Name | Description |
AddTargetPortPublisher | Publishes a container port common listener.addTargets props. |
CloudMapNamespaceProvider | A convenience interface for creating a CloudMap namespace. |
ClusterProvider | Convenience interface for providing ClusterInfo to the cluster construct. |
DatabaseInstanceProvider | Provides a very basic RDS database instance. |
DatabaseProvider | Convenience interface for providing DatabaseInfo to the cluster. |
EcsClusterInfoProvider | Provides a very basic ECS cluster in the given VPC. |
EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension | Ensures a MySQL database exists by adding an init container. |
EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension | Ensures a Postgresql database exists by adding an init container. |
FargateSpotEcsClusterInfoProvider | Provides an ECS cluster in the given VPC that has FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers enabled. |
FromClusterInfoProvider | Directly provide cluster info. |
FromDatabaseInfoProvider | Provide database info directly. |
FromVpcProvider | Directly provides the given VPC. |
HttpAlbPortPublisher | Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer. |
HttpListenerProvider | Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer. |
HttpsAlbPortPublisher | Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates. |
HttpsListenerProvider | Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates. |
IngressAndPrivateVpcProvider | Provides a VPC with both private and public subnets. |
KeycloakCluster | A complete Keycloak cluster in a box. |
KeycloakContainerExtension | Adds a keycloak container to a task definition. |
KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition | The details of a Keycloak task definition running on EC2. |
KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition | The details of a Keycloak task definition running on Fargate. |
ListenerProvider | Convenience interface for providing ListenerInfo to the cluster. |
NlbListenerProvider | Creates a network load balancer listener. |
NlbPortPublisher | Publishes a port via a Network Load Balancer. |
PortPublisher | Convenience interface for creating port publishers. |
ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProvider | Provides a serverless Aurora database cluster. |
VpcProvider | No description |
Name | Description |
AddTargetPortPublisherProps | Information about how to register with a load balancer. |
AlbPortPublisherProps | Properties for an ALB port publisher. |
ClusterInfo | Information about the ecs cluster. |
DatabaseInfo | Information about needed to connect to the database. |
DatabaseInstanceProviderProps | Basic props for creating a database instance. |
EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtensionProps | Props for EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension. |
EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtensionProps | Props for EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension. |
FromClusterInfoProviderProps | Props for FromClusterInfoProvider . |
FromDatabaseInfoProviderProps | Props for FromDatabaseInfoProvider . |
FromVpcProviderProps | Props for FromVpcProvider . |
HttpAlbPortPublisherProps | Properties for an HTTP ALB port publisher. |
HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps | Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer. |
HttpsListenerProviderProps | Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer. |
KeycloakClusterProps | Props for KeycloakCluster . |
KeycloakContainerExtensionProps | Configuration for the Keycloak container. |
KeycloakEc2TaskDefinitionProps | Props for KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition . |
KeycloakFargateTaskDefinitionProps | Props for KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition . |
ListenerInfo | Information about how to register with a load balancer. |
NlbListenerProviderProps | Information about a network load balancer to create. |
NlbPortPublisherProps | Information about a network load balancer to create. |
PrivateDnsNamespaceProviderProps | Props for creating a private Dns Namespace. |
ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProviderProps | Basic props for creating a serverless Aurora database cluster. |
VpcInfo | Information about the VPC other providers may opt to use to host their resources. |
Name | Description |
ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider | Provides CloudMapNamespaceInfo once the VPC is available. |
IClusterInfoProvider | Provides ClusterInfo after the VPC is available. |
IDatabaseInfoProvider | Provides DatabaseInfo after the VPC is available. |
IKeycloakTaskDefinition | A Keycloak task definition. |
IListenerInfoProvider | Provides ListenerInfo once the VPC is available. |
IPortPublisher | Publishes container ports. |
IVpcInfoProvider | Provides VpcInfo. |
Name | Description |
KeycloakDatabaseVendor | The database vendor. |
Publishes a container port common listener.addTargets
Implements: IPortPublisher
new AddTargetPortPublisher(listenerInfo: AddTargetPortPublisherProps)
- listenerInfo (
) No description- listener (
) No description - conditions (
) No description Optional - priority (
) No description Optional
- listener (
A convenience interface for creating a CloudMap namespace.
