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Compute astronomical ephemerides from NASA JPL Development Ephemerides


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Ephem is a Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to the JPL Development Ephemeris (DE) series as SPICE binary kernel files. The DE series is a collection of numerical integrations of the equations of motion of the solar system, used to calculate the positions of the planets, the Moon, and other celestial bodies with high precision.

Ephem currently only support planetary ephemerides like DE405, DE421, de430, etc.

The library in high development mode and does not have a stable version yet. The API is subject to major changes at the moment, please keep that in mind if you consider adding this gem as a dependency.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

bundle add ephem

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

gem install ephem


# Download and store the SPICE binary kernel file
  name: "de421.bsp",
  target: "tmp/de421.bsp"

# Load the kernel
spk ="tmp/de421.bsp")

# Explore the kernel's capabilities
puts spk
# => SPK file with 15 segments:
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Mercury Barycenter (1)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Venus Barycenter (2)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Earth-moon Barycenter (3)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Mars Barycenter (4)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Jupiter Barycenter (5)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Saturn Barycenter (6)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Uranus Barycenter (7)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Neptune Barycenter (8)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Pluto Barycenter (9)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Sun (10)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Earth-moon Barycenter (3) -> Moon (301)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Earth-moon Barycenter (3) -> Earth (399)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Mercury Barycenter (1) -> Mercury (199)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Venus Barycenter (2) -> Venus (299)
# 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Mars Barycenter (4) -> Mars (499)

# Define the center and target bodies
center = 0 # Solar system barycenter
target = 5 # Jupiter

# Get the right segment
segment = spk[center, target]

# Explore the segment's capabilities
puts segment.describe(verbose: true)
# => 1899-07-29..2053-10-09 Type 2 Solar System Barycenter (0) -> Jupiter Barycenter (5)
# frame=1 source=DE-0421LE-0421

# Get the position and velocity of the target body at a given time
# The time is expressed in Julian Date
time = 2460676.5
state = segment.compute_and_differentiate(time)

# Display the position and velocity vectors
puts "Position: #{state.position}"
# => Position: Vector[157123190.6507038, 684298787.8592143, 289489366.7262833]
# The position is expressed in km

puts "Velocity: #{state.velocity}"
# => Velocity: Vector[-1117315.1437825128, 254177.26336095092, 136149.03901534996]
# The velocity is expressed in km/day


Data from this library has been tested against the Python library jplephem by Brandon Rhodes.

The following kernels have been used:

  • DE405
  • DE421
  • DE430t
  • DE440s

The times tested are noon UTC for every day between 2000-01-01 and 2050-01-01. Vectors tested are always with center 0 (Solar System Barycenter), and target from 1 (Mercury Barycenter) to 10 (Sun).

Rake tasks ensure data from this library match with jplephem with a margin error of 2 centimeters.

You can run them by following this pattern:

rake validate_accuracy date=2000 kernel=de440s target=1

Note: Only date=2000 is supported at the moment. It covers 2000 to 2050.

If you wish to test them all in parallel, you can run:

rake validate_accuracy:all

For every commit, one test is executed in CI to ensure quality and accuracy is always respected. At the moment, we don't run them all in CI to save usage time.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Documentation on SPK files and NASA JPL's Ephemeris Data

SPK files (Spacecraft and Planet Kernel files) from NASA JPL are part of the SPICE (Spacecraft Planet Instrument C-matrix Events) toolkit, used extensively in space science and planetary exploration.

SPK files are highly organized binary files containing precise positional and velocity data (ephemeris data).


The header contains metadata such as:

  • File version (e.g., SPK-0004)
  • Creation date
  • Producer information
  • Summary of contents (e.g., target objects, time intervals, reference frames)


Each file is divided into multiple segments, which store ephemeris data for specific objects over defined time intervals. A segment includes:

  • Target object: The celestial body or spacecraft described.
  • Time interval: Range of validity for the data.
  • Reference frame: Coordinate system (e.g., J2000, ICRF).
  • Data type: Format of ephemeris data (e.g., discrete states, Chebyshev polynomials).
Example of SPK Structure
SPK File
├── Header
│   ├── File Version: SPK-0004
│   ├── Producer: NASA JPL
│   └── Creation Date: 2025-01-01
└── Segments
    ├── Segment 1 (Earth-Moon System)
    │   ├── Time Interval: 2000-01-01 to 2050-01-01
    │   ├── Reference Frame: J2000
    │   └── Data: Chebyshev Polynomials
    └── Segment 2 (Earth-Sun System)
        ├── Time Interval: 2000-01-01 to 2050-01-01
        ├── Reference Frame: J2000
        └── Data: Chebyshev Polynomials

Data Blocks

Segments are further divided into data blocks, which store:

  • State vectors: Position and velocity of the object at specific times.
  • Time tags: Times at which the state vectors are valid.

Mathematical Representations in SPK Files

SPK files store data in various formats to balance precision and storage efficiency. The most common representation is Chebyshev polynomials, which provide smooth interpolation of positions and velocities.

Chebyshev polynomials approximate the position and velocity of an object over a time interval. They are computationally efficient and ensure minimal error across the interval.

Position(t) = Σ (Cᵢ * Tᵢ(t))
  • Cᵢ: Coefficients that define the polynomial terms.
  • Tᵢ(t): Chebyshev basis polynomials of the first kind.
  • t: Normalized time within the interval, scaled to the range [-1, 1].


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Ephem project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Compute astronomical ephemerides from NASA JPL Development Ephemerides




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