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239 lines (174 loc) · 8.24 KB

File metadata and controls

239 lines (174 loc) · 8.24 KB

CSOC'24 Flutter

CSOC'24 Project in App Dev track using Flutter.

Setting up the development environment


  1. Git installed in system
  2. Flutter installed

If any of the above is missing, please follow these links: Installing Git and Setting up flutter guide.


  1. Fork this repo.

  2. Clone the forked repo into your local system with this command:

    git clone <your_forked_repo_url>
  3. Open the cloned repo in VS Code terminal.

  4. Check whether upstream is set successfully by running:

    git remote
  5. If upstream is not found, add upstream with this command:

    git remote add upstream
  6. Fetch the code from remote:

    git fetch --all
  7. Add the debug.keystore file provided to you (if not, ask a maintainer) in android folder i.e., as /android/debug.keystore

  8. Run the following command to install dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  9. Run this to start running the app in Physical device or Android emulator:

    flutter run
  10. Do git fetch --all and git rebase upstream/main frequently to update the local repository.


Contributions to this app are welcome. If you're looking to get into COPS, this is one of the projects we are considering. Irrespective of the result, you'll get a hands on experience in flutter and a wonderful experience contributing to an open source project.

Picking an issue to work on

  • To find possible issues to work on, see the issues tab. If it was not opened by a maintainer, choose those which has label 'approved' (Maintainers for this repo are Varun Kolanu, Shashank Kumar, Prithvi Dutta )
  • Choose according to your interests, complexity of the issue. Judgement depends on the complexity of issue, code cleanliness, commit discipline, solution developed and guidelines followed.
  • After choosing an issue, comment @csoc-bot claim to get the issue assigned. Only after getting an issue assigned, start working on it.
  • The first contributor who asked will get the assignment of issue.
  • One contributor can only work on one issue at a time. If you have done most of the work, raised a PR and waiting for a maintainer review, you can reach out a maintainer to assign a new issue or abandon the previous issue.

Opening an issue

If you see any bug or want to suggest a new feature, open an issue by filling the issue template in issue tab.

Making a Pull request

After completing an issue, commit them and make a pull request. The commit messages should follow commit guidelines.

  • Before making a commit or before making a PR, always fetch the current remote repo from github into local machine so that any code changes by other contributors are reflected:

    git fetch --all
  • Before making a PR rebase your repo with upstream with the following command and solve any merge conflicts if exist: (To know more about rebase refer to this video ).

    git rebase upstream/main
  • The PR message should contain any of the following keywords and should contain the issue number it is solving so that it gets linked in that issue:

    close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, resolved

    Example PR message:

    This PR does this...
    fixes #1
  • Then make a PR to the upstream/main branch and check whether all tests from GitHub actions got passed.

  • If you don't make any contributions in 3 days after getting issue assigned, your assignment will be removed.

Commiting Guidelines

  1. Each commit message should convey a single change.

  2. If a change is suggested in a commit, don't do a new commit, rather undo the last commit and edit it. Use this command for this:

    git commit --amend -m "<your_commit_message>"

    This will replace the last commit fully with the new changes (including commit message and code changes)

  3. Important: When you have edited the last commit, don't push it to the remote repo directly. Rather, use the following command:

    git push -f
  4. Every commit message should follow a fixed format:

type(scope?): subject   #scope is optional

Example commit messages:

feat(blog): add comment section

fix: some message

Valid types:


Examples of scopes: server, ui, services etc

  1. Before making a commit, always fetch using the command:
git fetch --all

Folder Structure:

├── assets
│   ├── images
│   ├── icons
│   ├── videos
|   └── attendance_data.json
├── ...
└── lib
    ├── cubit
    │   ├── feature_cubit.dart
    │   ├── feature_state.dart
    │   └── ...
    ├── models
    │   ├── feature_model.dart
    │   └── ...
    ├── repository
    │   ├── feature_repository.dart
    │   └── ...
    ├── services
    │   ├── feature_service.dart
    │   └── ...
    ├── ui
    │   ├── screens
    │   │   ├── feature_screen.dart
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── widgets
    │       ├── feature_widget.dart
    │       └── ...
    └── utils
        ├── colors.dart
        ├── constants.dart
        └── ...
  1. assets have three folders images, icons and videos.
  2. cubit: For managing the state. You'll reach out to the functions in cubit for any work. These emit states, which are listened by UI.
  3. repositories: Cubit functions call repositories. These have functions which call APIs, acts a bridge between backend and flutter.
  4. models: Used by repositories or when JSONs are needed. Used to serialize or deserialize in JSONs (like changing data to JSON for API calls)
  5. services: Any function to be used by UI or cubit or literally any part of application. All the functions reside here
  6. ui: Has two folders for screens and widgets. Only UI and no functions in these. cubit and serices are present for that. Use BlocBuilder to update UI when states are emitted from cubit.
  7. utils: General folder for colors, constants, image paths etc

Important tools for making your life easier

  1. Getting the commit hashes of all the previous commits:

    git log
  2. Check a previous commit without resetting:

    git checkout <commit-hash>
  3. Go to a commit by undoing all the next commits (For eg., go to commit 2 while undoing 3rd, 4th commits):

    git reset --hard <commit-hash>
  4. Undo the last commit and keep the changes in local repo so that you can change them and recommit later:

    git reset --soft HEAD~1
  5. For git commit --amend and git rebase, always use git push -f instead of simple git push

  6. Update your repo in intervals using git fetch --all and git rebase upstream/main.

  7. To edit a particular commit use Interactive rebase: git rebase --interactive <commit-hash>~ and follow the commands.

    For example, to edit a commit message of a particular commit:

    1. Run git log
    2. Copy the commit hash of the commit you want to edit
    3. Run git rebase -i <commit_hash>~ for eg., git rebase -i 9824....7552~
    4. A vim editor will be opened
    5. Press the keyboard key "i"
    6. You can see footer as "--INSERT--"
    7. Now you can see some lines with format "keyword commit_hash commit message" and also can see some commands given below
    8. For eg., "pick ... Added attendance page"
    9. Edit that line to "reword ... Added attendance page" (reword refers to changing commit message)
    10. Press "Esc"
    11. Press ":wq" and Enter
    12. A new editor will be opened in which you can see the commit message
    13. Press i
    14. Edit the commit message
    15. Press Esc and ":wq" to save
    16. At last, git push -f