new CloudMapNamespaceProvider()
Create a CloudMap namespaces from a private dns zone.
static privateDns(props?: PrivateDnsNamespaceProviderProps): ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider
- props (
) No description- name (
) The globally unique name for the namespace. Default: 'keycloak-service-discovery'
- name (
Convenience interface for providing ClusterInfo to the cluster construct.
new ClusterProvider()
Create an ECS cluster.
static cluster(): IClusterInfoProvider
Create an ECS cluster with Fargate Spot support.
static fargateSpotCluster(): IClusterInfoProvider
Provide raw clusterInfo.
static fromClusterInfo(clusterInfo: ClusterInfo): IClusterInfoProvider
- clusterInfo (
) No description- cluster (
) The ECS cluster for adding a service.
- cluster (
Provides a very basic RDS database instance.
Implements: IDatabaseInfoProvider
new DatabaseInstanceProvider(props?: DatabaseInstanceProviderProps)
- props (
) No description- engine (
) Instance database engine. Default: mysql 8.0 - instanceType (
) Instance type. Default: t2.micro - subnets (
) Select subnets to register the database instance in. Optional
- engine (
Convenience interface for providing DatabaseInfo to the cluster.
new DatabaseProvider()
Provide a new database instance.
static databaseInstance(props?: DatabaseInstanceProviderProps): DatabaseInstanceProvider
- props (
) No description- engine (
) Instance database engine. Default: mysql 8.0 - instanceType (
) Instance type. Default: t2.micro - subnets (
) Select subnets to register the database instance in. Optional
- engine (
Provide raw DatabaseInfo.
static fromDatabaseInfo(props: DatabaseInfo): IDatabaseInfoProvider
- props (
) No description- credentials (
) Database credentials in standard RDS json format. - vendor (
) Database vendor. - connectable (
) A connectable so that the cluster can allow itself to connect to the database. Optional
- credentials (
Provide a new serverless aurora cluster.
static serverlessAuroraCluster(props?: ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProviderProps): IDatabaseInfoProvider
- props (
) No description- engine (
) Cluster engine. Default: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA_MYSQL - scaling (
) Scaling options. Default: 5 minute auto pause, min and max capacity of 1 acu. - subnets (
) Select subnets to register the database cluster in. Optional
- engine (
Provides a very basic ECS cluster in the given VPC.
Implements: IClusterInfoProvider
new EcsClusterInfoProvider()
Ensures a MySQL database exists by adding an init container.
Makes the default container depend on the successful completion of this container.
Implements: aws_ecs.ITaskDefinitionExtension
new EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension(props: EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtensionProps)
- props (
) No description- databaseCredentials (
) RDS credentials. - databaseName (
) Name of the database to create. - containerName (
) Name of the container to add to do this work. Default: 'ensure-mysql-database' - logging (
) Logging driver. Optional
- databaseCredentials (
Apply the extension to the given TaskDefinition.
extend(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): void
- taskDefinition (
) No description
Ensures a Postgresql database exists by adding an init container.
Makes the default container depend on the successful completion of this container.
Implements: aws_ecs.ITaskDefinitionExtension
new EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension(props: EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtensionProps)
- props (
) No description- databaseCredentials (
) RDS credentials. - databaseName (
) Name of the database to create. - containerName (
) Name of the container to add to do this work. Default: 'ensure-postgresql-database' - logging (
) Logging driver. Optional
- databaseCredentials (
Apply the extension to the given TaskDefinition.
extend(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): void
- taskDefinition (
) No description
Provides an ECS cluster in the given VPC that has FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers enabled.
Implements: IClusterInfoProvider
new FargateSpotEcsClusterInfoProvider()
Directly provide cluster info.
Implements: IClusterInfoProvider
new FromClusterInfoProvider(props: FromClusterInfoProviderProps)
- props (
) No description- cluster (
) The ECS cluster for adding a service.
- cluster (
Provide database info directly.
