Reginaldo Web Server and Reginaldo Web Downloader are very simple Web Apps written by Reginaldo Coimbra Vieira for his Master Degree Program. They were practical activities by Ph.D. Professor Flávio Luiz Schiavoni for his Computer Network class.
Written in Node.js.
In order to run Reginaldo Web Server (server.js) and Reginaldo Web Downloader (client.js), you need to have the prerequisites below installed on your machine.
- Node.js
Type the following command:
$ git clone web
$ cd web
$ node server <path_to_the_document_root_folder> <port_number>
If the "port_number" parameter were not specified, it will be set to 80 by default.
Examples of valid commands are:
$ node server /var/www # same as "node server /var/www 80"
$ node server ./ 8080 # current folder as document root and 8080 as HTTP port
$ node server ./wwwroot 80 # use "wwwroot" as document root and 80 as HTTP port
Stop it with both Ctrl+C keys whenever you want to.
Type the following command, if you have not got the source code yet:
$ git clone web
$ cd web
Valid parameters are:
$ node client -h
node client [OPTION]
-o file to save (default: standard output)
-h show this help
-x show received headers
$ node client -x
$ node client -x > save_to_a_file
$ node client -x -o or_save_it_this_way
$ node client -x > /dev/null # to test transfering only
$ node client www.anydomain.whatevertld/whateverpath # default: port 80 and http protocol
$ node client www.anydomain.whatevertld:8080/whateverpath # default: http protocol
$ node client http://www.anydomain.whatevertld:8080/whateverpath
$ node client https://www.anydomain.whatevertld:8181/whateverpath
Brief content structure:
├── client.js # the **Reginaldo Web Downloader**
├── getopt.js # extra lib (node-getopt)
├── lib.js # extra functions written by Reginaldo
├── # this info :)
├── server.js # the Reginaldo Web Server
└── wwwroot # a document root folder sample
└── index.html
Initial Release
Reginaldo Coimbra Vieira (
Reginaldo Web Server and Reginaldo Web Downloader are licensed under The MIT License (MIT). You can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense and/or sell copies of the final products, but you always need to state that Reginaldo Coimbra Vieira ( is the original author of these simple codes and assign a link to