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add workaround for the append unification, add bitvec cast instance
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javra authored and Alasdair committed Feb 17, 2025
1 parent a7fd409 commit 2f0e377
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Showing 8 changed files with 510 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/vector.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ val bitvector_concat = pure {
interpreter: "append",
lem: "concat_vec",
coq: "concat_vec",
lean: "BitVec.append",
lean: "Sail.BitVec.append'",
_: "append"
} : forall 'n 'm.
(bits('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n + 'm)
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/sail_lean_backend/Sail/Sail.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -332,6 +332,16 @@ def access {w : Nat} (x : BitVec w) (i : Nat) : BitVec 1 :=
def addInt {w : Nat} (x : BitVec w) (i : Int) : BitVec w :=
x + BitVec.ofInt w i

def subInt (x : BitVec w) (i : Int) : BitVec w :=
x - BitVec.ofInt w i

def append' (x : BitVec n) (y : BitVec m) {mn}
(hmn : mn = n + m := by (conv => rhs; dsimp); try rfl) : BitVec mn :=
hmn ▸ x.append y

instance : Coe (BitVec (1 * n)) (BitVec n) where
coe x := x.cast (by simp)

end BitVec

namespace Nat
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/lean/SailTinyArm.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1841,7 +1841,8 @@ def decodeDataMemoryBarrier (CRm : (BitVec 4)) : (Option ast) :=

def decodeCompareAndBranch (imm19 : (BitVec 19)) (Rt : (BitVec 5)) : (Option ast) :=
let t : reg_index := (BitVec.toNat Rt)
let offset : (BitVec 64) := (Sail.BitVec.signExtend (BitVec.append imm19 (0b00 : (BitVec 2))) 64)
let offset : (BitVec 64) :=
(Sail.BitVec.signExtend (Sail.BitVec.append' imm19 (0b00 : (BitVec 2))) 64)
(some (CompareAndBranch (t, offset)))

def wMem (addr : (BitVec 64)) (value : (BitVec 64)) : SailM Unit := do
Expand Down
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/append.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
import Out.Sail.Sail
import Out.Sail.BitVec

set_option maxHeartbeats 1_000_000_000
set_option maxRecDepth 10_000
set_option linter.unusedVariables false

open Sail

abbrev bits k_n := (BitVec k_n)

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/

inductive option (k_a : Type) where
| Some (_ : k_a)
| None (_ : Unit)

open option

abbrev SailM := PreSailM PEmpty.elim trivialChoiceSource Unit

namespace Functions

/-- Type quantifiers: k_ex699# : Bool, k_ex698# : Bool -/
def neq_bool (x : Bool) (y : Bool) : Bool :=
(Bool.not (BEq.beq x y))

/-- Type quantifiers: x : Int -/
def __id (x : Int) : Int :=

/-- Type quantifiers: len : Nat, k_v : Nat, len ≥ 0 ∧ k_v ≥ 0 -/
def sail_mask (len : Nat) (v : (BitVec k_v)) : (BitVec len) :=
if (LE.le len (Sail.BitVec.length v))
then (Sail.BitVec.truncate v len)
else (Sail.BitVec.zeroExtend v len)

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Nat, n ≥ 0 -/
def sail_ones (n : Nat) : (BitVec n) :=
(Complement.complement ( n))

/-- Type quantifiers: l : Int, i : Int, n : Nat, n ≥ 0 -/
def slice_mask {n : _} (i : Int) (l : Int) : (BitVec n) :=
if ( l n)
then (HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft (sail_ones n) i)
else let one : (BitVec n) := (sail_mask n (0b1 : (BitVec 1)))
(HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft (HSub.hSub (HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft one l) one) i)

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Int, m : Int -/
def _shl_int_general (m : Int) (n : Int) : Int :=
if ( n 0)
then (Int.shiftl m n)
else (Int.shiftr m (Neg.neg n))

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Int, m : Int -/
def _shr_int_general (m : Int) (n : Int) : Int :=
if ( n 0)
then (Int.shiftr m n)
else (Int.shiftl m (Neg.neg n))

/-- Type quantifiers: m : Int, n : Int -/
def fdiv_int (n : Int) (m : Int) : Int :=
if (Bool.and ( n 0) ( m 0))
then (HSub.hSub (Int.tdiv (HAdd.hAdd n 1) m) 1)
else if (Bool.and ( n 0) ( m 0))
then (HSub.hSub (Int.tdiv (HSub.hSub n 1) m) 1)
else (Int.tdiv n m)

/-- Type quantifiers: m : Int, n : Int -/
def fmod_int (n : Int) (m : Int) : Int :=
(HSub.hSub n (HMul.hMul m (fdiv_int n m)))

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def is_none (opt : (Option k_a)) : Bool :=
match opt with
| .some _ => false
| none => true

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def is_some (opt : (Option k_a)) : Bool :=
match opt with
| .some _ => true
| none => false

/-- Type quantifiers: k_n : Int -/
def concat_str_bits (str : String) (x : (BitVec k_n)) : String :=
(HAppend.hAppend str (BitVec.toHex x))