Implements: IDatabaseInfoProvider
new FromDatabaseInfoProvider(props: FromDatabaseInfoProviderProps)
- props (
) No description- credentials (
) Database credentials in standard RDS json format. - vendor (
) Database vendor. - connectable (
) A connectable so that the cluster can allow itself to connect to the database. Optional
- credentials (
Directly provides the given VPC.
Implements: IVpcInfoProvider
new FromVpcProvider(props: FromVpcProviderProps)
- props (
) No description- vpc (
) The VPC.
- vpc (
Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer.
Implements: IPortPublisher
new HttpAlbPortPublisher(props?: HttpAlbPortPublisherProps)
- props (
) No description- healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
- healthCheck (
Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer.
Implements: IPortPublisher, IListenerInfoProvider, IPortPublisher Extends: HttpAlbPortPublisher
new HttpListenerProvider(props?: HttpAlbPortPublisherProps)
- props (
) No description- healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
- healthCheck (
Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates.
Implements: IPortPublisher
new HttpsAlbPortPublisher(props: HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps)
- props (
) No description- healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer' - certificates (
) Certificates to use for the ALB listener. - upgradeHttp (
) Upgrade HTTP connection to HTTPS. Default: false - upgradeHttpHost (
) A host name to redirect to when upgrading to HTTPS. Default: same as the request
- healthCheck (
Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates.
Implements: IPortPublisher, IListenerInfoProvider, IPortPublisher Extends: HttpsAlbPortPublisher
new HttpsListenerProvider(props: HttpsListenerProviderProps)
- props (
) No description- certificates (
) Certificates to use for the ALB listener.
- certificates (
Provides a VPC with both private and public subnets.
Implements: IVpcInfoProvider
new IngressAndPrivateVpcProvider()
A complete Keycloak cluster in a box.
Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct
new KeycloakCluster(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: KeycloakClusterProps)
- scope (
) No description - id (
) No description - props (
) No description- adminConsoleListenerProvider (
) Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed - adminConsolePortPublisher (
) Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed - capacityProviderStrategy (
) Add capacity provider strategy by CDK escape hatch. Optional - circuitBreaker (
) Enable/disable the deployment circuit breaker. Default: true - cloudMapNamespaceProvider (
) CloudMap namespace to use for service discovery. Default: creates one named 'keycloak-service-discovery' - cpu (
) Fargate task cpu spec. Default: 1024 - databaseProvider (
) Database server. Default: creates a new one - desiredCount (
) How many keycloak cluster members to spin up. Default: 1 - ecsClusterProvider (
) Provide an ECS cluster. Default: a cluster is automatically created. - healthCheckGracePeriod (
) Initial grace period for Keycloak to spin up. Default: 10 minutes - httpPortPublisher (
) Publish the service's HTTP port. Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unlesshttpsPort
is given. - httpsListenerProvider (
) Add the service's https port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed - httpsPortPublisher (
) Publish the service's HTTPS port. Default: not published - keycloak (
) Keycloak configuration options. Optional - listenerProvider (
) Add the service's http port to a load balancer. Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unlesshttpsListenerProvider
is given. - maxHealthyPercent (
) The maximum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments. Optional - memoryLimitMiB (
) Fargate task memory spec. Default: 2048 - minHealthyPercent (
) The minimum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments. Optional - vpcProvider (
) VPC to use. Default: creates one - vpcTaskAssignPublicIp (
) Assign public IPs to the Fargate tasks. Default: false - vpcTaskSubnets (
) Where to place the instances within the VPC. Optional
- adminConsoleListenerProvider (
Name | Type | Description |
service | aws_ecs.BaseService |
The ECS service controlling the cluster tasks. |
Adds a keycloak container to a task definition.
To use ECS service discovery
to locate cluster members, you need to call useCloudMapService
with the
CloudMap service so that we can configure the correct DNS query.
