Alternate frontend for Wordnet. Built with NextJS and node-wordnet as backend. Has colorways insipired by Firefox made possible by radix-ui/colors. Deployed on vercel here.
Built with NextJS.
NextJS API Routes to build a Wordnet API using node-wordnet.
radix-ui/colors for theme colors.
radix-ui/primitives for UI components - radix-ui/react-radio-group, @radix-ui/react-switch, @radix-ui/react-tooltip.
Client side data fetching with SWR.
Design on Figma.
Using a modified useLocalStroage with reducer from How to use Context, useReducer and LocalStorage in Next JS. Published as gist.
white-space on MDN.
color-scheme on MDN.
Data URLs on MDN.
encodeURIComponent() on MDN.
SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them on CSS-Tricks.
Wordnet Documentation.
Debounce in JavaScript — Improve Your Application’s Performance.
Difference between automatic sizing of flex-items and grid-item sizing.
matchMedia removeListener doesn't work? on StackOverflow.
Make React useEffect hook not run on initial render on StackOverflow.
How to detect touch device in 2019? on StackOverflow.
Internal API fetch with getServerSideProps? (Next.js) on StackOverflow.
Perform debounce in React.js on StackOverflow.
Dynamic svg favicon? on StackOverflow.
Progressive Web App "does not work offline" error on StackOverflow.
My notes on Wordnet and node-wordnet on Notion.
I started off with styled-components for styling as I wanted dynamic colors but as of now swc does not work with styled-components. So I had to switch to built in styled-jsx.
Its nice to have something like styled-jsx built in into NextJS but you can have only one style jsx block per component. So it really forces you to write components. Not to mention styled-js is buggy af sometimes breaks on even adding comments.
Don't need something like styled-components for dynamic styles. Could use CSS variables for the same effect with CSS Modules.
Solution for dynamic svg favicon was in front of me the whole time - Data URLs.
Princeton University "About WordNet." WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.