/-- Type quantifiers: x : Int -/
def concat_str_dec (str : String) (x : Int) : String :=
(HAppend.hAppend str (Int.repr x))

def unif_bitvec_append (x : (BitVec 13)) (y : (BitVec 3)) : (BitVec (4 * 4)) :=
(Sail.BitVec.append' x y)

def unif_bitvec_replicate (x : (BitVec 4)) : (BitVec (2 * 8)) :=
(BitVec.replicateBits x 4)

def unif_subrange_bits (x : (BitVec 16)) : (BitVec (17 - 10 + 1)) :=
(Sail.BitVec.extractLsb x 10 3)

def initialize_registers (_ : Unit) : Unit :=

end Functions

open Functions

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/append.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
default Order dec

$include <prelude.sail>

function unif_bitvec_append(x: bitvector(13), y: bitvector(3)) -> bitvector(4*4) = {
bitvector_concat(x, y)

function unif_bitvec_replicate(x: bitvector(4)) -> bitvector(2*8) = {
replicate_bits(x, 4)

function unif_subrange_bits(x: bitvector(16)) -> bitvector(17 - 10 + 1) = {
subrange_bits(x, 10, 3)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/lean/bitvec_operation.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def bitvector_truncateLSB (x : (BitVec 32)) : (BitVec 16) :=
(Sail.BitVec.truncateLsb x 16)

def bitvector_append (x : (BitVec 16)) (y : (BitVec 16)) : (BitVec 32) :=
(BitVec.append x y)
(Sail.BitVec.append' x y)

def bitvector_add (x : (BitVec 16)) (y : (BitVec 16)) : (BitVec 16) :=
(HAdd.hAdd x y)
Expand Down
224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/riscv_duopod.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
import Out.Sail.Sail
import Out.Sail.BitVec

set_option maxHeartbeats 1_000_000_000
set_option maxRecDepth 10_000
set_option linter.unusedVariables false

open Sail

abbrev bits k_n := (BitVec k_n)

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/

inductive option (k_a : Type) where
| Some (_ : k_a)
| None (_ : Unit)

open option

abbrev xlen : Int := 64

abbrev xlen_bytes : Int := 8

abbrev xlenbits := (BitVec 64)

abbrev regbits := (BitVec 5)

deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq

open iop

inductive ast where
| ITYPE (_ : ((BitVec 12) × regbits × regbits × iop))
| LOAD (_ : ((BitVec 12) × regbits × regbits))

open ast

inductive Register : Type where
| Xs
| nextPC
| PC
deriving DecidableEq, Hashable
open Register

abbrev RegisterType : Register → Type
| .Xs => (Vector (BitVec 64) 32)
| .nextPC => (BitVec 64)
| .PC => (BitVec 64)

open RegisterRef
instance : Inhabited (RegisterRef RegisterType (BitVec 64)) where
default := .Reg PC
instance : Inhabited (RegisterRef RegisterType (Vector (BitVec 64) 32)) where
default := .Reg Xs
abbrev SailM := PreSailM RegisterType trivialChoiceSource Unit

namespace Functions

/-- Type quantifiers: k_ex1030# : Bool, k_ex1029# : Bool -/
def neq_bool (x : Bool) (y : Bool) : Bool :=
(Bool.not (BEq.beq x y))

/-- Type quantifiers: x : Int -/
def __id (x : Int) : Int :=

/-- Type quantifiers: len : Nat, k_v : Nat, len ≥ 0 ∧ k_v ≥ 0 -/
def sail_mask (len : Nat) (v : (BitVec k_v)) : (BitVec len) :=
if (LE.le len (Sail.BitVec.length v))
then (Sail.BitVec.truncate v len)
else (Sail.BitVec.zeroExtend v len)

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Nat, n ≥ 0 -/
def sail_ones (n : Nat) : (BitVec n) :=
(Complement.complement ( n))

/-- Type quantifiers: l : Int, i : Int, n : Nat, n ≥ 0 -/
def slice_mask {n : _} (i : Int) (l : Int) : (BitVec n) :=
if ( l n)
then (HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft (sail_ones n) i)
else let one : (BitVec n) := (sail_mask n (0b1 : (BitVec 1)))
(HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft (HSub.hSub (HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft one l) one) i)

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Int, m : Int -/
def _shl_int_general (m : Int) (n : Int) : Int :=
if ( n 0)
then (Int.shiftl m n)
else (Int.shiftr m (Neg.neg n))

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Int, m : Int -/
def _shr_int_general (m : Int) (n : Int) : Int :=
if ( n 0)
then (Int.shiftr m n)
else (Int.shiftl m (Neg.neg n))

/-- Type quantifiers: m : Int, n : Int -/
def fdiv_int (n : Int) (m : Int) : Int :=
if (Bool.and ( n 0) ( m 0))
then (HSub.hSub (Int.tdiv (HAdd.hAdd n 1) m) 1)
else if (Bool.and ( n 0) ( m 0))
then (HSub.hSub (Int.tdiv (HSub.hSub n 1) m) 1)
else (Int.tdiv n m)