Implements: aws_ecs.ITaskDefinitionExtension
new KeycloakContainerExtension(props?: KeycloakContainerExtensionProps)
- props (
) No description- cacheOwnersAuthSessionsCount (
) The number of distributed cache owners for authentication sessions. Default: same ascacheOwnersCount
- cacheOwnersCount (
) The default number of distributed cache owners for each key. Default: 1 - containerName (
) A name for the container added to the task definition. Default: 'keycloak' - databaseCredentials (
) Secrets manager secret containing the RDS database credentials and connection information in JSON format. Default: none - databaseName (
) Database name. Default: 'keycloak' - databaseSchema (
) Database schema. Default: for Postgresql, the default is 'public' - databaseVendor (
) The database vendor. Default: KeycloakDatabaseVendor.H2 - defaultAdminPassword (
) Default admin user's password. Default: 'admin' - defaultAdminUser (
) Default admin user. Default: 'admin' - image (
) Keycloak container image to use. Default: use jboss/keycloak from docker hub. - infinicacheClustering (
) Enable infinicache clustering. Default: true if any cache owner count is greater than 1 - logging (
) Log driver for the task. Default: cloudwatch with one month retention - memoryLimitMiB (
) Memory limit of the keycloak task. Default: 1024 - memoryReservationMiB (
) Memory reservation size for the keycloak task. Default: 80% of memoryLimitMiB
- cacheOwnersAuthSessionsCount (
Name | Type | Description |
adminConsolePort | number |
Admin console port. |
cacheOwnersAuthSessionsCount | number |
The number of distributed auth session cache owners for each key. |
cacheOwnersCount | number |
The number of distributed cache owners for each key. |
containerName | string |
Name of the container added to the task definition. |
databaseName | string |
Name of the Keycloak database. |
databaseVendor | KeycloakDatabaseVendor |
Database vendor. |
defaultAdminPassword | string |
The default admin user password. |
defaultAdminUser | string |
The default admin user's name. |
httpsWebPort | number |
Web traffic port with HTTPS. |
infinicacheClustering | boolean |
True if infinicache clustering is enabled. |
webPort | number |
Web traffic port. |
Configure health checks on the target group.
configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void
- targetGroup (
) No description
Apply the extension to the given TaskDefinition.
extend(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): void
- taskDefinition (
) No description
Inform Keycloak of a CloudMap service discovery mechanism.
useCloudMapService(serviceDiscovery: IService): void
- serviceDiscovery (
) No description
The details of a Keycloak task definition running on EC2.
Implements: IConstruct, IDependable, IResource, IDependable, IConstruct, aws_ecs.ITaskDefinition, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, aws_ecs.IEc2TaskDefinition, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, aws_ecs.ITaskDefinition, IKeycloakTaskDefinition Extends: aws_ecs.Ec2TaskDefinition
new KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: KeycloakEc2TaskDefinitionProps)
- scope (
) No description - id (
) No description - props (
) No description- executionRole (
) The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition. - family (
) The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. Default: Automatically generated name. - proxyConfiguration (
) The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy. Default: No proxy configuration. - taskRole (
) The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: A task role is automatically created for you. - volumes (
) The list of volume definitions for the task. Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance. - inferenceAccelerators (
) The inference accelerators to use for the containers in the task. Default: No inference accelerators. - ipcMode (
) The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task. Default: IpcMode used by the task is not specified - networkMode (
) The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. Default: NetworkMode.Bridge for EC2 tasks, AwsVpc for Fargate tasks. - pidMode (
) The process namespace to use for the containers in the task. Default: PidMode used by the task is not specified - placementConstraints (
) An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task. Default: No placement constraints. - keycloak (
) Keycloak configuration. Optional
- executionRole (
Name | Type | Description |
keycloakContainerExtension | KeycloakContainerExtension |
The Keycloak container extension. |
Configures the health check of the application target group.
configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void
- targetGroup (
) No description
Register the task definition with a cloudmap service.
useCloudMapService(cloudMapService: IService): void
- cloudMapService (
) No description
The details of a Keycloak task definition running on Fargate.
