Contains game data for Redline. The data here is published at and use for each race.
Directory tracks
Contains track data,
- CSV containing all tracks metadata.- trackId
- name
- locationKey - Accuweather location key
- country_code - 2-letter ISO 3166 country code
- coords
- cellCount
- cellLength
- sponsorURL
is the ID of the track.- Contains cell info for the track
- Add track row in
. Let's say we add this track,bora-bora,Bora Bora island,2349_poi,French Polynesia,16°30′04″S 151°44′24″W,151,100,
- Create track cells CSV with at least following headers-
- Angle, TerrainType, Slope, Lane0, Lane1, Lane2, Lane3, Lane4, Lane5
- Put the file in the repo with name matching the ID of the track in
Just edit track info in tracks.csv
:warning: Avoid changing the ID of the track. If you really have to, make sure to accompanying {TrackId}.csv
Edit {TrackId}.csv
Directory npc
- One bot NFT address per line- raceType
- bots - can be comma separated enclosed in quotes
The table should look like this,
Directory prizes
-- raceType
- experience
- participationXP
- eth
- tickets
- nftPartSkin - can be comma separated enclosed in quotes
Uses 1st row if race type match is not found.
After editing CSV files, preview them on GitHub.
Make sure the structure looks legit and there are no errors.
For example,
Errors like this show up when comma-separated values need to be wrapped in quotes.