Click the link :
- Retrieve data from a GeoJSON file.
- Make API requests to a server to host geographical maps.
- Populate geographical maps with GeoJSON data using JavaScript and the Data-Driven Documents (D3) library.
- Add multiple map layers to geographical maps using Leaflet control plugins to add user interface controls.
- Use JavaScript ES6 functions to add GeoJSON data, features, and interactivity to maps.
- Render maps on a local server.
In the "challenge" , i have 3 seperate statements for Deliverable1,deliverable2,deliverable3 in my "index.html" ,
also i have the separate "logic.js" for all 3 of them in different names in my "js" folder ,
Deliverable 1is with "tectonic_logic.js" is with Street,Satellite ,Techtonicplate,Earthquake
Deliverable 2 is with "major_eq_logic.js" with Street,Satellite,Major Earthquake,Techtonicplate,Earthquake
Deliverable 3 is with "third_map_style.js" with Street,Satellite,Dark,Major Earthquake,Techtonicplate,Earthquake