Implements: IConstruct, IDependable, IResource, IDependable, IConstruct, aws_ecs.ITaskDefinition, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, aws_ecs.IFargateTaskDefinition, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, aws_ecs.ITaskDefinition, IKeycloakTaskDefinition Extends: aws_ecs.FargateTaskDefinition
new KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: KeycloakFargateTaskDefinitionProps)
- scope (
) No description - id (
) No description - props (
) No description- executionRole (
) The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition. - family (
) The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. Default: Automatically generated name. - proxyConfiguration (
) The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy. Default: No proxy configuration. - taskRole (
) The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: A task role is automatically created for you. - volumes (
) The list of volume definitions for the task. Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance. - cpu (
) The number of cpu units used by the task. Default: 256 - ephemeralStorageGiB (
) The amount (in GiB) of ephemeral storage to be allocated to the task. Default: 20 - memoryLimitMiB (
) The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task. Default: 512 - keycloak (
) Keycloak configuration. Optional
- executionRole (
Name | Type | Description |
keycloakContainerExtension | KeycloakContainerExtension |
The Keycloak container extension. |
Configures the health check of the application target group.
configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void
- targetGroup (
) No description
Register the task definition with a cloudmap service.
useCloudMapService(cloudMapService: IService): void
- cloudMapService (
) No description
Convenience interface for providing ListenerInfo to the cluster.
new ListenerProvider()
Add to an existing load balancer.
static fromListenerInfo(listenerInfo: ListenerInfo): IListenerInfoProvider
- listenerInfo (
) No description- listener (
) No description - conditions (
) No description Optional - priority (
) No description Optional
- listener (
Create a load balancer that listens for HTTP.
static http(): IListenerInfoProvider
Create a load balancer that listens for HTTPS with your certificates.
static https(props: HttpsListenerProviderProps): IListenerInfoProvider
- props (
) No description- certificates (
) Certificates to use for the ALB listener.
- certificates (
Create a network load balancer.
static nlb(props: NlbListenerProviderProps): IListenerInfoProvider
- props (
) No description- port (
) Port to listen on. - healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
- port (
Not added to a load balancer.
static none(): IListenerInfoProvider
Creates a network load balancer listener.
Implements: IPortPublisher, IListenerInfoProvider, IPortPublisher Extends: NlbPortPublisher
new NlbListenerProvider(props: NlbListenerProviderProps)
- props (
) No description- port (
) Port to listen on. - healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
- port (
Publishes a port via a Network Load Balancer.
Implements: IPortPublisher
new NlbPortPublisher(props: NlbPortPublisherProps)
- props (
) No description- port (
) Port to listen on. - healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
- port (
Convenience interface for creating port publishers.
new PortPublisher()
Add to an existing load balancer.
static addTarget(props: AddTargetPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher
- props (
) No description- listener (
) No description - conditions (
) No description Optional - priority (
) No description Optional
- listener (
Create a load balancer that listens for HTTP.
static httpAlb(props?: HttpAlbPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher
- props (
) No description- healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
- healthCheck (
Create a load balancer that listens for HTTPS with your certificates.
static httpsAlb(props: HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher
- props (
) No description- healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer' - certificates (
) Certificates to use for the ALB listener. - upgradeHttp (
) Upgrade HTTP connection to HTTPS. Default: false - upgradeHttpHost (
) A host name to redirect to when upgrading to HTTPS. Default: same as the request
- healthCheck (
Create a network load balancer.
static nlb(props: NlbPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher
- props (
) No description- port (
) Port to listen on. - healthCheck (
) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true - id (
) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
- port (
Not added to a load balancer.
static none(): IPortPublisher
Provides a serverless Aurora database cluster.
Implements: IDatabaseInfoProvider
new ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProvider(props?: ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProviderProps)
- props (
) No description- engine (
) Cluster engine. Default: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA_MYSQL - scaling (
) Scaling options. Default: 5 minute auto pause, min and max capacity of 1 acu. - subnets (
) Select subnets to register the database cluster in. Optional
- engine (
new VpcProvider()
Provides an already-existing vpc.
static fromExistingVpc(vpc: IVpc): IVpcInfoProvider
- vpc (
) No description
Provides an already-existing vpc.
static fromVpc(vpc: IVpc): IVpcInfoProvider
- vpc (
) No description
Provides a VPC with a public subnet and private subnet config.
static ingressAndPrivateVpc(): IVpcInfoProvider
Information about how to register with a load balancer.
