1.2.0-beta2 rework
Unfortunately this release is not finished yet and only released as beta. Unfortunately, due to external influences, I am currently unable to continue working here.
blind-control + clock-time
blind-control only
time inject
- fixed bug, that interval between times does not start when load node and time in in the interval #189
- smaller changes which leads into more options for outgoing data
- redesign of the output, allows similar to the inject node set multiple properties
- so the node becomes like a kind of a change node
- redesign of the output, allows similar to the inject node set multiple properties
- redesign of the output similar as time-comp
- allows to have setup the time limitation also by msg, flow, global or env variable. #192
to test this version:
Installation over the Node-Red GUI will not work, because tagged as a beta release
Install of this version in Node-Red:
- change to the installation directory of Node-Red
- enter the command
npm install node-red-contrib-sun-position@1.2.0
Install of this version in a Homematic:
- logon with ssh
- enter the commands:
source /usr/local/addons/redmatic/home/.profile
cd /usr/local/addons/redmatic/var
npm install --save --no-package-lock --global-style --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-contrib-sun-position@1.2.0
To go back to the previous version you must do the same as above with the difference instead of node-red-contrib-sun-position@1.2.0
enter node-red-contrib-sun-position@1.1.7