/-- Type quantifiers: m : Int, n : Int -/
def fmod_int (n : Int) (m : Int) : Int :=
(HSub.hSub n (HMul.hMul m (fdiv_int n m)))

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def is_none (opt : (Option k_a)) : Bool :=
match opt with
| .some _ => false
| none => true

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def is_some (opt : (Option k_a)) : Bool :=
match opt with
| .some _ => true
| none => false

/-- Type quantifiers: k_n : Int -/
def concat_str_bits (str : String) (x : (BitVec k_n)) : String :=
(HAppend.hAppend str (BitVec.toHex x))

/-- Type quantifiers: x : Int -/
def concat_str_dec (str : String) (x : Int) : String :=
(HAppend.hAppend str (Int.repr x))

/-- Type quantifiers: k_n : Int, m : Int, m ≥ k_n -/
def EXTS {m : _} (v : (BitVec k_n)) : (BitVec m) :=
(Sail.BitVec.signExtend v m)

/-- Type quantifiers: k_n : Int, m : Int, m ≥ k_n -/
def EXTZ {m : _} (v : (BitVec k_n)) : (BitVec m) :=
(Sail.BitVec.zeroExtend v m)

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Nat, n ≥ 0 -/
def zeros (n : Nat) : (BitVec n) :=
(BitVec.replicateBits (0b0 : (BitVec 1)) n)

def rX (r : (BitVec 5)) : SailM (BitVec 64) := do
let b__0 := r
if (BEq.beq b__0 (0b00000 : (BitVec 5)))
then (pure (EXTZ (0x0 : (BitVec 4))))
else (pure (vectorAccess (← readReg Xs) (BitVec.toNat r)))

def wX (r : (BitVec 5)) (v : (BitVec 64)) : SailM Unit := do
if (bne r (0b00000 : (BitVec 5)))
then writeReg Xs (vectorUpdate (← readReg Xs) (BitVec.toNat r) v)
else (pure ())

/-- Type quantifiers: width : Nat, width ≥ 0 -/
def read_mem (addr : (BitVec 64)) (width : Nat) : SailM (BitVec (8 * width)) := do
(read_ram 64 width (EXTZ (0x0 : (BitVec 4))) addr)

def undefined_iop (_ : Unit) : SailM iop := do

/-- Type quantifiers: arg_ : Nat, 0 ≤ arg_ ∧ arg_ ≤ 5 -/
def iop_of_num (arg_ : Nat) : iop :=
match arg_ with
| 4 => RISCV_ORI

def num_of_iop (arg_ : iop) : Int :=
match arg_ with
| RISCV_ORI => 4

def execute_LOAD (imm : (BitVec 12)) (rs1 : (BitVec 5)) (rd : (BitVec 5)) : SailM Unit := do
let addr : xlenbits ← do (pure (HAdd.hAdd (← (rX rs1)) (EXTS imm)))
let result : xlenbits ← do (read_mem addr 8)
(wX rd result)

def execute_ITYPE (arg0 : (BitVec 12)) (arg1 : (BitVec 5)) (arg2 : (BitVec 5)) (arg3 : iop) : SailM Unit := do
let merge_var := (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
match merge_var with
| (imm, rs1, rd, RISCV_ADDI) =>
let rs1_val ← do (rX rs1)
let imm_ext : xlenbits := (EXTS imm)
let result := (HAdd.hAdd rs1_val imm_ext)
(wX rd result)
| _ => throw Error.Exit

def execute (merge_var : ast) : SailM Unit := do
match merge_var with
| .ITYPE (imm, rs1, rd, arg3) => (execute_ITYPE imm rs1 rd arg3)
| .LOAD (imm, rs1, rd) => (execute_LOAD imm rs1 rd)

def decode (v__0 : (BitVec 32)) : (Option ast) :=
if (Bool.and (BEq.beq (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 14 12) (0b000 : (BitVec 3)))
(BEq.beq (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 6 0) (0b0010011 : (BitVec 7))))
then let imm : (BitVec 12) := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 31 20)
let rs1 : regbits := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 19 15)
let rd : regbits := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 11 7)
let imm : (BitVec 12) := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 31 20)
(some (ITYPE (imm, rs1, rd, RISCV_ADDI)))
else if (Bool.and (BEq.beq (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 14 12) (0b011 : (BitVec 3)))
(BEq.beq (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 6 0) (0b0000011 : (BitVec 7))))
then let imm : (BitVec 12) := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 31 20)
let rs1 : regbits := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 19 15)
let rd : regbits := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 11 7)
let imm : (BitVec 12) := (Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v__0 31 20)
(some (LOAD (imm, rs1, rd)))
else none

def initialize_registers (_ : Unit) : SailM Unit := do
writeReg PC (← (undefined_bitvector 64))
writeReg nextPC (← (undefined_bitvector 64))
writeReg Xs (← (undefined_vector 32 (← (undefined_bitvector 64))))

end Functions

open Functions


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