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add more annotation, fix omitted fundefs (#1002)
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javra authored Feb 14, 2025
1 parent 39ff330 commit 5342a05
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Showing 31 changed files with 2,097 additions and 15 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions lib/generic_equality.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,9 +53,12 @@ val eq_anything = pure {ocaml: "(fun (x, y) -> x = y)", lem: "eq", coq: "generic

overload operator == = {eq_anything}

val neq_anything = pure {lem: "neq", lean: "Ne", coq: "generic_neq"} : forall ('a : Type). ('a, 'a) -> bool
val neq_anything = pure {
lem: "neq",
lean: "Ne",
coq: "generic_neq"} : forall ('a : Type). ('a, 'a) -> bool

function neq_anything(x, y) = not_bool(eq_anything(x, y))
function neq_anything(x, y) = not_bool(eq_anything(y, x))

overload operator != = {neq_anything}

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/mapping.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ val string_startswith = pure {
_: "string_startswith"
}: (string, string) -> bool

val n_leading_spaces = pure { coq: "n_leading_spaces_Z" } : string -> nat
val n_leading_spaces = pure { coq: "n_leading_spaces_Z", lean: "String.leadingSpaces" } : string -> nat
function n_leading_spaces s =
match s {
"" => 0,
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20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions lib/string.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,19 +49,31 @@ $define _STRING

$include <arith.sail>

val eq_string = pure {lem: "eq", coq: "generic_eq", _: "eq_string"} : (string, string) -> bool
val eq_string = pure {
lem: "eq",
coq: "generic_eq",
lean: "Eq",
_: "eq_string"} : (string, string) -> bool

overload operator == = {eq_string}

val concat_str = pure {coq: "String.append", lem: "stringAppend", _: "concat_str"} : (string, string) -> string
val concat_str = pure {
coq: "String.append",
lem: "stringAppend",
lean: "HAppend.hAppend",
_: "concat_str"} : (string, string) -> string

val dec_str = pure "dec_str" : int -> string
val dec_str = pure {
lean: "Int.repr",
_: "dec_str"} : int -> string

val hex_str = pure "hex_str" : int -> string

val hex_str_upper = pure "hex_str_upper" : int -> string

val bits_str = pure "string_of_bits" : forall 'n. bitvector('n, dec) -> string
val bits_str = pure {
lean: "BitVec.toHex",
_: "string_of_bits"} : forall 'n. bitvector('n, dec) -> string

val concat_str_bits : forall 'n. (string, bitvector('n, dec)) -> string

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12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions lib/vector.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -342,16 +342,22 @@ $endif

overload vector_update_subrange = {update_subrange_bits}

val sail_shiftleft = pure "shiftl" : forall 'n ('ord : Order).
val sail_shiftleft = pure {
lean: "HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft",
_: "shiftl"} : forall 'n ('ord : Order).
(bitvector('n, 'ord), int) -> bitvector('n, 'ord)

val sail_shiftright = pure "shiftr" : forall 'n ('ord : Order).
val sail_shiftright = pure {
lean: "HShiftRight.hShiftRight",
_: "shiftr"} : forall 'n ('ord : Order).
(bitvector('n, 'ord), int) -> bitvector('n, 'ord)

val sail_arith_shiftright = pure "arith_shiftr" : forall 'n ('ord : Order).
(bitvector('n, 'ord), int) -> bitvector('n, 'ord)

val sail_zeros = pure "zeros" : forall 'n, 'n >= 0. int('n) -> bits('n)
val sail_zeros = pure {
lean: "",
_: "zeros" }: forall 'n, 'n >= 0. int('n) -> bits('n)

val sail_ones : forall 'n, 'n >= 0. int('n) -> bits('n)

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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/sail_lean_backend/Sail/Sail.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -346,4 +346,18 @@ def shiftr (a : Int) (n : Int) : Int :=
| Int.negSucc n => Sail.Nat.iterate (fun x => x * 2) (n+1) a

end Int

def String.leadingSpaces (s : String) : Nat :=
s.length - (s.dropWhile (· = ' ')).length

instance : HShiftLeft (BitVec w) Int (BitVec w) where
hShiftLeft b i :=
match i with
| .ofNat n => BitVec.shiftLeft b n
| .negSucc n => BitVec.ushiftRight b n

instance : HShiftRight (BitVec w) Int (BitVec w) where
hShiftRight b i := b <<< (-i)

end Sail
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions src/sail_lean_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -236,9 +236,11 @@ and doc_typ ctx (Typ_aux (t, _) as typ) =
underscore (* TODO check if the type of implicit arguments can really be always inferred *)
| Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "option", _), [A_aux (A_typ typ, _)]) -> parens (string "Option " ^^ doc_typ ctx typ)
| Typ_tuple ts -> parens (separate_map (space ^^ string "×" ^^ space) (doc_typ ctx) ts)
| Typ_id (Id_aux (Id id, _)) -> string id
| Typ_id id -> doc_id_ctor id
| Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "range", _), [A_aux (A_nexp low, _); A_aux (A_nexp high, _)]) ->
if provably_nneg ctx low then string "Nat" else string "Int"
| Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "result", _), [A_aux (A_typ typ1, _); A_aux (A_typ typ2, _)]) ->
parens (separate space [string "Result"; doc_typ ctx typ1; doc_typ ctx typ2])
| Typ_var kid -> doc_kid ctx kid
| Typ_app (id, args) -> doc_id_ctor id ^^ space ^^ separate_map space (doc_typ_arg ctx `Only_relevant) args
| Typ_exist (_, _, typ) -> doc_typ ctx typ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -712,7 +714,7 @@ let doc_funcl ctx funcl =
let comment, signature, ctx, fixup_binders = doc_funcl_init funcl in
comment ^^ nest 2 (signature ^^ hardline ^^ doc_funcl_body fixup_binders ctx funcl)

