The project selected was the Farhenheit to celcius project or working with files as it was labeled. This project brought a new challenge as I never worked with a coding prject that used a .txt file to create another.
The coding was fairly straight forward except the part where i had to implent a new source of code so that it was able to read the .txt file. I spent quite a bit of time researching and reading the material just to understand what it was exactly asking me for.
Where could you enhance your code? How would these improvements make your code more efficient, secure, and so on?
I am always looking to better my coding process and methods as I spend what free time I have reading books or going on websites like
Which pieces of the code did you find most challenging to write, and how did you overcome this? What tools or resources are you adding to your support network?
The most challenging portion of this paticular project was just the implentation of .txt coding. Like I stated previously, I have never coded anything that uses an external source to complete the projects functionality. I used the resources and videos provided in order to overcome these challenges I faced.
Well I started a project of my own that uses other libraries and external soruces and for a while i could't find the necessary resources until this particular module. I plan to create my own AI with Harry potter twist. Thanks to this project I am now able to code it alot cleaner then before.
I used the industry best standards and practices. I would like to be more creative in the future as I preform better when given a little more freedom to my projects. I understand the need to stick the basics I have been taught and for now I will use those standards to further my knowledge.