Configuring all required tools for running Ruby on Rails is a pain and time consuming. This vagrant config file is meant to build a ready to go Rails development environment.
Vagrant is a tool for creating a virtual machine. You can install Vagrant on Mac, Windows or Linux
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-rails
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
- Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)
- Curl
- Git
- Rvm
- Ruby (latest)
- Rails (latest)
- Postgres
- Nodejs
- Heroku
- Vim and plugins:
- emmet-vim
- nerdcommenter
- snipmate
- tlib_vim
- vim-addon-mw-utils
- vim-coffee-script
- vim-javascript
- vim-rails
- vim-ruby
- vim-surround
The script creates a superuser called vagrant, so if you want to use postgres on your projects, you're good to go. To create a project with postgres:
$ rails new awesome-project -d postgresql
$ rake db:create
You can access your application outside your vagrant machine:
$ rails s -b
Go ahead and type http://localhost:3000, you should see rails default page.