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API List
SuguruHarada edited this page Jan 31, 2025
6 revisions
- The Arduino APIs corresponding to each platform are listed below.
- A reference for Arduino APIs can be found at the link below.
- Digital-IO
- pinMode()
- digitalWrite()
- digitalRead()
- Analog IO
- analogReference()
- analogRead()
- analogWrite()
- analogWriteFrequency()
- analogWritePinFrequency()
- Advanced IO
- tone()
- noTone()
- shiftOut()
- shiftIn()
- shiftOutEx()
- pulseIn()
- Time
- millis()
- delay()
- delayMicroseconds()
- Math
- min()
- max()
- abs()
- constrain()
- map()
- pow()
- sqrt()
- Trigonometry
- sin()
- cos()
- tan()
- Random Numbers
- randomSeed()
- random()
- Bits and Bytes Operation
- lowByte()
- highByte()
- bitRead()
- bitWrite()
- bitSet()
- bitClear()
- bit()
- Interrupt
- attachInterrupt()
- detachInterrupt()
- inturrupts()
- noInterrupts()
- Hardware serial
- begin()
- end()
- available()
- read()
- peek()
- flush()
- write()
- print()
- println()
- availableForWrite()
- availableForRead()
- SD Library File class
- close()
- available()
- read()
- write()
- flush()
- position()
- seek()
- print()
- println()
- size()
- name()
- isDirectory()
- openNextFile()
- rewindDirectory()
- SD Library SD class
- begin()
- exists()
- mkdir()
- open()
- remove()
- rmdir()
- RTC Library
- begin()
- end()
- setDateTime()
- getDateTime()
- attachAlarmHandler()
- setAlarmTime()
- alarmOn()
- alarmOff()
- attachConstantPeriodHandler()
- constantPeriodOn()
- constantPeriodOff()
- Stepper Library
- Stepper()
- setSpeed()
- step()
- Servo Library
- attach()
- write()
- writeMicoroseconds()
- read()
- attached()
- detach()
- Power Management Library
- setPowerManagementMode()
- getPowerManagementMode()
- PowerManagement Library
- softwareReset()
- getResetFlag()
- getTemperature()
- Ethernet Library
- begin()
- setRstPin()
- setCsPin()
- init()
- softreset()
- hardreset()
- maintain()
- WoL()
- phyMode()
- phyState()
- link()
- linkReport()
- speed()
- speedReport()
- duplex()
- duplexReport()
- setRtTimeOut()
- getRtTimeOut()
- setRtCount()
- getRtCount()
- macAddress()
- macAddressReport()
- setHostname()
- localIP()
- subnetMask()
- gatewayIP()
- dnsServerIP()
- IPAddress()
- Client Library
- connected()
- connect()
- remoteIP()
- remoteMAC()
- write()
- print()
- println()
- available()
- read()
- flush()
- stop()
- Server Library
- begin()
- available()
- write()
- print()
- println()
- LiquidCrystal Library
- begin()
- clear()
- home()
- setCursor()
- write()
- print()
- cursor()
- noCursor()
- blink()
- noBlink()
- display()
- noDisplay()
- scrollDisplayLeft()
- scrollDisplayRight()
- autoscroll()
- noAutoscroll()
- leftToRight()
- rightToLeft()
- createChar()
- Firmata Library
- begin()
- begin(long speed)
- begin(Stream &s)
- printVersion()
- blinkVersion()
- printFirmwareVersion()
- setFirmwareVersion(byte major,byte minor)
- setFirmwareNameAndVersion(constchar *name, byte major, byte minor)
- sendAnalog(byte pin, int value)
- sendDigitalPort(byte portNumber, int portData)
- sendString(const char* string)
- sendString(byte command, const char* string)
- sendSysex(byte command, byte bytec, byte* bytev)
- write(byte c)
- available()
- processInput()
- attach(byte command, callbackFunction myFunction)
- detach(byte command)
- sendValueAsTwo7bitBytes(int value) *.startSysex()
- endSysex()
- getPinMode(byte pin)
- setPinMode(byte pin, byte config)
- getPinState(byte pin)
- setPinState(byte pin, int state)
- disableBlinkVersion()
- parse(unsigned char value)
- isPasingMessage()
- SoftwareSerial Library
- SoftwareSerial(receivePin, transmitPin)
- SoftwareSerial(receivePin, transmitPin, inverse_logic)
- begin(long speed)
- end()
- available()
- read()
- peek()
- flush()
- write(const char* str)
- write(const unsigned char* buf, int len)
- print(val)
- print(val, format)
- println(val)
- println(val, format)
- listen()
- isListening()
- overflow()
- Periodic Operation Library
- attachIntervalTimerHandler(void(*)(unsigned long) function)
- detachIntervalTimerHandler()
- attachIntervalTimerHandler(void(*)(unsigned long) function, uint16_t interval)
- detachMicroIntervalTimerHandler()
- set(unsigned long ms, void (*function)())
- start()
- stop()
- attachCyclicHandler(unsigned char number, void(*)(unsigned long) function, unsigned int time)
- detachCyclicHandler(unsigned char number)