Here is a subset of functions in the code.
Get any REDCap data. Need Token and strReturnCheck (to see if error in data returning). Rest are optional (note: can't import access group column if in your data table; ontology fields at the moment can't be imported too).
public DataTable GetTableFromAnyRC(
string strPostToken,
string strReturnCheck,
string strRecordsSelect,
string strFields,
string strEvents,
string strForms,
bool boolLabels,
bool boolAccessGroups
Will return a csv string to import, given a data table if given any field string (like "studyid,redcap_event_name,field1,field2"
) will only put those fields in the csv string.
public string GetCSVFromTable(DataTable dtData, string strFields)
Will import a csv string into REDCap. Remember that ONLY data exported in 'raw' mode can be imported (I think 'label' will not work).
public string RCImportCSVFlat(string strPostToken, string strCSVContents, bool boolOverwrite)
Sample GetData code. Demonstrates how to use above functions.
public void GetData()
Sample SetData code. Demonstrates how to use the above functions.
public void SetData ( DataTable dtData)
The definitions of the frequent parameters are:
strRecordsSelect: Any records you want separated by ','; all records if ""
strFields: Particular fields you want, separated by ','; all fields if ""
strEvents: Particular events you want, separated by ','; all events if ""
strForms: Particular forms you want, separated by ','; all forms if ""
boolLabels: false=raw; true=label
boolAccessGroups: false=no access group returned; true=access group returned (should be false, see note for `GetTableFromAnyRC()`)