- nama service
- signature key pada service tesebut
- unixtimestamp
This repository will be used to manage user and auth
L cmd → Contains the main entry point or initial configuration of the application
L common → Stores common functions used throughout the application
L config → Contains application configurations such as environment variables and other settings
L constants → Stores global constant values used across the application
L controllers → Manages control logic for handling HTTP requests
L database → Contains files related to database management
L seeders → Scripts for populating initial (seed) data into the database
L domain → The application's domain module containing core domain elements
L dto → Data Transfer Objects, used to define the structure of transferred data
L models → Object models representing the application's or database's data structure
L middlewares → Contains middleware for processing requests/responses before or after reaching the controller
L repositories → Contains data access logic for interacting with the database
L routes → Contains API route definitions
L services → Stores the application's core business logic
- Clone this repository
- go mod tidy
- copy .env.example to .env (if you want to run with consul)
- copy .config.json.example to .config.json
make watch-prepare (only for the first time or when you add new dependency)
make watch
docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate
make build