This is the directory of code, sample data and content of a book on 'spatial microsimulation' to be published by CRC Press in the R Series.
The current working draft can be viewed online on the book's homepage. Anyone can contribute to this book here.
Any questions about the book? Want to review an early version? Please contact me on
Building the book
To compile the book you will first need to download this repository. Do this by clicking the 'Download ZIP' button to the right or by cloning this repository. To clone this repo from a Linux terminal, for example, type:
git clone
Then navigate into the downloaded folder and open the spatial-microsim-book.Rproj
RStudio project file. The build.R file should contain everything you need to build the book, although you'll need to have installed a number of packages. These can be installed with the following command:
pkgs <- c("knitr", "rmarkdown", "png", "ggmap", "dplyr", "ipfp", "rgeos", "mipfp", "rgdal", "gridExtra", "tidyr", "mlogit", "simPop")
wpacks <- pkgs %in% installed.packages()
The GREGWT package can be installed as follows:
To install ipfp
on Ubuntu (tested with version 14.04, the latest 'long-term support' version at the time of writing) a number of additional packages are required. These can be installed from the command line with:
sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev liblapack3 libopenblas-base libopenblas-dev
The book build also requires up-to-dates version of pandoc and latex, with dependencies. On Ubuntu, these can be installed with:
sudo apt-get install pandoc
sudo apt-get install texlive
sudo apt-get install texlive-extra
sudo apt-get install lmodern
Building the website
The gh-pages branch of this repo contains the book's website.
Merges to the gh-pages website branch should only be one way: master -> gh-pages
# from within the master branch:
cp -v *.Rmd /tmp/ # copy all .Rmd files to temp folder
git checkout gh-pages # switch to website branch
mv /tmp/*.Rmd . # move copied files
rm book.* # remove book files
The build.R file in the gh-page
branch contains further information on building the website.
For more information about GitHub, please see the free online book Pro Git.