Name | Type | Description |
listener | aws_elasticloadbalancingv2.IApplicationListener |
conditions? | Array<aws_elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerCondition> |
Optional |
priority? | number |
Optional |
Properties for an ALB port publisher.
Name | Type | Description |
healthCheck? | boolean |
Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true |
id? | string |
Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer' |
Information about the ecs cluster.
Name | Type | Description |
cluster | aws_ecs.ICluster |
The ECS cluster for adding a service. |
Information about needed to connect to the database.
Name | Type | Description |
credentials | aws_secretsmanager.ISecret |
Database credentials in standard RDS json format. |
vendor | KeycloakDatabaseVendor |
Database vendor. |
connectable? | aws_ec2.IConnectable |
A connectable so that the cluster can allow itself to connect to the database. Optional |
Basic props for creating a database instance.
Name | Type | Description |
engine? | aws_rds.IInstanceEngine |
Instance database engine. Default: mysql 8.0 |
instanceType? | aws_ec2.InstanceType |
Instance type. Default: t2.micro |
subnets? | aws_ec2.SubnetSelection |
Select subnets to register the database instance in. Optional |
Props for EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension.
Name | Type | Description |
databaseCredentials | aws_secretsmanager.ISecret |
RDS credentials. |
databaseName | string |
Name of the database to create. |
containerName? | string |
Name of the container to add to do this work. Default: 'ensure-mysql-database' |
logging? | aws_ecs.LogDriver |
Logging driver. Optional |
Props for EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension.
Name | Type | Description |
databaseCredentials | aws_secretsmanager.ISecret |
RDS credentials. |
databaseName | string |
Name of the database to create. |
containerName? | string |
Name of the container to add to do this work. Default: 'ensure-postgresql-database' |
logging? | aws_ecs.LogDriver |
Logging driver. Optional |
Props for FromClusterInfoProvider
Name | Type | Description |
cluster | aws_ecs.ICluster |
The ECS cluster for adding a service. |
Props for FromDatabaseInfoProvider
Name | Type | Description |
credentials | aws_secretsmanager.ISecret |
Database credentials in standard RDS json format. |
vendor | KeycloakDatabaseVendor |
Database vendor. |
connectable? | aws_ec2.IConnectable |
A connectable so that the cluster can allow itself to connect to the database. Optional |
Props for FromVpcProvider
Name | Type | Description |
vpc | aws_ec2.IVpc |
The VPC. |
Properties for an HTTP ALB port publisher.
Name | Type | Description |
healthCheck? | boolean |
Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true |
id? | string |
Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer' |
Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer.
Name | Type | Description |
certificates | Array<aws_certificatemanager.ICertificate> |
Certificates to use for the ALB listener. |
healthCheck? | boolean |
Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true |
id? | string |
Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer' |
upgradeHttp? | boolean |
Upgrade HTTP connection to HTTPS. Default: false |
upgradeHttpHost? | string |
A host name to redirect to when upgrading to HTTPS. Default: same as the request |
Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer.
Name | Type | Description |
certificates |
Array<aws_certificatemanager.ICertificate> |
Certificates to use for the ALB listener. |
Obtainable from: CloudMapNamespaceProvider.privateDns()
Provides CloudMapNamespaceInfo once the VPC is available.
Implemented by: EcsClusterInfoProvider, FargateSpotEcsClusterInfoProvider, FromClusterInfoProvider Obtainable from: ClusterProvider.cluster(), ClusterProvider.fargateSpotCluster(), ClusterProvider.fromClusterInfo()
Provides ClusterInfo after the VPC is available.
Implemented by: DatabaseInstanceProvider, FromDatabaseInfoProvider, ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProvider Obtainable from: DatabaseProvider.fromDatabaseInfo(), DatabaseProvider.serverlessAuroraCluster()
Provides DatabaseInfo after the VPC is available.
Implemented by: KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition, KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition
A Keycloak task definition.
