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@danez danez released this 01 Jun 08:48
· 260 commits to main since this release

This release contains new features but was also the target of some internal refactorings.
Due to the refactoring one minor breaking change had to be done. See the list below for details and the upgrade instructions.

Breaking Changes

  • GIT: The configuration options are now all contained in the release closure. If you were using one of the options requireBranch, pushToRemote or pushToCurrentBranch you need to adjust your config. See upgrade instructions.

New Features

  • COMMON: New flexible configuration tagTemplate to specify the name of the tag. (#96)
  • COMMON: Refactored the build process during release to run in separate process. This will hopefully resolve all the issues with certain other plugins like the new maven-publish or the bintray plugin.
  • COMMON: Added beforeReleaseBuild and afterReleaseBuild hook, which both run in the same process as the build itself.
  • COMMON: Added a convenient way for external adapters to be used instead of the supplied ones. Documentation and example to follow.
  • SVN: Allow credentials to be specified
    • Either with commandline parameters gradle release -Prelease.svn.username=eric -Prelease.svn.password=secret
    • Or directly inside your build.gradle: (This is a silly example, don't put your credentials under version control! For security reasons you might want to put variables inside your users properties file and reference them in the projects gradle script)
release {
    svn {
        username = eric
        password = secret


  • COMMON: The SCM adapter is now lazy loaded and does not require an scm to be present during plugin initialization. New task createScmAdapter added at the beginning of release, which handles the creation of the correct scm adapter.

Deprecated Features

  • COMMON: The configuration options includeProjectNameInTag and tagPrefix are deprecated and will be remove with 3.0. Please migrate to tagTemplate. See upgrade instructions. (#96)
  • COMMON: Depending on any internal release task like createReleaseTag is highly discouraged. Use the beforeReleaseBuild or afterReleaseBuild tasks. See upgrade instructions.