Provides the command sm_gamestats
which will print to the console the list of players (bot or human) and their scores (kills and deaths).
This can later be parsed by scripts. This plugin requires a password, which must be stored in plugins/game-stats.pass
Usage: sm_gamestats <password>
In CS:S, the player will get 3 extra score points if the bomb is defused or explodes. This plugin removes that.
Usage: sm_nobombpoints <1|0>
(1 enables this plugin (default), 0 disables it)
This plugin will provide you a way of seeing your fellow teammates current money during freezetime. This is useful for coordinating purchases.
Usage: sm_teammoney <1|0>
(1 enables this plugin (default), 0 disables it)
A custom championship mode with normal and overtime rounds.
Usage: start_championship <normal rounds> <overtime rounds> <normal start money> <overtime start money>