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@eatyourpeas eatyourpeas released this 01 Apr 21:31
· 168 commits to live since this release

Major Update

Breaking changes


  • Centile labels with toggle
  • deprecates style props in favour of themes
  • introduces Storybook 8.0
  • introduces Jest and React Testing Library

Implementation breaking changes

  • measurementsArray prop deprecated, replaced with measurements prop. This takes the form { [measurementMethod]: measurementsArray }
  • All styles props have been deprecated and replaced by a theme prop which must be one of



The prop to define which chart type is rendered is: chartType?: 'centile' | 'sds'

Other props are:

  • title: string; the title of the chart : could include patient name and identifiers
  • measurementMethod: 'height' | 'weight' | 'ofc' | 'bmi'; must be one of the options provided
  • reference: 'uk-who' | 'turner' | 'trisomy-21'; must be one of the options provided
  • sex: 'male' | 'female'; must be one of the options provided
  • measurements: { measurementMethod: Measurement[]}; array of measurements returned from RCPCH Growth API. This should not be edited or manipulated. NOTE this has changed in v7.0.0
  • midParentalHeightData?: MidParentalHeightObject | undefined; an RCPCH object returned from the RCPCH Growth API. Should not be edited or manipulated
  • enableZoom?: boolean; Allows the user to zoom and pan the charts if set to true. If disabled, hides the buttons associated with this.
  • chartType?: 'centile' | 'sds'; These are addressed below
  • enableExport?: boolean | undefined; Cut/Paste button. Returns an SVG snapshot of the chart (without title) if set to true. If false, the buttons associated with this are hidden.
  • exportChartCallback(svg?: any): any; Names the function within the client to return the exported SVG to.
  • clinicianFocus?: boolean | undefined | null; Toggles tooltip advice between those aimed at clinicians and those more appropriate for patients/lay people.
  • theme?: 'monochrome' | 'traditional' | 'tanner1' | 'tanner2' | 'tanner3' | 'custom'
  • customThemeStyles?: discussed below


Note in v7.0.0 this prop has changed. Formerly measurementsArray, the structure has changed to conform to the following structure:

    height?: Measurement[]
    weight?: Measurment[]
    bmi?: Measurement[]
    ofc?: Measurement[]

Measurements should be passed to the component through the measurements prop using this structure.

This aligns the SDS and centile charts to accept the same structure. SDS and centile charts differ,
in that SDS charts multiple measurement methods on a single chart, whereas centile charts must have one instance for each measurement method.


An array of height measurements for a girl returned from the RCPCH Growth API:

    title={"Arthur Scargill - 12345678A"}
        height: [
                birth_data: {
                bone_age: {
                child_observation_value: {
                events_data: {
                measurement_calculated_values: {
                measurement_dates: {
                plottable_data: {
    } // this is the plottable child data
    midParentalHeightData={[]} // this is the optional plottable midparental height data from the RCPCH API
    exportChartCallback={()=>{}} // this is a callback for the export chart function if true

In the same way, an implementation for the sds charts would be:

    title={"Arthur Scargill - 12345678A"}
        height: [
                birth_data: {
                bone_age: {
                child_observation_value: {
                events_data: {
                measurement_calculated_values: {
                measurement_dates: {
                plottable_data: {
        weight: [
                birth_data: {
                bone_age: {
                child_observation_value: {
                events_data: {
                measurement_calculated_values: {
                measurement_dates: {
                plottable_data: {
        ofc: [],
        bmi: []
    } // this is the plottable child data
    midParentalHeightData={[]} // this is the optional plottable midparental height data from the RCPCH API
    exportChartCallback={()=>{}} // this is a callback for the export chart function if true