let doc_fundef ctx (FD_aux (FD_function (r, typa, fcls), fannot)) =
let doc_fundef ctx (FD_aux (FD_function (r, typa, fcls), fannot) as full_fundef) =
match fcls with
| [] -> failwith "FD_function with empty function list"
| [funcl] -> doc_funcl ctx funcl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -797,8 +799,14 @@ let doc_val ctx pat exp =
let rec doc_defs_rec ctx defs types docdefs =
match defs with
| [] -> (types, docdefs)
| DEF_aux (DEF_fundef fdef, _) :: defs' ->
doc_defs_rec ctx defs' types (docdefs ^^ group (doc_fundef ctx fdef) ^/^ hardline)
| DEF_aux (DEF_fundef fdef, dannot) :: defs' ->
let env = dannot.env in
let pp_f =
if Env.is_extern (id_of_fundef fdef) env "lean" then empty
else docdefs ^^ group (doc_fundef ctx fdef) ^/^ hardline

doc_defs_rec ctx defs' types pp_f
| DEF_aux (DEF_type tdef, _) :: defs' when List.mem (string_of_id (id_of_type_def tdef)) !opt_extern_types ->
doc_defs_rec ctx defs' types docdefs
| DEF_aux (DEF_type tdef, _) :: defs' ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -898,7 +906,7 @@ let main_function_stub =

let pp_ast_lean (env : Type_check.env) effect_info ({ defs; _ } as ast : Libsail.Type_check.typed_ast) o =
(* TODO: remove the following line once we can handle the includes *)
let defs = remove_imports defs 0 in
(* let defs = remove_imports defs 0 in *)
let regs = State.find_registers defs in
let global = { effect_info } in
let ctx = context_init env global in
Expand Down
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions test/c/hello_world.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,83 @@ import Out.Sail.BitVec

open Sail

abbrev bits k_n := (BitVec k_n)

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/

inductive option (k_a : Type) where
| Some (_ : k_a)
| None (_ : Unit)

open option

abbrev SailM := PreSailM PEmpty.elim trivialChoiceSource

/-- Type quantifiers: x : Int -/
def __id (x : Int) : Int :=

/-- Type quantifiers: len : Nat, k_v : Nat, len ≥ 0 ∧ k_v ≥ 0 -/
def sail_mask (len : Nat) (v : (BitVec k_v)) : (BitVec len) :=
if (LE.le len (Sail.BitVec.length v))
then (Sail.BitVec.truncate v len)
else (Sail.BitVec.zeroExtend v len)

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Nat, n ≥ 0 -/
def sail_ones (n : Nat) : (BitVec n) :=
(Complement.complement ( n))

/-- Type quantifiers: l : Int, i : Int, n : Nat, n ≥ 0 -/
def slice_mask {n : _} (i : Int) (l : Int) : (BitVec n) :=
if ( l n)
then (HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft (sail_ones n) i)
else let one : (BitVec n) := (sail_mask n (0b1 : (BitVec 1)))
(HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft (HSub.hSub (HShiftLeft.hShiftLeft one l) one) i)

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Int, m : Int -/
def _shl_int_general (m : Int) (n : Int) : Int :=
if ( n 0)
then (Int.shiftl m n)
else (Int.shiftr m (Neg.neg n))

/-- Type quantifiers: n : Int, m : Int -/
def _shr_int_general (m : Int) (n : Int) : Int :=
if ( n 0)
then (Int.shiftr m n)
else (Int.shiftl m (Neg.neg n))

/-- Type quantifiers: m : Int, n : Int -/
def fdiv_int (n : Int) (m : Int) : Int :=
if (Bool.and ( n 0) ( m 0))
then (HSub.hSub (Int.tdiv (HAdd.hAdd n 1) m) 1)
else if (Bool.and ( n 0) ( m 0))
then (HSub.hSub (Int.tdiv (HSub.hSub n 1) m) 1)
else (Int.tdiv n m)

/-- Type quantifiers: m : Int, n : Int -/
def fmod_int (n : Int) (m : Int) : Int :=
(HSub.hSub n (HMul.hMul m (fdiv_int n m)))

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def is_none (opt : (Option k_a)) : Bool :=
match opt with
| some _ => false
| none => true

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def is_some (opt : (Option k_a)) : Bool :=
match opt with
| some _ => true
| none => false

/-- Type quantifiers: k_n : Int -/
def concat_str_bits (str : String) (x : (BitVec k_n)) : String :=
(HAppend.hAppend str (BitVec.toHex x))

/-- Type quantifiers: x : Int -/
def concat_str_dec (str : String) (x : Int) : String :=
(HAppend.hAppend str (Int.repr x))

def sail_main (_ : Unit) : SailM Unit := do
(print_endline_effect "Hello, World!")

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