ /webcam/image_raw _ which streams camera images from the drone in the gazebo world. Before connecting the camera raw stream, install the following for YOLO.

Do this step if your machine has GPU

sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit

Clone the darknet repo into our catkin_ws

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

git clone --recursive\_ros.git

Build Darknet

catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-6

If the above steps throw a error, Find out the c_compiler in your machine by the below command

gcc -c

And retry the build command with the compiler version

catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=_ <<your-compiler>> _

The above steps are for Ubuntu 18.0.4

If your machine is Ubuntu 20.04, clone darknet using the below commands

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

git clone\_ros.git

git checkout opencv4

git submodule update --init –recursive

Build catkin using the below command

catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

In the file ros.yaml specifies ros parameters. You can find this file under darknet_ros/darknet_ros/config. You will need to change the image topic from _ /camera/rgb/image_raw _ to


In the file _ darknet_ros.launch _ under _ darknet_ros/darknet_ros/launch, _ change the following l

<arg name="network_param_file" default="$(find darknet_ros)/config/_ yolov2-tiny _.yaml"/>

  • yolov1: Not recommended. this model is old
  • yolov2: more accurate, and faster.
  • yolov3: about as fast as v2, but more accurate. Yolo v3 has a high GPU ram requirement to train and run. If your graphics card does not have enough ram, use yolo v2
  • tiny-yolo: Very fast yolo model. Would recommend for application where speed is most important. Works very well on Nvidia Jetson

We have successfully connected the camera stream to YOLO.

Now we run the Gazebo simulation and see how our drone passes down images to YOLO where the object detection takes place.

Object detection and hover

Now for each command open new terminal and run the following commands

Launch Yolo detection ros topic

roslaunch darknet_ros darknet_ros.launch

Now launch the Gazebo simulation and insert a person as shown in "Adding models to Gazebo" section

roslaunch iq_sim hills.launch

And start the SITL simulation by the below command


Now launch the MavLink to enable communication between ROS and Ardupilot (SITL)

roslaunch iq_sim apm.launch

Now for object detection replace the below code in square cpp and build it










float avg_image_p_time =0;

float counter =1;

std::map<std::string, int[1]> FrameMap;

bool found;

voiddetection_cb(const darknet_ros_msgs::BoundingBoxes::ConstPtr&msg)


for (int i =0; i \<msg-\>bounding\_boxes.size(); i++)


    if (msg-\>bounding\_boxes[i].Class=="person")


        ROS\_INFO("Person found. calculating average time");

        found =true;




intsearch_mode(std::string_lost_item_, int_increment_, int_speed_, int_limit_)


int counter =0;

ros::Rate rate(2);

while (ros::ok() &&!found)




    if (check\_waypoint\_reached(.3) ==1)


        std::vector\<double\> b =get\_current\_posing();

        if (b[1] == limit)





        for (size\_t i =-1; i \<=1; i++)


            if (check\_waypoint\_reached(.3) ==1)


                set\_destination(0, b[1], 2, i \*180);



        set\_destination(0, counter + increment, 3, 0);






intmain(int_argc_, char**argv)


_// initialize ros_

ros::init(argc, argv, "gnc\_node");

ros::NodeHandle n;

ros::Subscriber sub =n.subscribe("/darknet\_ros/bounding\_boxes", 1, detection\_cb);

_// initialize control publisher/subscribers_


_// wait for FCU connection_


_// wait for used to switch to mode GUIDED_


_// create local reference frame_


_// request takeoff_


search\_mode("person", 5, 5, 50);

if (found)





Now to build the code, follow the instructions

Note: After any modifications to this code, we need to build them again using the below commands

cd catkin_ws

catkin build

source ~/.bash.rc

Now in a new terminal run

rosrun iq_gnc square

This will run the above program saved in square.cpp. Additionally, a refined code was created which also listens for commands published over the time. This is in the battery_metrics.cpp at project-drone (

Now open Gazebo and you would observe that the drone checks continually for the person and stops for land command once it detects a person.

Listening to commands

Here we design a command listener which analyses all the commands throughout the ros nodes.

It is an executable program running inside your application. You will write many nodes and put them into packages. Nodes are combined into a graph and communicate with each other using ROS topics, services, actions, etc.

Now to analyse a trip battery usage, we consider all nodes and the commands published to them. Then segregate the commands and parameters to find the corelation between commands and battery for the drone.

Code for the listening to the commands here at commands_listner.cpp · rh/project-drone (

This code logs counters for all the node published on the ROS node. A sample of the commands counter is given below printed by a utility function. This utility function prints out the details of the commands in a html table.

Image battery relation

To calculate the battery usage for image transmissions, two missions/test-cases were created.

  1. Drone with camera sensor.
  2. Drone without camera sensor

The drone in gazebo was modified accordingly in hills.Launch file found the catkin workspace. Also, the drone can be directly modified on gazebo.

Both the test cases were run for 15 metres, 1.5 min at same speed. The case with camera also has the detection script which runs detection scripts. The gazebo world has "Person" a gazebo object which we are detecting.

The scripts are designed to print the resulting data to a html file. Below are the results.

Fig 1 Without camera sensor

Fig 2 With camera sensor

Observations & Conclusions

  1. A successful and complete drone simulation in Gazebo through C++ and ROS scripts has been setup.
  2. Scripts created for drone movement like circular, square and straight-line path have been created.
  3. Battery simulations seems to be a function of time rather than function of different tasks and its parameters. For example, a drone with speed 10m/s should consume more battery than a drone with 5m/s.
  4. Battery usage for image transmission also seems to be function of time rather than the dependence on data transmission which is almost near 10~16images/sec.
  5. The current study has been able to give data on details of commands, report generation and software setup.
  6. This setup could be further extended to create a different samples of mission types in an actual drone, for example with or without different sensors and record the battery usage.
  7. Has an scope of using machine learning algorithms to understand the pattern of battery usage from the command map generated.
  8. All the code and documentation are present in a public GitHub repository.