For information the structure of the Measurement interface is provided here. This matches the response object from the RCPCH Growth API, therefore implementers should not need to use this interface:

export interface Measurement {
    birth_data: {
        birth_date: string;
        estimated_date_delivery: string;
        estimated_date_delivery_string: string;
        gestation_weeks: number;
        gestation_days: number;
        sex: 'male' | 'female';
    child_observation_value: {
        measurement_method: 'height' | 'weight' | 'bmi' | 'ofc';
        observation_value: number;
        observation_value_error?: string;
    measurement_dates: {
        chronological_calendar_age: string;
        chronological_decimal_age: number;
        corrected_calendar_age: string;
        corrected_decimal_age: number;
        corrected_gestational_age?: {
            corrected_gestation_weeks?: number;
            corrected_gestation_days?: number;
            clinician_corrected_decimal_age_comment?: string;
            lay_corrected_decimal_age_comment?: string;
            clinician_chronological_decimal_age_comment: string;
            lay_chronological_decimal_age_comment: string;
        observation_date: string;
        corrected_decimal_age_error?: string;
        chronological_decimal_age_error?: string;
    measurement_calculated_values: {
        chronological_centile: number;
        chronological_centile_band: string;
        chronological_measurement_error?: string;
        chronological_sds: number;
        corrected_centile: number;
        corrected_centile_band: string;
        corrected_measurement_error?: string;
        corrected_percentage_median_bmi?: number
        chronological_percentage_median_bmi?: number
        corrected_sds: number;
    plottable_data: {
        centile_data: {
            chronological_decimal_age_data: {
                age_error?: string;
                age_type: 'chronological_age' | 'corrected_age';
                calendar_age: string;
                centile_band: string;
                clinician_comment: string;
                lay_comment: string;
                observation_error?: string;
                observation_value_error?: string;
                x: number;
                y: number;
                b?: number;
                centile?: number;
                sds?: number;
                bone_age_label?: string;
                events_text?: string[];
                bone_age_type?: string;
                bone_age_sds?: number;
                bone_age_centile?: number;
            corrected_decimal_age_data: {
                age_error?: string;
                age_type: 'chronological_age' | 'corrected_age';
                calendar_age: string;
                centile_band: string;
                clinician_comment: string;
                lay_comment: string;
                observation_error?: string;
                observation_value_error?: string;
                x: number;
                y: number;
                b?: number;
                centile?: number;
                sds?: number;
                bone_age_label?: string;
                events_text?: string[];
                bone_age_type?: string;
                bone_age_sds?: number;
                bone_age_centile?: number;
                corrected_gestational_age?: string;
        sds_data: {
            chronological_decimal_age_data: {
                age_error?: string;
                age_type: 'chronological_age' | 'corrected_age';
                calendar_age: string;
                centile_band: string;
                clinician_comment: string;
                lay_comment: string;
                observation_error?: string;
                observation_value_error?: string;
                x: number;
                y: number;
                b?: number;
                centile: number;
                sds: number;
                bone_age_label?: string;
                events_text?: string[];
                bone_age_sds?: number;
                bone_age_type?: string;
                bone_age_centile?: number;
            corrected_decimal_age_data: {
                age_error?: string;
                age_type: 'chronological_age' | 'corrected_age';
                calendar_age: string;
                centile_band: string;
                clinician_comment: string;
                lay_comment: string;
                observation_error?: string;
                observation_value_error?: string;
                x: number;
                y: number;
                b?: number;
                centile: number;
                sds: number;
                bone_age_label?: string;
                bone_age_type?: string;
                events_text?: string[];
                bone_age_sds?: number;
                bone_age_centile?: number;
                corrected_gestational_age?: string;
    bone_age: {
        bone_age?: number;
        bone_age_type?: string;
        bone_age_centile?: number;
        bone_age_sds?: number;
        bone_age_text?: string;
    events_data: {
        events_text?: string[];

Themes vs Styles

Themes are collections of styles. The RCPCH have created some suggested themes:

  1. Monochrome (default)
  2. Traditional: this uses the preexisting pink and blue colours present on the paper charts
  3. Tanner 1: Purple and yellow
  4. Tanner 2: Orange and blue
  5. Tanner 3: Red and yellow
  6. Custom

These themes all have predefined attributes for fontFamily, color, size, stroke and strokeWidth for different aspects of the charts.
If these attributes are too prescriptive and users would like either to build their own theme,
or override styles within an existing theme, this can be done by passing in custom styles through the customThemeStyles prop.