Name | Type | Description |
keycloakContainerExtension | KeycloakContainerExtension |
The Keycloak container extension. |
Configures the health check of the application target group.
configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void
- targetGroup (
) No description
Register the task definition with a cloudmap service.
useCloudMapService(cloudMapService: IService): void
- cloudMapService (
) No description
Implemented by: HttpListenerProvider, HttpsListenerProvider, NlbListenerProvider Obtainable from: ListenerProvider.fromListenerInfo(), ListenerProvider.http(), ListenerProvider.https(), ListenerProvider.nlb(), ListenerProvider.none()
Provides ListenerInfo once the VPC is available.
Implemented by: AddTargetPortPublisher, HttpAlbPortPublisher, HttpListenerProvider, HttpsAlbPortPublisher, HttpsListenerProvider, NlbListenerProvider, NlbPortPublisher Obtainable from: PortPublisher.addTarget(), PortPublisher.httpAlb(), PortPublisher.httpsAlb(), PortPublisher.nlb(), PortPublisher.none()
Publishes container ports.
Implemented by: FromVpcProvider, IngressAndPrivateVpcProvider Obtainable from: VpcProvider.fromExistingVpc(), VpcProvider.fromVpc(), VpcProvider.ingressAndPrivateVpc()
Provides VpcInfo.
Props for KeycloakCluster
Name | Type | Description |
adminConsoleListenerProvider? |
IListenerInfoProvider |
Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed |
adminConsolePortPublisher? | IPortPublisher |
Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed |
capacityProviderStrategy?🔹 | Array<aws_ecs.CfnCluster.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty> |
Add capacity provider strategy by CDK escape hatch. Optional |
circuitBreaker? | boolean |
Enable/disable the deployment circuit breaker. Default: true |
cloudMapNamespaceProvider? | ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider |
CloudMap namespace to use for service discovery. Default: creates one named 'keycloak-service-discovery' |
cpu? | number |
Fargate task cpu spec. Default: 1024 |
databaseProvider? | IDatabaseInfoProvider |
Database server. Default: creates a new one |
desiredCount? | number |
How many keycloak cluster members to spin up. Default: 1 |
ecsClusterProvider? | IClusterInfoProvider |
Provide an ECS cluster. Default: a cluster is automatically created. |
healthCheckGracePeriod? | Duration |
Initial grace period for Keycloak to spin up. Default: 10 minutes |
httpPortPublisher? | IPortPublisher |
Publish the service's HTTP port. Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unless httpsPort is given. |
httpsListenerProvider? |
IListenerInfoProvider |
Add the service's https port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed |
httpsPortPublisher? | IPortPublisher |
Publish the service's HTTPS port. Default: not published |
keycloak? | KeycloakContainerExtensionProps |
Keycloak configuration options. Optional |
listenerProvider? |
IListenerInfoProvider |
Add the service's http port to a load balancer. Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unless httpsListenerProvider is given. |
maxHealthyPercent? | number |
The maximum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments. Optional |
memoryLimitMiB? | number |
Fargate task memory spec. Default: 2048 |
minHealthyPercent? | number |
The minimum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments. Optional |
vpcProvider? | IVpcInfoProvider |
VPC to use. Default: creates one |
vpcTaskAssignPublicIp? | boolean |
Assign public IPs to the Fargate tasks. Default: false |
vpcTaskSubnets? | aws_ec2.SubnetSelection |
Where to place the instances within the VPC. Optional |
Configuration for the Keycloak container.
