All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The changelog format is based on Keep a Changelog.
0.7.14 - 27-Mar-2019
- Receipts, AccountProperties, and AccountLink plugins were activated.
- Block schema field beneficiaryPublicKey has been renamed to beneficiary.
- Transaction schema fee field has been renamed to max_fee.
- createLong function from CatapultDB was moved to a new dbUtils file.
0.7.13 - 27-Feb-2019
- LockHash secret hash from sha-512 to sha-256.
- Merkle tree endpoint does not return a server error when the transaction is inside the block.
- Active condition from meta in mosaic mongodb collection.
0.7.12 - 27-Feb-2019
- Fallback when formatting receipts of unknown type.
- Namespace schema to add the new alias field.
0.7.11 - 8-Feb-2019
- Plugin to handle AccountPropertiesTransaction.
- Plugin to support AliasTransaction.
- Plugin to handle AccountLinkTransaction.
- Plugin to handle Receipts.
- Endpoint to retrieve the account properties associated with an account.
- Endpoint to get the receipts associated with a block.
- Endpoints returning transactions now allow defining if the results should be ordered in ascending or descending order (id).
- Enumeration types for hashLock, secretLock, accountPropertiesMosaic, and accountPropertiesEntityType to match the catapult-server 0.2 entity types.
- Split mosaics from namespaces to match catapult-server 0.3.
- Status error codes (status.js) to match catapult-server 0.3.
- Refactor of variables and file names.
- merkleRootHash field from the block schema.
0.7.8 - 3-Aug-2018
- Endpoint to get an audit path for a transaction Merkle tree.
- Endpoints to get node info and node time.
- zeromq dependency is used instead of zmq.
0.7.7 - 17-May-2018
- Basic code coverage support (via nyc + coveralls) .
- Script to increment the SDK version (
0.7.5 - 17-May-2018
- Initial code release.