All attributes are optional, therefore only those attributes where changes are requested need be passed in. The keys for the customThemeStyles object are as follows:

  • chartStyle?: ChartStyle;
  • axisStyle?: AxisStyle;
  • gridlineStyle?: GridlineStyle;
  • centileStyle?: CentileStyle;
  • sdsStyle?: SDSStyle;
  • measurementStyle?: MeasurementStyle;

The attributes of each of these are below:


  • backgroundColour?: string; //background colour of chart
  • titleStyle?: TextStyle | undefined; // style of text in title: includes fontFamily, fontSize, colour, weight (regular/bold/italic)
  • subTitleStyle?: TextStyle | undefined; // style of text in subtitle: includes fontFamily, fontSize, colour, weight (regular/bold/italic)
  • tooltipBackgroundColour?: string; //background colour of tooltip
  • tooltipStroke?: string; //border colour of tooltip
  • tooltipTextStyle?: TextStyle | undefined; // tooltip text: includes fontFamily, fontSize, colour, weight (regular/bold/italic)
  • termFill?: string; // background colour of weight term area
  • termStroke?: string; // border colour of weight term area
  • toggleButtonInactiveColour?: string; // buttons - inactive colour
  • toggleButtonActiveColour?: string; // buttons - active colour
  • toggleButtonTextStyle?: TextStyle | undefined; // buttons text: includes fontFamily, fontSize, colour, weight (regular/bold/italic)


  • measurementFill?: string; // measurement point fill colour - only apply to SDS charts
  • highlightedMeasurementFill?: string; // measurement point fill colour when hightlighted (SDS charts)
  • eventTextStyle?: TextStyle; // styles for text of events: includes fontFamily, fontSize, colour, weight (regular/bold/italic)


  • sdsStroke?: string; // sds line colour
  • centileStroke?: string; // centile line colour
  • delayedPubertyAreaFill?: string; // delayed puberty area colour
  • midParentalCentileStroke?: string; // Midparental height centile line colour
  • midParentalAreaFill?: string; // Midparental height area colour


  • heightStroke?: string; // sds line colour
  • weightStroke?: string; // sds line colour
  • ofcStroke?: string; // sds line colour
  • bmiStroke?: string; // sds line colour


  • gridlines?: boolean; // show or hide gridlines
  • stroke?: string; // gridline colour
  • strokeWidth?: number; // gridline width
  • dashed?: boolean; // dashed vs continuous gridlines


  • axisStroke?: string; // Axis colour
  • axisLabelTextStyle?: TextStyle | undefined; // Axis label text: : includes fontFamily, fontSize, colour, weight (regular/bold/italic)
  • tickLabelTextStyle?: TextStyle | undefined; // Tick label text : includes fontFamily, fontSize, colour, weight (regular/bold/italic)


  • name?: string;
  • colour?: string;
  • size?: number;
  • style?: 'bold' | 'italic' | 'normal';

For example, if a user wished to override the background colour of the existing 'monochrome' theme:

const customChartStyle: ChartStyle = {
  backgroundColour: "tomato"

const customStyles = {
  chartStyle: customChartStyle

And in the JSX:

    title={'Arthur Scargill - 12345678A'}
    measurements={[]} // this is the plottable child data
    midParentalHeightData={[]} // this is the optional plottable midparental height data from the RCPCH API
    customThemeStyles={customStyles} <---- override styles here
    exportChartCallback={() => {}} // this is a callback for the export chart function if true