Name | Type | Description |
cacheOwnersAuthSessionsCount? | number |
The number of distributed cache owners for authentication sessions. Default: same as cacheOwnersCount |
cacheOwnersCount? | number |
The default number of distributed cache owners for each key. Default: 1 |
containerName? | string |
A name for the container added to the task definition. Default: 'keycloak' |
databaseCredentials? | aws_secretsmanager.ISecret |
Secrets manager secret containing the RDS database credentials and connection information in JSON format. Default: none |
databaseName? | string |
Database name. Default: 'keycloak' |
databaseSchema? | string |
Database schema. Default: for Postgresql, the default is 'public' |
databaseVendor? | KeycloakDatabaseVendor |
The database vendor. Default: KeycloakDatabaseVendor.H2 |
defaultAdminPassword? | string |
Default admin user's password. Default: 'admin' |
defaultAdminUser? | string |
Default admin user. Default: 'admin' |
image? | aws_ecs.ContainerImage |
Keycloak container image to use. Default: use jboss/keycloak from docker hub. |
infinicacheClustering? | boolean |
Enable infinicache clustering. Default: true if any cache owner count is greater than 1 |
logging? | aws_ecs.LogDriver |
Log driver for the task. Default: cloudwatch with one month retention |
memoryLimitMiB? | number |
Memory limit of the keycloak task. Default: 1024 |
memoryReservationMiB? | number |
Memory reservation size for the keycloak task. Default: 80% of memoryLimitMiB |
Props for KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition
Name | Type | Description |
executionRole? | aws_iam.IRole |
The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition. |
family? | string |
The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. Default: Automatically generated name. |
inferenceAccelerators? | Array<aws_ecs.InferenceAccelerator> |
The inference accelerators to use for the containers in the task. Default: No inference accelerators. |
ipcMode? | aws_ecs.IpcMode |
The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task. Default: IpcMode used by the task is not specified |
keycloak? | KeycloakContainerExtensionProps |
Keycloak configuration. Optional |
networkMode? | aws_ecs.NetworkMode |
The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. Default: NetworkMode.Bridge for EC2 tasks, AwsVpc for Fargate tasks. |
pidMode? | aws_ecs.PidMode |
The process namespace to use for the containers in the task. Default: PidMode used by the task is not specified |
placementConstraints? | Array<aws_ecs.PlacementConstraint> |
An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task. Default: No placement constraints. |
proxyConfiguration? | aws_ecs.ProxyConfiguration |
The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy. Default: No proxy configuration. |
taskRole? | aws_iam.IRole |
The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: A task role is automatically created for you. |
volumes? | Array<aws_ecs.Volume> |
The list of volume definitions for the task. Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance. |
Props for KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition
Name | Type | Description |
cpu? | number |
The number of cpu units used by the task. Default: 256 |
ephemeralStorageGiB? | number |
The amount (in GiB) of ephemeral storage to be allocated to the task. Default: 20 |
executionRole? | aws_iam.IRole |
The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition. |
family? | string |
The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. Default: Automatically generated name. |
keycloak? | KeycloakContainerExtensionProps |
Keycloak configuration. Optional |
memoryLimitMiB? | number |
The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task. Default: 512 |
proxyConfiguration? | aws_ecs.ProxyConfiguration |
The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy. Default: No proxy configuration. |
taskRole? | aws_iam.IRole |
The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: A task role is automatically created for you. |
volumes? | Array<aws_ecs.Volume> |
The list of volume definitions for the task. Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance. |
Information about how to register with a load balancer.
Name | Type | Description |
listener |
aws_elasticloadbalancingv2.IApplicationListener |
conditions? |
Array<aws_elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerCondition> |
Optional |
priority? |
number |
Optional |
Information about a network load balancer to create.
Name | Type | Description |
port |
number |
Port to listen on. |
healthCheck? |
boolean |
Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true |
id? |
string |
Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer' |
Information about a network load balancer to create.
Name | Type | Description |
port | number |
Port to listen on. |
healthCheck? | boolean |
Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true |
id? | string |
Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer' |
Props for creating a private Dns Namespace.
Name | Type | Description |
name? | string |
The globally unique name for the namespace. Default: 'keycloak-service-discovery' |
Basic props for creating a serverless Aurora database cluster.
Name | Type | Description |
engine? | aws_rds.IClusterEngine |
Cluster engine. Default: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA_MYSQL |
scaling? | aws_rds.ServerlessScalingOptions |
Scaling options. Default: 5 minute auto pause, min and max capacity of 1 acu. |
subnets? | aws_ec2.SubnetSelection |
Select subnets to register the database cluster in. Optional |
Information about the VPC other providers may opt to use to host their resources.
Name | Type | Description |
vpc | aws_ec2.IVpc |
The VPC. |
The database vendor.
Name | Description |
H2 | H2 In-memory Database (Warning: data deleted when task restarts.). |
MARIADB | MariaDB. |
MSSQL | MSSQL (not yet supported, please submit a PR). |
ORACLE | Oracle database (not yet supported, please submit a PR). |
POSTGRES | Postgres. |